hashicorp / packer

Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
15.06k stars 3.32k forks source link

Remote ESXi builder failing on retrieving VM ip. ESXi 6.0, packer 1.0 #5033

Closed igor58-repo closed 5 years ago

igor58-repo commented 7 years ago

I'm using a ESXi 6.0 host for testing packer and I've been trying to get the vmware-iso remote ESXi builder to work. With packer 1.0. I get to the point where packer tries to retrieve the guest IP with "esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w #######" but errors out saying it cannot find the ip.

Packer log:

2017/06/15 08:41:00 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Packer Target OS/Arch: linux amd64
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Detected home directory from env var: /root
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for hyperv-iso
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-iso
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for amazon-instance
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for digitalocean
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for file
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for oneandone
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for openstack
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebs
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebsvolume
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for null
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for profitbricks
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for cloudstack
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for azure-arm
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for docker
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for parallels-pvm
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for qemu
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for triton
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebssurrogate
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for vmware-iso
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for converge
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for salt-masterless
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for chef-client
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for chef-solo
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for shell
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for ansible-local
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for file
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for puppet-masterless
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for puppet-server
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for ansible
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for powershell
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for windows-restart
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for windows-shell
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for checksum
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for docker-save
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for docker-tag
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for atlas
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for manifest
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for compress
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for googlecompute-export
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for vagrant-cloud
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for vsphere
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for docker-import
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for artifice
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for docker-push
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for vagrant
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Using internal plugin for amazon-import
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Detected home directory from env var: /root
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Attempting to open config file: /root/.packerconfig
2017/06/15 08:41:00 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /root/.packerconfig
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[null:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-null googlecompute:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-googlecompute qemu:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-qemu virtualbox-ovf:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf amazon-chroot:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-chroot vmware-iso:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-iso amazon-ebsvolume:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebsvolume digitalocean:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-digitalocean file:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-file oneandone:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-oneandone parallels-iso:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-iso amazon-ebs:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebs cloudstack:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-cloudstack parallels-pvm:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-pvm vmware-vmx:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-vmx virtualbox-iso:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-iso amazon-instance:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-instance azure-arm:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-azure-arm triton:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-triton amazon-ebssurrogate:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebssurrogate hyperv-iso:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-hyperv-iso profitbricks:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-profitbricks docker:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-docker openstack:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-openstack] PostProcessors:map[docker-save:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-save docker-tag:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-tag atlas:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-atlas manifest:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-manifest shell-local:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-shell-local vagrant-cloud:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud checksum:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-checksum artifice:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-artifice vagrant:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant amazon-import:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-amazon-import compress:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-compress vsphere:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere docker-import:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-import docker-push:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-push googlecompute-export:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-googlecompute-export] Provisioners:map[ansible:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible powershell:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-powershell windows-shell:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-shell converge:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-converge shell:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell shell-local:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell-local puppet-server:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-server chef-solo:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-solo file:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-file windows-restart:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-restart puppet-masterless:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless salt-masterless:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-salt-masterless chef-client:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-client ansible-local:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible-local]}
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Setting cache directory: /home/git/chief-masterhost/ubuntu/packer_cache
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Loading builder: vmware-iso
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Current exe path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Creating plugin client for path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Starting plugin: /usr/local/bin/packer []string{"/usr/local/bin/packer", "plugin", "packer-builder-vmware-iso"}
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Waiting for RPC address for: /usr/local/bin/packer
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Detected home directory from env var: /root
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 [INFO] Packer version: 1.0.0
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 Packer Target OS/Arch: linux amd64
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 Built with Go Version: go1.8
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 Detected home directory from env var: /root
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 Attempting to open config file: /root/.packerconfig
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /root/.packerconfig
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 Setting cache directory: /home/git/chief-masterhost/ubuntu/packer_cache
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 args: []string{"packer-builder-vmware-iso"}
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 Plugin address: unix /tmp/packer-plugin255655097
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 Waiting for connection...
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 Detected home directory from env var: /root
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 Serving a plugin connection...
2017/06/15 08:41:00 ui: vmware-iso output will be in this color.
2017/06/15 08:41:00 ui: 
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Build debug mode: false
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Force build: false
2017/06/15 08:41:00 On error: 
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Preparing build: vmware-iso
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Waiting on builds to complete...
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Starting build run: vmware-iso
2017/06/15 08:41:00 Running builder: vmware-iso
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 reconnecting to TCP connection for SSH
2017/06/15 08:41:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:00 handshaking with SSH
2017/06/15 08:41:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:01 Keyboard interactive challenge:
2017/06/15 08:41:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:01 -- User:
2017/06/15 08:41:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:01 -- Instructions:
2017/06/15 08:41:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:01 -- Question 1: Password:
2017/06/15 08:41:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:01 Keyboard interactive challenge:
2017/06/15 08:41:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:01 -- User:
2017/06/15 08:41:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:01 -- Instructions:
2017/06/15 08:41:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:01 handshake complete!
2017/06/15 08:41:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:01 [INFO] no local agent socket, will not connect agent
2017/06/15 08:41:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:01 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:41:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:01 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv system version get
2017/06/15 08:41:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:01 Connected to VMware ESXi 6.0.0 Releasebuild-3620759
2017/06/15 08:41:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:01 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:41:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:01 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv system settings advanced list -o /Net/GuestIPHack
2017/06/15 08:41:02 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Downloading or copying ISO
2017/06/15 08:41:02 ui:     vmware-iso: Downloading or copying: http://mirror.yandex.ru/ubuntu-releases/16.04.2/ubuntu-16.04.2-server-amd64.iso
2017/06/15 08:41:02 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:02 Acquiring lock to download: http://mirror.yandex.ru/ubuntu-releases/16.04.2/ubuntu-16.04.2-server-amd64.iso
2017/06/15 08:41:02 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:02 Verifying checksum of /home/git/chief-masterhost/ubuntu/packer_cache/8f9277189b126f4f3175bf43485c63857ae18125022979fc9858bff0937f33ff.iso
2017/06/15 08:41:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:14 [DEBUG] Initial checksum matched, no download needed.
2017/06/15 08:41:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:14 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:41:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:14 starting remote command: test -e /vmfs/volumes/***/ubuntu/output-vmware-iso
2017/06/15 08:41:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:14 Remote command exited with '1': test -e /vmfs/volumes/***/ubuntu/output-vmware-iso
