hashicorp / packer

Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
15.06k stars 3.32k forks source link

parallels-iso: parallels_tools_mode with attach doesn't connect the drive #7155

Closed TraGicCode closed 5 years ago

TraGicCode commented 5 years ago

Packer Version = 1.3.3

When setting the parallels-iso builder's parallels_tools_mode to attach the tools NEVER get attached to the dvd drive of the virtual machine.

Is there a known limitation i need to be aware of when attempting to use attach?

rickard-von-essen commented 5 years ago

Maybe you could add some info to back your claim that is more useful than just ALLCAPS..

TraGicCode commented 5 years ago

On the latest version of packer when utilizing the following build packer template.

    "type": "parallels-iso",
    "guest_os_type": "win-2016",
    "output_directory": "./output-{{ user `os_name` }}-parallels-base/",
    "vm_name": "{{ user `os_name` }}-base",
    "prlctl": [
    "parallels_tools_flavor": "win",
    "parallels_tools_mode": "attach",
    "iso_url": "{{user `iso_url`}}",
    "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
    "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
    "disk_size": "60000",
    "communicator": "winrm",
    "winrm_username": "vagrant",
    "winrm_password": "vagrant",
    "winrm_timeout": "4h",
    "shutdown_command": "C:/Windows/packer/PackerShutdown.bat",
    "shutdown_timeout": "1h",
    "floppy_files": [
      "./answer_files/{{ user `os_name` }}/autounattend.xml",
  "provisioners": [{
      "type": "powershell",
      "inline": ["A:\\install-guestadditions.ps1"],
      "elevated_user": "vagrant",
      "elevated_password": "vagrant",
      "environment_vars": [
      "type": "powershell",
      "inline": [
         "type": "file",
         "source": "./puppet/site.pp",
         "destination": "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\site.pp"
         "type": "file",
         "source": "./puppet/bitviseserver",
         "destination": "C:\\Windows\\Temp"
         "type": "powershell",
         "inline": [
           "puppet module install puppetlabs-stdlib --modulepath C:\\Windows\\Temp",
           "puppet module install puppetlabs-registry --modulepath C:\\Windows\\Temp",
           "puppet module install puppetlabs-chocolatey --modulepath C:\\Windows\\Temp",
           "puppet apply C:\\Windows\\Temp\\site.pp --debug --modulepath C:\\Windows\\Temp"
         "elevated_user": "vagrant",
         "elevated_password": "vagrant"
      "type": "powershell",
      "inline": [

No CD Drive is mounted inside the guest and no error occurs.

@rickard-von-essen Is this anymore information i can provide you?

rickard-von-essen commented 5 years ago

Can you gist the output of Packer build with verbose logging by setting env var PACKER_LOG=1 and prlctl list -if <vm-name>, that would be helpful.

TraGicCode commented 5 years ago

Sure thing. I’ll get this to you on Monday.

TraGicCode commented 5 years ago

prctl list output:

