harlan-zw / nuxt-seo

The complete SEO solution for Nuxt.
1.04k stars 65 forks source link

Latest update broke our app #285

Closed ptdev closed 1 month ago

ptdev commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

After updating nuxt-seo to the latest version we now get console errors and our page titles are not working. Sometimes they show incomplete, other times show "undefined". Some pages stop loading completely half way through once there is an error.

This is what we got on the console:

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 10 57 08

We've fixed this for now by adding nuxt-seo to our package.json resolutions (yarn)

"resolutions": {
        "@nuxtjs/seo": "2.0.0-rc.16"


No response

System / Nuxt Info

- Operating System: `Darwin`
- Node Version:     `v20.16.0`
- Nuxt Version:     `3.12.4`
- CLI Version:      `3.12.0`
- Nitro Version:    `2.9.7`
- Package Manager:  `yarn@4.4.0`
- Builder:          `-`
- User Config:      `compatibilityDate`, `future`, `app`, `devtools`, `build`, `vite`, `site`, `ogImage`, `sitemap`, `robots`, `schemaOrg`, `runtimeConfig`, `nitro`, `components`, `css`, `modules`, `security`, `bootstrapVueNext`, `gtag`, `i18n`, `content`, `image`, `fonts`
- Runtime Modules:  `@nuxtjs/i18n@8.3.3`, `@nuxtjs/seo@2.0.0-rc.17`, `@nuxt/content@2.13.2`, `@nuxt/image@1.7.1-1722963801.771d590`, `@pinia/nuxt@0.5.3`, `@pinia-plugin-persistedstate/nuxt@1.2.1`, `@bootstrap-vue-next/nuxt@0.24.4`, `@vee-validate/nuxt@4.13.2`, `@vueuse/nuxt@10.11.0`, `floating-vue/nuxt`, `nuxt-gtag@2.1.0`, `nuxt-security@2.0.0-rc.9`, `vue3-carousel-nuxt@1.1.2`, `@nuxt/fonts@0.7.1`, `@nuxt/icon@1.4.5`, `nuxt-rating@0.1.5`
- Build Modules:    `-`
harlan-zw commented 1 month ago

Hi, sorry about this, seems like a plugin ordering issue between different environments.

Can you try out RC 18?

ptdev commented 1 month ago

No worries, confirming it has fixed our issue 👍