2017/06/15 08:41:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:14 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:41:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:14 starting remote command: mkdir -p /vmfs/volumes/***GB/ubuntu/output-vmware-iso
2017/06/15 08:41:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:14 No floppy files specified. Floppy disk will not be made.
2017/06/15 08:41:14 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Uploading ISO to remote machine...
2017/06/15 08:41:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:14 Remote uploading: /home/git/***/ubuntu/packer_cache/8f9277189b126f4f3175bf43485c63857ae18125022979fc9858bff0937f33ff.iso
2017/06/15 08:41:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:14 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:41:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:14 starting remote command: mkdir -p /vmfs/volumes/***GB/packer_cache
2017/06/15 08:41:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:14 Verifying checksum of /vmfs/volumes/***GB/packer_cache/8f9277189b126f4f3175bf43485c63857ae18125022979fc9858bff0937f33ff.iso
2017/06/15 08:41:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:14 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:41:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:14 starting remote command: sha256sum -c
2017/06/15 08:41:50 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:50 Initial checksum matched, no upload needed.
2017/06/15 08:41:50 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Creating virtual machine disk
2017/06/15 08:41:50 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:50 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:41:50 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:50 starting remote command: vmkfstools -c 7000M -d zeroedthick -a lsilogic /vmfs/volumes/***GB/ubuntu/output-vmware-iso/disk.vmdk
2017/06/15 08:41:51 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Building and writing VMX file
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Writing VMX to: /tmp/packer-vmx789051076/ubuntu.vmx
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Setting VMX: 'memsize' = '512'
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Setting VMX: 'cpuid.coresPerSocket' = '1'
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Setting VMX: 'ethernet0.present' = 'true'
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Setting VMX: 'ethernet0.startConnected' = 'true'
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Setting VMX: 'ethernet0.virtualDev' = 'e1000'
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Setting VMX: 'RemoteDisplay.vnc.webSocket.port' = '5900'
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Setting VMX: 'ethernet0.networkName' = '***'
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Setting VMX: 'numvcpus' = '1'
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Writing VMX to: /tmp/packer-vmx789051076/ubuntu.vmx
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Suppressing messages in VMX
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Trying port: 8446
2017/06/15 08:41:51 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Starting HTTP server on port 8446
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Looking for available port between 5900 and 6000
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network ip connection list
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address, port 5904 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address :::5904, port 5904 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address, port 5903 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address :::5903, port 5903 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address, port 5901 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address :::5901, port 5901 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address, port 5900 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address :::5900, port 5900 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address :::5989, port 5989 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address ::1:8889, port 8889 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address fe80:2::207:e9ff:fe5a:7c5f:427, port 427 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address ***:427, port 427 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address, port 443 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address :::443, port 443 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address, port 80 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address :::80, port 80 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address :::22, port 22 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address, port 22 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address :::902, port 902 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address, port 902 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address :::8000, port 8000 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address :::8100, port 8100 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address :::8300, port 8300 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 ESXi listening on address ::1:2233, port 2233 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Port 5900 in use
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Port 5901 in use
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Trying address: ***...
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Found available VNC port: 5902
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Writing VMX to: /tmp/packer-vmx789051076/ubuntu.vmx
2017/06/15 08:41:51 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Registering remote VM...
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Starting remote scp process:  scp -vt /vmfs/volumes/***GB/ubuntu/output-vmware-iso
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Started SCP session, beginning transfers...
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 Copying input data into temporary file so we can read the length
2017/06/15 08:41:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:51 [DEBUG] scp: Uploading ubuntu.vmx: perms=C0644 size=2501
2017/06/15 08:41:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:52 SCP session complete, closing stdin pipe.
2017/06/15 08:41:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:52 Waiting for SSH session to complete.
2017/06/15 08:41:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:52 scp stderr (length 28): Sink: C0644 2501 ubuntu.vmx
2017/06/15 08:41:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:52 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:41:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:52 starting remote command: vim-cmd solo/registervm /vmfs/volumes/***GB/ubuntu/output-vmware-iso/ubuntu.vmx
2017/06/15 08:41:52 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Starting virtual machine...
2017/06/15 08:41:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:52 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:41:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:52 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on 77
2017/06/15 08:41:54 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:54 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:41:54 packer: 2017/06/15 08:41:54 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 77
2017/06/15 08:41:54 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Waiting 10s for boot...
2017/06/15 08:42:04 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Connecting to VM via VNC
2017/06/15 08:42:04 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:04 Connected to VNC desktop: ubuntu
2017/06/15 08:42:04 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:04 Host IP for the VMware machine: ***
2017/06/15 08:42:04 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Typing the boot command over VNC...
2017/06/15 08:42:04 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:04 Special code '<enter>' found, replacing with: 65293
2017/06/15 08:42:04 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:04 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:42:05 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:05 Special code '<f6>' found, replacing with: 65475
2017/06/15 08:42:06 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:06 Special code '<esc>' found, replacing with: 65307
2017/06/15 08:42:06 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:06 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:06 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:06 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:06 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:06 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:12 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:12 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:12 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:12 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:12 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:12 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:12 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:12 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:13 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:13 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:13 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:13 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:13 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:13 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:13 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:13 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:13 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:13 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:14 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:14 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:14 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:14 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:14 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:15 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:15 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:15 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:15 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:15 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:15 Special code '<bs>' found, replacing with: 65288
2017/06/15 08:42:22 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:22 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:23 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:23 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:23 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:23 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:23 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:23 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:23 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:23 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:23 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:23 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:24 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:24 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:24 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:24 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:24 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:24 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:24 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:24 Sending char 'v', code 118, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:24 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:24 Sending char 'm', code 109, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:25 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:25 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:25 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:25 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:25 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:25 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:25 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:25 Sending char 'u', code 117, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:25 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:25 Sending char 'z', code 122, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:26 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:26 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:42:27 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:27 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:27 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:27 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:27 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:27 Sending char 'u', code 117, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:27 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:27 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:27 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:27 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:28 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:28 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:42:29 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:29 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:29 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:29 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:29 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:29 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:29 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:29 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:29 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:29 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:30 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:30 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:30 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:30 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:30 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:30 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:30 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:30 Sending char '-', code 45, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:30 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:30 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:31 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:31 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:31 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:31 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:31 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:31 Sending char 'u', code 117, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:31 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:31 Sending char 'p', code 112, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:31 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:31 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:32 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:32 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:32 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:32 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:32 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:32 Sending char 'k', code 107, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:32 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:32 Sending char '_', code 95, shift true
