Required upgrade to Clinical Reasoning version within Hapi-Fhir to version 3.13, which contains several breaking changes to existing api's in the cr-module. This upgrade also coincides with some feature enhancements within hapi for various cpg and dQM components
dQM Changes
Timezone header
adding timezone header to fhir requests in order for users to drive offset of requests processed by dQM and clinical reasoning
integration with ZonedDateTime for defining measurement period for applicable operations.
if TZ is empty in header, the default TZ of request is UTC
dQM measure evaluation
integrate library evaluation instead of cql visitor expressions to increase caching performance of requests to the database.
Group level improvementNotation now accepted since group level scoring can be specified
enforcement of groupId on Multi-rate measures.
Fix for HAPI-0389 error if report parameter is null.
added new parameter notDocument to drive minimal response structure,
Subject parameter now allows same attribution options as $evaluate-measure (groups, patient, all patients, practitioner).
Inclusion of "prospective-gap" status calculation for applicable Measure resources.
Renamed parameters from plural to singular (measureIds->measureId, measureUrls->measureUrl, measureIdentifiers-> measureIdentifier, statuses->status).
Restricted Measure Profile of $care-gaps to only accept ratio/proportion scoring type, and require multi-rate measures to specify a groupId.
Multi-rate Measures can now create DetectedIssue per GroupComponent
The $apply operation will now always generate a Questionnaire from any action.input elements that reference a Profile. A populated QuestionnaireResponse will be returned with the generated Questionnaire contained within it.
Generated Questionnaire items from StructureDefinitions that reference a CPG Feature Expression will now have an SDC Questionnaire Item Population Context extension with the expression. The expression name will be set to the name of the StructureDefinition.
$populate now correctly expects the subject parameter to be a Reference rather than a String.
$populate will use "definition-based-population" with Item Population Context when the items have definitions.
$extract now uses the Questionnaire item for definition based extraction, the QuestionnaireResponse definition will only be used if the Questionnaire cannot be found by the server.
$extract now handles answers of type decimal or integer with a Questionnaire Unit extension correctly.
$extract now handles multiple resources being returned by the Item Extraction Context expression.
Added EvaluateProcessor for the Library/$evaluate operation.
Fixed operation processors not using the proxy repository when endpoints are passed in.
Added DataRequirementsVisitor and Processor for the $data-requirements operation.
$data-requirements operation added for the following resources: Library, PlanDefinition, Questionnaire, ValueSet
Required upgrade to Clinical Reasoning version within Hapi-Fhir to version 3.13, which contains several breaking changes to existing api's in the cr-module. This upgrade also coincides with some feature enhancements within hapi for various cpg and dQM components
dQM Changes
Timezone header
dQM measure evaluation