hashicorp / field-workshops-terraform

Slide decks and Instruqt code for Terraform Workshops
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Break cloud workshops into shorter tracks #87

Closed scarolan closed 4 years ago

scarolan commented 4 years ago

We inevitably seem to have people who, for various reasons, need to start a track in the middle. Whether it's a failed workstation, or because they arrived late, or left the training and came back, we run into this scenario.

If we can somehow break the TF cloud workshops into four or five shorter tracks it will be easier to help people who have fallen behind catch up. It also makes the content a bit more modular.

scarolan commented 4 years ago

One major concern I have about this is the impact of quadrupling the number of track startup events that Instruqt has to support. In one sense, the "mono-track" is safer because once it is up and running, they are generally stable for the entire day. By requiring the setup to happen 4 times we expose ourselves to more risk.

scarolan commented 4 years ago

now that we have a reliable skip to challenge, i'm much more inclined to leave the longer terraform tracks in place.