2017/06/15 08:42:32 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:32 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:33 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:33 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:33 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:33 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:33 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:33 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:33 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:33 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:34 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:34 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:34 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:34 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:34 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:34 Sending char 'f', code 102, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:34 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:34 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:34 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:34 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:35 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:35 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:35 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:35 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:35 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:35 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:42:36 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:36 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:36 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:36 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:36 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:36 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:37 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:37 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:37 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:37 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:37 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:37 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:37 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:37 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:37 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:37 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:38 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:38 Sending char '-', code 45, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:38 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:38 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:38 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:38 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:38 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:38 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:38 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:38 Sending char 'u', code 117, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:39 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:39 Sending char 'p', code 112, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:39 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:39 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:39 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:39 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:39 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:39 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:39 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:39 Sending char 'y', code 121, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:40 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:40 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:40 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:40 Sending char 'u', code 117, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:40 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:40 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:40 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:40 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:40 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:40 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:41 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:41 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:41 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:41 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:41 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:41 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:41 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:41 Sending char 'u', code 117, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:41 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:41 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:42 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:42 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:42:43 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:43 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:43 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:43 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:43 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:43 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:43 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:43 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:43 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:43 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:44 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:44 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:44 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:44 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:44 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:44 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:44 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:44 Sending char '-', code 45, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:44 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:44 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:45 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:45 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:45 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:45 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:45 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:45 Sending char 'u', code 117, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:45 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:45 Sending char 'p', code 112, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:45 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:45 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:46 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:46 Sending char 'm', code 109, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:46 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:46 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:46 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:46 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:46 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:46 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:46 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:46 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:47 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:47 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:47 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:47 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:47 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:47 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:47 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:47 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:47 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:47 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:48 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:48 Sending char 'p', code 112, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:48 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:48 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:48 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:48 Sending char '1', code 49, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:48 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:48 Sending char '0', code 48, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:48 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:48 Sending char '5', code 53, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:49 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:49 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:42:50 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:50 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:50 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:50 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:50 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:50 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:50 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:50 Sending char 'b', code 98, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:50 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:50 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:51 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:51 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:51 Sending char 'f', code 102, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:51 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:51 Sending char 'f', code 102, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:52 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:52 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:52 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:52 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:52 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:53 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:53 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:53 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:53 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:53 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:53 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:53 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:53 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:53 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:53 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:54 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:54 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:54 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:54 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:54 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:54 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:54 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:54 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:54 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:54 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:55 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:55 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:55 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:55 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:55 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:55 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:55 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:55 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:55 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:55 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:56 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:56 Sending char 'v', code 118, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:56 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:56 