ID: {cb7e3b88-bba4-4b49-b13b-c2a93f54c2ce}
Name: windows-2016-standard-base
Type: VM
State: running
OS: win-2016
Template: no
Uptime: 00:02:02 (since 2018-12-31 04:23:12)
Home: /Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/output-windows-2016-standard-parallels-base/windows-2016-standard-base.pvm/
GuestTools: state=not_installed
Autostart: off
Autostop: suspend
Pause idle: off
Autocompact: off
Startup view: window
On gui shutdown: close
On window close: keep-running
Undo disks: off
Boot order: hdd0 cdrom0 net0 cdrom1 fdd0 
BIOS type: legacy
Allow select boot device: off
External boot device: 
  cpu cpus=1 VT-x accl=high mode=32
  memory 2048Mb
  video 0Mb 3d acceleration=highest vertical sync=yes high resolution=yes automatic video memory=yes
  memory_quota auto
  fdd0 (+) image='/var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer743941934'
  hdd0 (+) sata:0 image='/Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/output-windows-2016-standard-parallels-base/windows-2016-standard-base.pvm/harddisk1.hdd' type='expanded' 60000Mb online compact=on
  cdrom0 (+) sata:1 image='/Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache/ed98f073622eaa21b0c47ad01dcd0afa25ba2406fbbbd1058046e65f7be9a495.iso'
  cdrom1 (+) sata:2 image='/Applications/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/Tools/prl-tools-win.iso' state=disconnected
  usb (+)
  net0 (+) type=shared mac=001C4288008B card=e1000e preventpromisc=on mac_filter=on ip_filter=on nameservers= searchdomains=
  sound0 (+) output='Default' mixer='Default'
Host Shared Folders: (+)
Host defined sharing: user home directory
Guest Shared Folders: (+)
  automount (+)
SmartMount: (-)
Encrypted: no
Edit restricted: no
Protected: no
Archived: no
Smart mouse optimized for games: auto
Sticky mouse: off
Keyboard optimized for games: on
Automatic sharing cameras: off
Automatic sharing bluetooth: off
Automatic sharing smart cards: off
Support USB 3.0: on
Synchronize with host printers: on
Synchronize default printer: on
Faster virtual machine: on
Adaptive hypervisor: off
Disabled Windows logo: on
Auto compress virtual disks: off
Nested virtualization: off
PMU virtualization: off
Longer battery life: off
Show battery status: on
Resource quota: unlimited
Smart mount: off
Shared profile: off
Shared cloud: off
Guest-to-host apps sharing: off
Host-to-guest apps sharing: off
Show Windows systray in Mac menu: on
Auto-switch to full screen: on
Disable aero: off
Hide minimized windows: off
Lock VM on suspend: off
Isolate VM from host: off
Smart guard: off
Smart guard: notify before creation snapshot: on
Smart guard: interval of period creating snapshots: 86400
Smart guard: maximum count of creating snapshots: 3
Time Synchronization: on
VM hostname synchronization: off
Public SSH keys synchronization: off
Show developer tools: off
Swipe from edges: off
Share host location: on

Packer Verbose Logging:

