haruto830 / pflist-frontend

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Nuxt.jsのプロジェクトを作成する #2

Closed nsuzuki7713 closed 5 years ago

nsuzuki7713 commented 5 years ago


nsuzuki7713 commented 5 years ago


nsuzuki7713 commented 5 years ago

公式ドキュメント 実行コマンド

$ npx create-nuxt-app pflist-frontend
npx: installed 379 in 13.074s
> Generating Nuxt.js project in /Users/suzuki_naoto/private_project/pflist-frontend
? Project name pflist-frontend
? Project description My luminous Nuxt.js project
? Use a custom server framework none
? Choose features to install Linter / Formatter, Prettier, Axios
? Use a custom UI framework vuetify
? Use a custom test framework none
? Choose rendering mode Universal
? Author name nsuzuki7713
? Choose a package manager yarn
yarn run v1.16.0
$ eslint --ext .js,.vue --ignore-path .gitignore . --fix
✨  Done in 3.08s.

  To get started:

    cd pflist-frontend
    yarn run dev

  To build & start for production:

    cd pflist-frontend
    yarn run build
    yarn start