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:56 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:56 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:42:57 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:57 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:57 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:57 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:57 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:57 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:58 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:58 Sending char 'b', code 98, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:58 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:58 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:58 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:58 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:58 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:58 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:58 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:58 Sending char '-', code 45, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:59 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:59 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:59 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:59 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:59 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:59 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:59 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:59 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:42:59 packer: 2017/06/15 08:42:59 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:00 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:00 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:00 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:00 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:00 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:01 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:01 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:01 Sending char '_', code 95, shift true
2017/06/15 08:43:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:01 Sending char 'U', code 85, shift true
2017/06/15 08:43:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:01 Sending char 'S', code 83, shift true
2017/06/15 08:43:02 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:02 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:43:03 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:03 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:03 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:03 Sending char 'f', code 102, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:03 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:03 Sending char 'b', code 98, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:03 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:03 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:03 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:03 Sending char 'f', code 102, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:04 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:04 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:04 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:04 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:04 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:04 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:04 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:04 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:04 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:04 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:43:05 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:05 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:06 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:06 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:06 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:06 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:06 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:06 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:06 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:06 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:06 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:06 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:07 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:07 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:07 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:07 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:07 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:07 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:07 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:07 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:07 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:07 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:08 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:08 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:08 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:08 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:08 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:08 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:08 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:08 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:08 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:08 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:09 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:09 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:09 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:09 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:09 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:09 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:09 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:09 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:09 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:09 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:10 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:10 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:10 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:10 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:10 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:10 Sending char '.', code 46, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:10 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:10 Sending char 'g', code 103, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:10 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:10 Sending char 'z', code 122, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:11 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:11 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:43:12 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:12 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:12 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:12 Sending char 'k', code 107, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:12 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:12 Sending char 'b', code 98, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:12 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:12 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:12 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:12 Sending char '-', code 45, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:13 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:13 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:13 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:13 Sending char 'h', code 104, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:13 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:13 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:13 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:13 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:13 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:13 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:14 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:14 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:14 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:14 Sending char 'm', code 109, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:14 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:14 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:15 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:15 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:15 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:15 Sending char 'h', code 104, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:15 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:15 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:15 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:15 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:15 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:15 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:16 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:16 Sending char 'u', code 117, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:16 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:16 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:16 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:16 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:43:17 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:17 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:17 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:17 Sending char 'k', code 107, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:18 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:18 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:18 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:18 Sending char 'y', code 121, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:18 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:18 Sending char 'b', code 98, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:18 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:18 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:18 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:18 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:19 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:19 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:19 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:19 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:19 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:19 Sending char '-', code 45, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:19 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:19 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:19 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:19 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:20 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:20 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:20 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:20 Sending char 'f', code 102, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:20 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:20 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:20 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:20 Sending char 'g', code 103, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:20 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:20 Sending char 'u', code 117, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:21 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:21 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:21 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:21 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:21 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:21 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:21 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:21 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:21 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:21 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:22 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:22 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:22 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:22 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:22 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:22 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:22 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:22 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:22 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:22 Sending char 'y', code 121, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:23 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:23 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:23 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:23 Sending char 'u', code 117, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:23 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:23 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:23 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:23 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:23 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:23 Sending char 'U', code 85, shift true
2017/06/15 08:43:24 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:24 Sending char 'S', code 83, shift true
2017/06/15 08:43:24 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:24 Sending char 'A', code 65, shift true