2018/12/31 04:22:59 [INFO] Packer version: 1.3.3
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer Target OS/Arch: darwin amd64
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Built with Go Version: go1.11.2
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for scaleway
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for vmware-iso
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebs
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for lxc
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for openstack
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for qemu
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for file
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for lxd
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for profitbricks
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for alicloud-ecs
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for ncloud
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for oneandone
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebssurrogate
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for cloudstack
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for hyperv-iso
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for docker
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for hcloud
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for oracle-oci
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for hyperv-vmcx
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for null
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for triton
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for azure-arm
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for digitalocean
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for parallels-pvm
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-iso
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebsvolume
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for amazon-instance
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for oracle-classic
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for ansible-local
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for puppet-server
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for shell
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for ansible
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for file
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for windows-restart
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for breakpoint
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for converge
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for puppet-masterless
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for chef-client
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for chef-solo
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for powershell
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for salt-masterless
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for windows-shell
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for googlecompute-import
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for vagrant
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for artifice
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for docker-push
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for docker-tag
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for docker-save
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for alicloud-import
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for checksum
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for compress
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for vagrant-cloud
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for vsphere
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for amazon-import
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for docker-import
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for manifest
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for googlecompute-export
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Using internal plugin for vsphere-template
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Attempting to open config file: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[digitalocean:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-digitalocean oracle-classic:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-oracle-classic hyperv-vmcx:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-hyperv-vmcx null:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-null azure-arm:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-azure-arm scaleway:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-scaleway lxd:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-lxd parallels-iso:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-iso vmware-vmx:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-vmx googlecompute:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-googlecompute parallels-pvm:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-pvm amazon-chroot:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-chroot profitbricks:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-profitbricks ncloud:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-ncloud virtualbox-ovf:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf amazon-ebs:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebs openstack:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-openstack alicloud-ecs:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-alicloud-ecs oracle-oci:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-oracle-oci qemu:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-qemu hyperv-iso:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-hyperv-iso triton:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-triton virtualbox-iso:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-iso amazon-instance:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-instance cloudstack:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-cloudstack lxc:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-lxc oneandone:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-oneandone docker:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-docker hcloud:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-hcloud amazon-ebsvolume:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebsvolume vmware-iso:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-iso file:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-file amazon-ebssurrogate:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebssurrogate] PostProcessors:map[docker-push:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-push alicloud-import:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-alicloud-import googlecompute-export:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-googlecompute-export googlecompute-import:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-googlecompute-import docker-save:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-save checksum:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-checksum vagrant-cloud:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud vsphere:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere artifice:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-artifice docker-tag:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-tag shell-local:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-shell-local manifest:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-manifest vagrant:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant compress:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-compress amazon-import:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-amazon-import docker-import:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-import vsphere-template:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere-template] Provisioners:map[ansible-local:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible-local ansible:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible windows-restart:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-restart breakpoint:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-breakpoint powershell:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-powershell file:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-file chef-solo:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-solo puppet-server:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-server shell:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell chef-client:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-client shell-local:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell-local converge:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-converge puppet-masterless:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless salt-masterless:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-salt-masterless windows-shell:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-shell]}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Setting cache directory: /Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Loading builder: parallels-iso
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Current exe path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Creating plugin client for path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Starting plugin: /usr/local/bin/packer []string{"/usr/local/bin/packer", "plugin", "packer-builder-parallels-iso"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for RPC address for: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [INFO] Packer version: 1.3.3
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer Target OS/Arch: darwin amd64
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Built with Go Version: go1.11.2
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Attempting to open config file: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Setting cache directory: /Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 args: []string{"packer-builder-parallels-iso"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin address: unix /var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer-plugin450461259
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Serving a plugin connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Loading provisioner: powershell
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Current exe path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Creating plugin client for path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Starting plugin: /usr/local/bin/packer []string{"/usr/local/bin/packer", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for RPC address for: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [INFO] Packer version: 1.3.3
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer Target OS/Arch: darwin amd64
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Built with Go Version: go1.11.2
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Attempting to open config file: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Setting cache directory: /Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin address: unix /var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer-plugin613797847
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Serving a plugin connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Loading provisioner: powershell
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Current exe path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Creating plugin client for path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Starting plugin: /usr/local/bin/packer []string{"/usr/local/bin/packer", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for RPC address for: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [INFO] Packer version: 1.3.3
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer Target OS/Arch: darwin amd64
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Built with Go Version: go1.11.2
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Attempting to open config file: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Setting cache directory: /Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin address: unix /var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer-plugin236009411
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Serving a plugin connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Loading provisioner: file
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Current exe path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Creating plugin client for path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Starting plugin: /usr/local/bin/packer []string{"/usr/local/bin/packer", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-file"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for RPC address for: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [INFO] Packer version: 1.3.3
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer Target OS/Arch: darwin amd64
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Built with Go Version: go1.11.2
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Attempting to open config file: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Setting cache directory: /Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-file"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin address: unix /var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer-plugin149217543
