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Automating basic site tasks (utility to create multiple sites) #296

Closed chriscalip closed 7 years ago

chriscalip commented 8 years ago

Who wants it? Can we have it?

Lets have a drush script that automates basic site tasks :

Based on the utility tool provided by drupal.org/project/quickstart Getting started with Quickstart Automating basic site tasks https://www.drupal.org/node/819398

drush quickstart-create example1.drupal.local drush qc example1.drupal.local --make=drupal7.make drush quickstart-destroy example1.drupal.local drush qd example1.drupal.local

chriscalip commented 8 years ago

By extension this requires host_synced_folder a.) Host folder as dictated by vlad_settings.yml host_synced_folder b) Corresponding virtual-machine instance points to maybe /var/www/sites/ instead of /var/www/sites/docroot/ , or make this configurable instead

dixhuit commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure I completely understand what it is you're looking to do here. Most if not all of this is already achievable with Vlad already (albeit not all via a Drush script).

chriscalip commented 8 years ago

Right the idea is to have a configurable and reproducible ability to create a site in the vm instance. For example I want to create these sites in the vm instance : example1.drupal.local example2.drupal.local example3.drupal.local example4.drupal.local

So, to accomplish these tasks.. should be easy as doing : drush qc --domain=example1.drupal.local drush qc --domain=example2.drupal.local drush qc --domain=example3.drupal.local drush qc --domain=example4.drupal.local

These does update etc/apache2/sites-available, etc/apache2/sites-enable, creates database schemas (example1,example2,example3,example4), update corresponding site /sites/default/settings.php files.

the problem with vm instance /var/www/drupal7_install.sh and rest of bash scripts.. is these scripts are hard-coded to just docroot :(

I know it's hard because this feature requires the ability to update HOST machine /etc/hosts file to also include the new domains.