hashicorp / nomad

Nomad is an easy-to-use, flexible, and performant workload orchestrator that can deploy a mix of microservice, batch, containerized, and non-containerized applications. Nomad is easy to operate and scale and has native Consul and Vault integrations.
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Overriding sidecar_task docker config overrides other settings #11497

Open spaulg opened 2 years ago

spaulg commented 2 years ago

Nomad version

Nomad v1.1.4 (acd3d7889328ad1df2895eb714e2cbe3dd9c6d82)

Operating system and Environment details

Vagrant with Virtualbox running Ubuntu focal Linux ubuntu-focal-node1 5.4.0-84-generic #94-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 26 20:27:37 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


When creating a job that sets a sidecar_task stanza, I override some of the docker config to pass custom Envoy flags to change the log formatting rules. By doing so Nomad seems to use job wide default resource and log manager config rather than the default values used by the sidecar. The sidecar ends up with 300MB instead of 128MB, and log rotation set to 10 max files instead of 2.

So it applies:


instead of


Reproduction steps

Create a job that overrides the docker config in sidecar_task stanza. The default resources of a sidecar use the normal job defaults instead of the sidecar specific defaults, casuing more resources to be used than expected.

Expected Result

I expected Nomad to merge the inbuilt sidecar defaults with my own overrides. Resources should remain as documented on the page https://www.nomadproject.io/docs/job-specification/sidecar_task#default-envoy-configuration rather than https://www.nomadproject.io/docs/job-specification/resources#memory, if the memory has not been overridden by me.

Actual Result

Memory allocated used job defaults of 300MB.

Job file (if appropriate)

job elasticsearch {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type = "service"

  reschedule {
    delay = "5s"
    delay_function = "constant"
    unlimited = true

  group "elasticsearch" {
    count = 1

    restart {
      attempts = 3
      delay = "0s"
      mode = "fail"

    volume "elasticsearch" {
      type = "host"
      read_only = false
      source = "elasticsearch"

    network {
      mode = "bridge"

    service {
      name = "elasticsearch"
      port = "9200"

      connect {
        sidecar_service { }

        sidecar_task {
          config {
            args = [
              "{\"level_name\": \"%l\", \"file\": \"%g\", \"message\": \"%j\"}",

            logging {
              type = "journald"

    task "elasticsearch" {
      user = "790"
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "elasticsearch:7.10.1"
        volumes = ["elasticsearch.yml:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml"]

        logging {
          type = "journald"

        ulimit {
          memlock = "-1"

      volume_mount {
        volume   = "elasticsearch"
        destination = "/usr/share/elasticsearch/data"
        read_only   = false

      env {
        ES_JAVA_OPTS = "-Xms512m -Xmx512m"

      template {
        data = <<EOH
node.name: "es1"
cluster.name: "es"

bootstrap.memory_lock: true
cluster.initial_master_nodes: "es1"

xpack.security.enabled: false
xpack.monitoring.enabled: false
xpack.graph.enabled: false
xpack.watcher.enabled: false
        destination = "elasticsearch.yml"

      resources {
        cpu    = 100
        memory = 1024

Nomad Server logs (if appropriate)


Nomad Client logs (if appropriate)


tgross commented 2 years ago

Hi @spaulg! The sidecar task is run as a real task and setting anything in the sidecar_task will override the entire definition as you've seen. This is by design but it doesn't look like the behavior is well-documented. I can definitely see a case for making it "merge" but doing that in a backwards-compatible way at this point might not be feasible.

I'm going to mark this as a documentation issue to fix and as a feature request for merging the task config for further discussion.