hansen7 / OcCo

[ICCV '21] "Unsupervised Point Cloud Pre-training via Occlusion Completion"
MIT License
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output format for PartNormalDataset #7

Closed cxlcl closed 4 years ago

cxlcl commented 4 years ago


As the PartNormalDataset dataloader for the part-seg task is not provided in the repository, I'm assuming that it is similar, if not the same, as the one here. But according to the training script (train_partseg.py), it seems that both the input and output of the dataloader have some slight differences from the original one. So could you please clarify the difference or provide the modified PartNormalDataset dataloader?


hansen7 commented 4 years ago

sorry I don't understand your question, would you mind providing some examples? what is the original dataloader you are referring to?

cxlcl commented 4 years ago

One of the dataloaders for ShapeNetPart https://github.com/hansen7/OcCo/blob/f5f2157ba4186ccaaa5d826b81a0af6222f1ee06/OcCo_Torch/train_partseg.py#L11 in train_partseg.py is not included in the repository. So the training script for the partseg task cannot be executed.

It seems that the dataloader is similar to the one here in PointNet++. But It turns out that both the input and output are slightly different.

hansen7 commented 4 years ago

Ohoh, just committed, thanks for noting this!