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Serving a plugin connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Loading provisioner: file
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Current exe path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Creating plugin client for path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Starting plugin: /usr/local/bin/packer []string{"/usr/local/bin/packer", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-file"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for RPC address for: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [INFO] Packer version: 1.3.3
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer Target OS/Arch: darwin amd64
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Built with Go Version: go1.11.2
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Attempting to open config file: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Setting cache directory: /Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-file"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin address: unix /var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer-plugin952520171
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Serving a plugin connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Loading provisioner: powershell
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Current exe path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Creating plugin client for path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Starting plugin: /usr/local/bin/packer []string{"/usr/local/bin/packer", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for RPC address for: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [INFO] Packer version: 1.3.3
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer Target OS/Arch: darwin amd64
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Built with Go Version: go1.11.2
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Attempting to open config file: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Setting cache directory: /Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin address: unix /var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer-plugin287788983
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Serving a plugin connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Loading provisioner: powershell
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Current exe path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Creating plugin client for path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Starting plugin: /usr/local/bin/packer []string{"/usr/local/bin/packer", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for RPC address for: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [INFO] Packer version: 1.3.3
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer Target OS/Arch: darwin amd64
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Built with Go Version: go1.11.2
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Attempting to open config file: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Setting cache directory: /Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-powershell"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin address: unix /var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer-plugin006979707
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Serving a plugin connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Loading post-processor: vagrant
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Current exe path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Creating plugin client for path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Starting plugin: /usr/local/bin/packer []string{"/usr/local/bin/packer", "plugin", "packer-post-processor-vagrant"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for RPC address for: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [INFO] Packer version: 1.3.3
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer Target OS/Arch: darwin amd64
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Built with Go Version: go1.11.2
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Attempting to open config file: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /Users/michaelf/.packerconfig
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Setting cache directory: /Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/michaelf
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 args: []string{"packer-post-processor-vagrant"}
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Plugin address: unix /var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer-plugin316575055
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting for connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Serving a plugin connection...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 ui: parallels-iso output will be in this color.
2018/12/31 04:22:59 ui: 
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Build debug mode: false
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Force build: false
2018/12/31 04:22:59 On error: 
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Preparing build: parallels-iso
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Waiting on builds to complete...
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Starting build run: parallels-iso
2018/12/31 04:22:59 Running builder: parallels-iso
2018/12/31 04:22:59 [INFO] (telemetry) Starting builder parallels-iso
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 prlctl path: /usr/local/bin/prlctl
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 prlsrvctl path: /usr/local/bin/prlsrvctl
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Parallels version: 14.1.0
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Your version of Parallels Desktop for Mac is 14.1.0, Packer will use driver for version 11.
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Parallels Tools path: '/Applications/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/Tools/prl-tools-win.iso'
2018/12/31 04:22:59 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Retrieving ISO
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Acquiring lock to download: https://software-download.microsoft.com/download/pr/Windows_Server_2016_Datacenter_EVAL_en-us_14393_refresh.ISO
2018/12/31 04:22:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:22:59 Verifying checksum of /Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache/ed98f073622eaa21b0c47ad01dcd0afa25ba2406fbbbd1058046e65f7be9a495.iso
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui:     parallels-iso: Found already downloaded, initial checksum matched, no download needed: https://software-download.microsoft.com/download/pr/Windows_Server_2016_Datacenter_EVAL_en-us_14393_refresh.ISO
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Creating floppy disk...
2018/12/31 04:23:11 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:11 Floppy path: /var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer743941934
2018/12/31 04:23:11 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:11 Initializing block device backed by temporary file
2018/12/31 04:23:11 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:11 Formatting the block device with a FAT filesystem...
2018/12/31 04:23:11 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:11 Initializing FAT filesystem on block device
2018/12/31 04:23:11 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:11 Reading the root directory from the filesystem
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui:     parallels-iso: Copying files flatly from floppy_files
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui:     parallels-iso: Copying file: ./answer_files/windows-2016-standard/autounattend.xml
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui:     parallels-iso: Copying file: ./floppy/enable-winrm.ps1
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui:     parallels-iso: Copying file: ./floppy/install-guestadditions.ps1
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui:     parallels-iso: Copying file: ./floppy/install-puppetagent.ps1
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui:     parallels-iso: Copying file: ./floppy/install-windowsupdates.ps1
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui:     parallels-iso: Copying file: ./floppy/uninstall-puppetagent.ps1
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui:     parallels-iso: Copying file: ./floppy/save_shutdown_command.ps1
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui:     parallels-iso: Done copying files from floppy_files
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui:     parallels-iso: Collecting paths from floppy_dirs
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui:     parallels-iso: Resulting paths from floppy_dirs : []
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui:     parallels-iso: Done copying paths from floppy_dirs
2018/12/31 04:23:11 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Creating virtual machine...
2018/12/31 04:23:11 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:11 Executing prlctl: []string{"create", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--distribution", "win-2016", "--dst", "/Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/output-windows-2016-standard-parallels-base", "--no-hdd"}
2018/12/31 04:23:12 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:12 stdout: Creating the virtual machine...
2018/12/31 04:23:12 packer: Generate the VM configuration for win-2016.
2018/12/31 04:23:12 packer: Remove the hdd0 device.
2018/12/31 04:23:12 packer: The VM has been successfully created.
2018/12/31 04:23:12 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:12 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:12 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:12 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--cpus", "1"}
2018/12/31 04:23:12 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:12 stdout: set cpus(8): 1
2018/12/31 04:23:12 packer: 
2018/12/31 04:23:12 packer: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:12 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:12 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:12 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:12 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--memsize", "512"}
2018/12/31 04:23:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:13 stdout: Set the memsize parameter to 512Mb.
2018/12/31 04:23:13 packer: 
2018/12/31 04:23:13 packer: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:13 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:13 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Applying default settings...
2018/12/31 04:23:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:13 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--startup-view", "headless"}
2018/12/31 04:23:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:13 stdout: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:13 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:13 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--on-shutdown", "close"}
2018/12/31 04:23:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:13 stdout: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:13 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:13 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--on-window-close", "keep-running"}
2018/12/31 04:23:14 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:14 stdout: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:14 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:14 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:14 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:14 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--auto-share-camera", "off"}
2018/12/31 04:23:14 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:14 stdout: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:14 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:14 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:14 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:14 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--smart-guard", "off"}
2018/12/31 04:23:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:15 stdout: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:15 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:15 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--shared-cloud", "off"}
2018/12/31 04:23:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:15 stdout: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:15 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:15 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--shared-profile", "off"}
2018/12/31 04:23:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:15 stdout: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:15 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:15 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--smart-mount", "off"}
