This modification introduces two changes in templates:
remove suffix -tcp on template controller.service.tcpPorts's name. Users add this suffix themselves if it's relevant to them.
limit length to 15 characters max according to RFC6335.
Avoid errors like:
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "release-name" with kind Deployment: Deployment.apps "release-name" is invalid: [spec.template.spec.containers[0].ports[6].name: Invalid value: "name-too-long-tcp": must be no more than 15 characters
PR looks good except that this might cause service name to end up with hyphen which is not allowed. Please change code to {{ .name | trunc 15 | trimSuffix "-" }} or let me know if you want me to edit your PR.
This modification introduces two changes in templates:
on template controller.service.tcpPorts's name. Users add this suffix themselves if it's relevant to them.