harvard-lil / perma-capture

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
3 stars 6 forks source link


test status codecov


Spin up some containers

Start up the Docker containers in the background:

$ docker-compose up -d

The first time this runs it will build the Docker images, which may take several minutes. (After the first time, it should only take 1-3 seconds.)

Then log into the main Docker container:

$ docker-compose exec web bash

(Commands from here on out that start with # are being run in Docker.)

Get the database ready

Migrate the database:

# ./manage.py migrate

Create an admin user (you will be prompted for a placeholder email address, name, and password):

# ./manage.py createsuperuser

Option one: run Django with pre-compiled JS and CSS

(runs faster)

Spin up the development server:

# fab run

The first time this runs it will build the Scoop image, which may take a minute or two. (After the first time, it should only take 1-3 seconds.)

Option two: run Django and re-compile JS and CSS on the fly

(tighter development loop during front-end development)

Install the node dependencies:

# cd frontend
# yarn install
# cd ../

Spin up the development server:

# fab run_fullstack

The first time this runs it will build the Scoop image, which may take a minute or two. (After the first time, it should be faster, but still takes a bit to start up, and takes a bit again when you first load a page.)

Log in and explore

Visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser. You should be able to log in using the admin credentials you created earlier.

To test the API directly, first visit http://localhost:8000/user/account/ to find your API key.

Check out the User Guide at /docs/ for more info.


When you are finished, spin down Docker containers by running:

$ docker-compose down

Your database will persist and will load automatically the next time you run docker-compose up -d.

Or, you can clean up everything Docker-related, so you can start fresh, as with a new installation:

$ bash docker/clean.sh


Test Commands

  1. pytest runs python tests
  2. flake8 runs python lints


Coverage will be generated automatically for all manually-run tests.


We use standard Django migrations


Contributions to this project should be made in individual forks and then merged by pull request. Here's an outline:

  1. Fork and clone the project.
  2. Make a branch for your feature: git branch feature-1
  3. Commit your changes with git add and git commit. (git diff --staged is handy here!)
  4. Push your branch to your fork: git push origin feature-1
  5. Submit a pull request to the upstream develop through GitHub.


This codebase is Copyright 2020 The President and Fellows of Harvard College and is licensed under the open-source AGPLv3 for public use and modification. See LICENSE for details.