2017/06/15 08:43:24 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:24 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:43:25 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:25 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:25 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:25 Sending char 'k', code 107, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:25 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:25 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:26 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:26 Sending char 'y', code 121, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:26 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:26 Sending char 'b', code 98, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:26 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:26 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:26 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:26 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:26 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:26 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:27 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:27 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:27 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:27 Sending char '-', code 45, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:27 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:27 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:27 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:27 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:27 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:27 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:28 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:28 Sending char 'f', code 102, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:28 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:28 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:28 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:28 Sending char 'g', code 103, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:28 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:28 Sending char 'u', code 117, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:28 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:28 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:29 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:29 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:29 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:29 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:29 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:29 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:29 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:29 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:29 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:29 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:30 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:30 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:30 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:30 Sending char 'v', code 118, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:30 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:30 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:30 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:30 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:30 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:30 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:31 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:31 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:31 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:31 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:31 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:31 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:31 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:31 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:31 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:31 Sending char 'U', code 85, shift true
2017/06/15 08:43:32 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:32 Sending char 'S', code 83, shift true
2017/06/15 08:43:32 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:32 Sending char 'A', code 65, shift true
2017/06/15 08:43:32 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:32 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:43:33 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:33 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:33 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:33 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:33 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:33 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:34 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:34 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:34 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:34 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:34 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:34 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:34 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:34 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:34 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:34 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:35 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:35 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:35 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:35 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:35 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:35 Sending char '_', code 95, shift true
2017/06/15 08:43:35 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:35 Sending char 'U', code 85, shift true
2017/06/15 08:43:35 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:35 Sending char 'S', code 83, shift true
2017/06/15 08:43:36 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:36 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:43:37 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:37 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:37 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:37 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:37 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:37 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:37 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:37 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:37 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:37 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:38 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:38 Sending char 'f', code 102, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:38 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:38 Sending char 'g', code 103, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:38 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:38 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:38 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:38 Sending char 'g', code 103, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:38 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:38 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:39 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:39 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:39 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:39 Sending char '_', code 95, shift true
2017/06/15 08:43:39 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:39 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:39 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:39 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:39 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:39 Sending char 'm', code 109, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:40 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:40 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:40 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:40 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:40 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:40 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:40 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:40 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:40 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:40 Sending char 'v', code 118, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:41 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:41 Sending char 'm', code 109, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:41 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:41 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:43:42 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:42 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:42 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:42 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:42 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:42 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:42 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:42 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:43 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:43 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:43 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:43 Sending char 'f', code 102, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:43 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:43 Sending char 'g', code 103, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:43 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:43 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:43 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:43 Sending char 'g', code 103, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:44 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:44 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:44 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:44 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:44 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:44 Sending char '_', code 95, shift true
2017/06/15 08:43:44 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:44 Sending char 'h', code 104, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:44 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:44 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:45 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:45 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:45 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:45 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:45 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:45 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:45 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:45 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:45 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:45 Sending char 'm', code 109, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:46 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:46 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:46 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:46 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:46 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:46 Sending char 'v', code 118, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:46 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:46 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:46 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:46 Sending char 'g', code 103, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:47 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:47 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:47 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:47 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:47 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:47 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:47 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:47 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:47 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:47 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:43:48 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:48 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:49 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:49 Sending char 'g', code 103, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:49 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:49 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:49 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:49 Sending char 'u', code 117, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:49 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:49 Sending char 'b', code 98, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:49 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:49 Sending char '-', code 45, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:50 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:50 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:50 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:50 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:50 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:50 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:50 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:50 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:50 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:50 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:51 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:51 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:51 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:51 