Hi I finished running QoRTs on my aligned reads and then transferred the output files to my laptop. Upon opening the "QC.makeMultiplot.R" file I am greeted with some parameters relating to file locations etc which I proceed in changing as I've move my files to my laptop. However, once I try to run the script I get this error:
unique.ID <- c("ftp3013_KOA_xAligned");
qc.data.dir <- c("D:/D_Downloads/qc_collection/QoRTs_output/ftp3013_KOA_xAligned/");
qc.data.prefix <- c("");
decoder.raw <- data.frame(unique.ID = as.character(unique.ID), qc.data.dir = as.character(qc.data.dir), qc.data.prefix=as.character(qc.data.prefix),stringsAsFactors=FALSE);
decoder <- completeAndCheckDecoder(decoder = decoder.raw)
message(lapply(names(decoder), function(n){ class(decoder[[n]]) }));
res <- read.qc.results.data("", decoder = decoder, calc.DESeq2 = FALSE, calc.edgeR = FALSE);
Note: no input.read.pair.count column found. This column is optional, but without it mapping rates cannot be calculated.
Note: no multi.mapped.read.pair.count column found. This column is optional, but without it (depending on how your aligner implements multi-mapping) multi-mapping rates might not be plotted.
WARNING: QoRTs run absent! Dir not found: D:/D_Downloads/qc_collection/QoRTs_output/ftp3013_KOA_xAligned/!
Error in read.in.results.data.with.decoder(decoder = decoder.final, infile.dir = infile.dir, :
Fatal error: QoRTs run data not found! Use autodetectMissingSamples = TRUE to automatically skip these runs
makeMultiPlot.basic(res, outfile = "D:/D_Downloads/qc_collection/QoRTs_output/ftp3013_KOA_xAligned/QC.multiPlot.pdf", plotter.params = list(std.color = "blue", std.lines.lwd = 4), plot.device.name = "pdf");
Error in build.plotter.basic.helper(res, res@decoder$lane.ID, compiled.params = compiled.params, :
object 'res' not found
I can't get any plots to generate because of this and there is no issue with accessing the file location.
Hi you probably have a error in the decoder.txt file.
The error should be that the name in the decoder file do not match with the name of the folder in the "QoRTs_output/" directory.
Hi I finished running QoRTs on my aligned reads and then transferred the output files to my laptop. Upon opening the "QC.makeMultiplot.R" file I am greeted with some parameters relating to file locations etc which I proceed in changing as I've move my files to my laptop. However, once I try to run the script I get this error:
I can't get any plots to generate because of this and there is no issue with accessing the file location.