Overview of essential tools and concepts for bioacoustics research. All of the material is written using Jupyter notebooks (and MATLAB), tracked with GitHub, and built/hosted here by Read the Docs.
Follow these steps to open a notebook if you already have everything set up. If not, see the next section.
# activate the python environment
source activate jmatlab
# move to the project directory
cd ~/Projects/intro_acoustics/docs/
# start up jupyter notebooks
jupyter notebook
Here is a nice overview of various tools that can be used within Jupyter notebooks.
Happy coding!
I followed along with the tutorial here
Install python. I highly recommend installing using conda, which greatly simplifies managing Python environments and packages.
Create a virtual environment (called jmatlab
) to run a version of Python compatible with matlab. I'm using MATLAB_R2015a, which only runs up to Python 3.4.
conda create -vv -n jmatlab python=3.4 jupyter
If you screw up and create something that doesn't work, follow the steps here to delete an environment
Activate the environment
source activate jmatlab
Install the required packages
pip install matlab_kernel
python -m matlab_kernel install
5. Verify kernel installation
jupyter kernelspec list
1. Set up external Python engine
cd /Applications/MATLAB_R2015a.app/extern/engines/python
python setup.py install
Now you should be able to follow the steps above to [open a notebook](##Open-a-notebook)
## Set up `readthedocs`
You only need to follow these steps if you want to be able to generate the `readthedocs` website on your own machine. That can be very helpful for checking how changes will look *before* pushing them to GitHub, but it's not strictly necessary.
### Set up sphinx
Following along [here](https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro/getting-started-with-sphinx.html)
1. Install sphinx
pip install sphinx
2. Start sphinx in project repository
cd ~/Projects/intro_acoustics/docs sphinx-quickstart
3. Advance through prompts, selecting [almost] all defaults.
4. Install pretty theme
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
### Set up nbsphinx to parse `.ipynb` files
Following along [here](https://nbsphinx.readthedocs.io/en/0.4.2/)
1. Install nbsphinx
pip install nbsphinx
2. Open `docs/conf.py` and add `'nbsphinx'` to `extensions`
3. Add `*.ipynb` files to `toctree` in `index.rst`
### Build the docs
Building of the various `readthedocs` documentation (i.e., website or PDF booklet) is easily controlled with a makefile. These are the steps to build those documents:
1. Move to docs directory
cd ~/Projects/intro_acoustics/docs
2. Remove all previous versions
make clean
3. Make website
make html
All output files should be stored in `_build/html/`. Open `_build/html/index.html` to browse the website on your computer.
4. Make PDF booklet
make pdflatex
All output files should be stored in `_build/latex/`. The booklet should be in `_build/latex/intro-acoustics.pdf`