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:51 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:51 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:52 Sending char 'b', code 98, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:52 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:52 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:52 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:52 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:52 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:53 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:53 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:53 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:53 Sending char 'v', code 118, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:53 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:53 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:53 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:53 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:53 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:53 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:54 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:54 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:54 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:54 Sending char 'v', code 118, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:54 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:54 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:54 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:54 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:54 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:54 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:55 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:55 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:55 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:55 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:43:56 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:56 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:56 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:56 Sending char 'n', code 110, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:56 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:56 Sending char 'o', code 111, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:56 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:56 Sending char 'a', code 97, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:57 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:57 Sending char 'p', code 112, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:57 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:57 Sending char 'i', code 105, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:57 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:57 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:57 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:57 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:43:58 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:58 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:58 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:58 Sending char 'p', code 112, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:59 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:59 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:59 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:59 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:59 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:59 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:59 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:59 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:43:59 packer: 2017/06/15 08:43:59 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:00 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:00 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:00 Sending char 'u', code 117, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:00 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:00 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:00 Sending char 'l', code 108, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:01 Sending char '=', code 61, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:01 Sending char 'h', code 104, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:01 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:01 Sending char 't', code 116, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:01 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:01 Sending char 'p', code 112, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:02 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:02 Sending char ':', code 58, shift true
2017/06/15 08:44:02 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:02 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:02 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:02 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:02 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:02 Sending char '*', code 49, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:03 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:03 Sending char '*', code 55, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:03 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:03 Sending char '*', code 50, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:03 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:03 Sending char '.', code 46, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:03 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:03 Sending char '*', code 49, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:03 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:03 Sending char '*', code 55, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:04 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:04 Sending char '.', code 46, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:04 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:04 Sending char '*', code 50, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:04 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:04 Sending char '*', code 52, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:04 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:04 Sending char '*', code 49, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:04 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:04 Sending char '.', code 46, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:05 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:05 Sending char '*', code 50, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:05 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:05 Sending char '*', code 53, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:05 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:05 Sending char '*', code 48, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:05 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:05 Sending char ':', code 58, shift true
2017/06/15 08:44:05 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:05 Sending char '8', code 56, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:06 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:06 Sending char '4', code 52, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:06 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:06 Sending char '4', code 52, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:06 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:06 Sending char '6', code 54, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:06 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:06 Sending char '/', code 47, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:06 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:06 Sending char 'p', code 112, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:07 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:07 Sending char 'r', code 114, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:07 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:07 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:07 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:07 Sending char 's', code 115, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:07 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:07 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:07 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:07 Sending char 'e', code 101, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:08 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:08 Sending char 'd', code 100, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:08 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:08 Sending char '.', code 46, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:08 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:08 Sending char 'c', code 99, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:08 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:08 Sending char 'f', code 102, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:08 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:08 Sending char 'g', code 103, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:09 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:09 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:09 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:09 Sending char '-', code 45, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:09 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:09 Sending char '-', code 45, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:09 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:09 Sending char ' ', code 32, shift false
2017/06/15 08:44:09 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:09 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:44:10 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:10 Special code '<enter>' found, replacing with: 65293
2017/06/15 08:44:11 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:11 Special code '<wait>' found, sleeping one second
2017/06/15 08:44:12 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:12 [INFO] Waiting for SSH, up to timeout: 2h46m40s
2017/06/15 08:44:12 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Waiting for SSH to become available...
2017/06/15 08:44:12 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:12 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:44:12 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:12 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2017/06/15 08:44:12 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:12 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:44:12 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:12 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 1437275
2017/06/15 08:44:13 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:13 [DEBUG] Error getting SSH address: No interface on the VM has an IP address ready
2017/06/15 08:44:18 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:18 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:44:18 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:18 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2017/06/15 08:44:18 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:18 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:44:18 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:18 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 1437275
2017/06/15 08:44:19 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:19 [DEBUG] Error getting SSH address: No interface on the VM has an IP address ready
2017/06/15 08:44:24 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:24 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:44:24 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:24 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2017/06/15 08:44:24 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:24 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:44:24 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:24 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 1437275
2017/06/15 08:44:25 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:25 [DEBUG] Error getting SSH address: No interface on the VM has an IP address ready
2017/06/15 08:44:30 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:30 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:44:30 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:30 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2017/06/15 08:44:30 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:30 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:44:30 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:30 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 1437275
2017/06/15 08:44:31 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:31 [DEBUG] Error getting SSH address: No interface on the VM has an IP address ready
2017/06/15 08:44:36 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:36 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:44:36 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:36 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2017/06/15 08:44:36 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:36 opening new ssh session
2017/06/15 08:44:36 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:36 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 1437275
2017/06/15 08:44:37 packer: 2017/06/15 08:44:37 [DEBUG] Error getting SSH address: No interface on the VM has an IP address ready
marema31 commented 7 years ago