2018/12/31 04:23:16 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:16 stdout: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:16 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:16 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:16 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:16 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--sh-app-guest-to-host", "off"}
2018/12/31 04:23:16 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:16 stdout: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:16 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:16 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:16 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:16 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--sh-app-host-to-guest", "off"}
2018/12/31 04:23:17 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:17 stdout: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:17 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:17 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:17 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Creating hard drive...
2018/12/31 04:23:17 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:17 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--device-add", "hdd", "--type", "expand", "--size", "60000", "--iface", "sata"}
2018/12/31 04:23:17 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:17 stdout: Creating hdd0 (+) sata:0 image='/Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/output-windows-2016-standard-parallels-base/windows-2016-standard-base.pvm/harddisk1.hdd' type='expanded' 60000Mb online compact=off
2018/12/31 04:23:17 packer: 
2018/12/31 04:23:17 packer: Created hdd0 (+) sata:0 image='/Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/output-windows-2016-standard-parallels-base/windows-2016-standard-base.pvm/harddisk1.hdd' type='expanded' 60000Mb online compact=on
2018/12/31 04:23:17 packer: 
2018/12/31 04:23:17 packer: 
2018/12/31 04:23:17 packer: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:17 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:17 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:17 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Setting the boot order...
2018/12/31 04:23:17 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:17 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--device-bootorder", "hdd0 cdrom0 net0"}
2018/12/31 04:23:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:18 stdout: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:18 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:18 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Attaching ISO to the default CD/DVD ROM device...
2018/12/31 04:23:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:18 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--device-set", "cdrom0", "--image", "/Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache/ed98f073622eaa21b0c47ad01dcd0afa25ba2406fbbbd1058046e65f7be9a495.iso", "--enable", "--connect"}
2018/12/31 04:23:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:18 stdout: Creating cdrom0 (+) sata:1 image='/Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache/ed98f073622eaa21b0c47ad01dcd0afa25ba2406fbbbd1058046e65f7be9a495.iso'
2018/12/31 04:23:18 packer: 
2018/12/31 04:23:18 packer: Configured cdrom0 (+) sata:1 image='/Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache/ed98f073622eaa21b0c47ad01dcd0afa25ba2406fbbbd1058046e65f7be9a495.iso'
2018/12/31 04:23:18 packer: 
2018/12/31 04:23:18 packer: 
2018/12/31 04:23:18 packer: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:18 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:18 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Attaching Parallels Tools ISO to the new CD/DVD drive...
2018/12/31 04:23:18 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Deleting any current floppy disk...
2018/12/31 04:23:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:18 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--device-del", "fdd0"}
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:19 stdout:
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:19 stderr: The fdd0 device does not exist.
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: Failed to configure the virtual machine.
2018/12/31 04:23:19 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Attaching floppy disk...
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:19 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--device-add", "fdd", "--image", "/var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer743941934", "--connect"}
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:19 stdout: Creating fdd0 (+) image='/var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer743941934'
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: .
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: Created fdd0 (+) image='/var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer743941934'
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: 
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: 
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:19 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:19 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Executing custom prlctl commands...
2018/12/31 04:23:19 ui:     parallels-iso: Executing: prlctl set windows-2016-standard-base --memsize 2048
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:19 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--memsize", "2048"}
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:19 stdout: Set the memsize parameter to 2048Mb.
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: 
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:19 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:19 ui:     parallels-iso: Executing: prlctl set windows-2016-standard-base --cpus 1
2018/12/31 04:23:19 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:19 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--cpus", "1"}
2018/12/31 04:23:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:20 stdout: set cpus(8): 1
2018/12/31 04:23:20 packer: 
2018/12/31 04:23:20 packer: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:20 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:20 ui:     parallels-iso: Executing: prlctl set windows-2016-standard-base --startup-view window
2018/12/31 04:23:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:20 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--startup-view", "window"}
2018/12/31 04:23:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:20 stdout: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:20 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:20 ui:     parallels-iso: Executing: prlctl set windows-2016-standard-base --efi-boot off
2018/12/31 04:23:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:20 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--efi-boot", "off"}
2018/12/31 04:23:21 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:21 stdout: The VM has been successfully configured.
2018/12/31 04:23:21 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:21 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:21 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Starting the virtual machine...
2018/12/31 04:23:21 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:21 Executing prlctl: []string{"start", "windows-2016-standard-base"}
2018/12/31 04:23:22 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:22 stdout: Starting the VM...
2018/12/31 04:23:22 packer: The VM has been successfully started.
2018/12/31 04:23:22 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:22 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:23:22 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Waiting 10s for boot...
2018/12/31 04:23:32 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Host IP for the Parallels machine:
2018/12/31 04:23:32 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Typing the boot command...
2018/12/31 04:23:32 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:32 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:23:32 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:32 [DEBUG] Unable to get address during connection step: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:23:32 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:32 Waiting for WinRM, up to timeout: 4h0m0s
2018/12/31 04:23:32 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Waiting for WinRM to become available...
2018/12/31 04:23:37 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:37 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:23:37 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:37 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:23:42 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:42 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:23:42 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:42 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:23:47 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:47 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:23:47 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:47 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:23:53 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:53 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:23:53 packer: 2018/12/31 04:23:53 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:24:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:00 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:24:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:00 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:24:05 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:05 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:24:05 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:05 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:24:10 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:10 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:24:10 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:10 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:24:16 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:16 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:24:16 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:16 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:24:21 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:21 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:24:21 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:21 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:24:26 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:26 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:24:26 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:26 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:24:31 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:31 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:24:31 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:31 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:24:37 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:37 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:24:37 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:37 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:24:42 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:42 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:24:42 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:42 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:24:47 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:47 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:24:47 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:47 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:24:52 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:52 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:24:52 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:52 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:24:57 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:57 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:24:57 packer: 2018/12/31 04:24:57 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:25:03 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:03 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:25:03 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:03 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:25:08 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:08 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:25:08 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:08 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:25:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:13 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:25:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:13 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:25:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:18 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:25:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:18 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:25:24 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:24 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:25:24 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:24 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:25:29 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:29 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:25:29 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:29 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:25:34 