Hello, Have you enabled the following option ? esxcli system settings advanced set -o /Net/GuestIPHack -i 1

rickard-von-essen commented 7 years ago

Please supply the information requested in the issue template:

This is most likely you guests network not properly starting. Access the VM's console and troubleshoot the network.

igor58-repo commented 7 years ago

Added gitst.github with jason-files https://gist.github.com/ArchontPnz/1dafccfd00ae75acc701044a8f8a0349

rickard-von-essen commented 7 years ago

And pressed.cfg

igor58-repo commented 7 years ago


rickard-von-essen commented 7 years ago

And what do your VM's console show?

igor58-repo commented 7 years ago


rickard-von-essen commented 7 years ago

The guest VM's console.

igor58-repo commented 7 years ago

The guest VM builds normally and remains workable. But because of the error "Error getting SSH address: No interface on the VM has an IP address ready ...." the packer-provision does not work after build the VM.

SwampDragons commented 7 years ago

I made a comment earlier that this might be related to the insecurehostkey issue, but this is the wrong version of packer for that.

rickard-von-essen commented 7 years ago

ESXi never detects an IP for the guest. This is clearly a config error.

igor58-repo commented 7 years ago

You mean the ESXi-config?

rickard-von-essen commented 7 years ago

Your packer template and preseed.cfg doesn't result in that the VM brings up it's NIC. If you access the guests console (VNC or VMware Remote Console) and check where it's stopping or trouble shoot the network from the guest side you will probably find the problem.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I'm going to lock this issue because it has been closed for 30 days ⏳. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues.

If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue and complete the issue template so we can capture all the details necessary to investigate further.