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:34 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:25:34 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:34 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:25:39 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:39 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:25:39 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:39 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:25:44 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:44 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:25:44 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:44 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:25:50 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:50 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:25:50 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:50 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:25:55 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:55 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:25:55 packer: 2018/12/31 04:25:55 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:26:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:00 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:26:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:00 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:26:05 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:05 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:26:05 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:05 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:26:10 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:10 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:26:10 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:10 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:26:16 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:16 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:26:16 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:16 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:26:21 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:21 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:26:21 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:21 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:26:26 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:26 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:26:26 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:26 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:26:31 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:31 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:26:31 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:31 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:26:37 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:37 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:26:37 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:37 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:26:42 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:42 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:26:42 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:42 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:26:47 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:47 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:26:47 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:47 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:26:52 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:52 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:26:52 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:52 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:26:57 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:57 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:26:57 packer: 2018/12/31 04:26:57 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:27:03 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:03 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:03 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:03 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: IP lease not found for MAC address 001C4288008B in: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases
2018/12/31 04:27:08 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:08 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:08 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:08 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253825, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:27:08 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:08 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:08 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:08 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:27:08 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:08 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:27:27 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:27 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:27:27 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:27 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:27:32 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:32 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:32 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:32 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:27:32 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:32 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:32 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:32 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:27:32 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:32 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:27:32 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:32 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:27:32 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:32 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:27:38 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:38 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:38 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:38 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:27:38 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:38 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:38 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:38 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:27:38 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:38 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:27:38 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:38 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:27:38 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:38 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:27:43 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:43 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:43 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:43 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:27:43 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:43 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:43 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:43 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:27:43 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:43 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:27:43 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:43 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:27:43 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:43 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:27:48 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:48 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:48 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:48 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:27:48 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:48 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:48 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:48 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:27:48 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:48 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:27:48 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:48 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:27:48 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:48 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:27:53 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:53 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:53 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:53 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:27:53 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:53 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:53 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:53 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:27:53 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:53 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:27:53 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:53 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:27:53 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:53 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:27:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:59 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:59 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:27:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:59 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:27:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:59 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:27:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:59 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:27:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:59 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:27:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:27:59 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:04 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:04 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:04 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:04 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:28:04 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:04 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:04 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:04 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:28:04 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:04 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:28:04 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:04 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:04 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:04 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:09 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:09 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:09 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:09 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:28:09 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:09 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:09 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:09 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:28:09 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:09 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:28:10 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:10 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:10 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:10 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:15 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:15 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:28:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:15 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:15 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:28:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:15 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:28:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:15 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:15 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:20 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:20 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:28:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:20 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:20 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:28:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:20 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:28:21 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:21 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:21 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:21 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:26 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:26 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:26 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:26 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:28:26 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:26 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:26 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:26 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:28:26 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:26 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:28:26 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:26 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:26 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:26 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:31 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:31 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:31 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:31 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:28:31 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:31 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:31 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:31 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:28:31 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:31 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:28:32 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:32 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:32 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:32 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:37 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:37 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:37 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:37 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:28:37 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:37 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:37 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:37 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:28:37 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:37 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:28:37 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:37 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:37 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:37 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:43 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:43 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:43 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:43 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:28:43 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:43 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:43 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:43 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:28:43 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:43 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:28:43 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:43 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:43 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:43 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:48 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:48 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:48 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:48 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:28:48 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:48 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:48 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:48 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:28:48 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:48 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:28:48 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:48 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:48 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:48 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:54 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:54 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:28:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:54 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:54 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:28:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:54 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:28:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:54 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:54 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:59 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:59 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:28:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:59 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:28:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:59 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:28:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:59 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:28:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:59 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:28:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:28:59 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:04 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:04 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:04 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:04 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:29:04 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:04 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:04 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:04 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:29:04 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:04 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:29:04 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:04 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:04 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:04 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:09 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:09 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:09 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:09 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:29:09 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:09 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:09 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:09 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:29:09 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:09 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:29:09 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:09 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:09 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:09 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:15 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:15 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:29:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:15 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:15 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:29:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:15 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:29:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:15 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:15 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:15 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:20 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:20 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:29:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:20 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:20 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:29:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:20 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:29:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:20 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:20 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:20 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:25 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:25 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:25 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:25 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:29:25 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:25 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:25 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:25 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:29:25 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:25 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:29:25 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:25 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:25 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:25 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:30 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:30 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:30 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:30 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:29:30 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:30 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:30 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:30 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:29:30 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:30 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:29:30 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:30 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:30 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:30 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:36 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:36 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:36 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:36 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:29:36 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:36 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:36 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:36 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:29:36 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:36 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:29:36 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:36 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:36 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:36 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:41 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:41 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:41 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:41 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:29:41 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:41 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:41 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:41 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:29:41 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:41 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:29:41 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:41 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:41 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:41 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:46 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:46 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:46 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:46 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:29:46 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:46 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:46 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:46 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:29:46 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:46 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:29:46 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:46 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:46 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:46 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:51 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:51 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:51 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:51 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:29:51 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:51 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:51 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:51 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:29:51 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:51 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:29:51 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:51 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:51 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:51 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:57 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:57 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:57 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:57 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:29:57 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:57 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:29:57 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:57 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:29:57 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:57 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:29:57 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:57 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:29:57 packer: 2018/12/31 04:29:57 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:02 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:02 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:02 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:02 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:30:02 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:02 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:02 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:02 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:30:02 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:02 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:30:02 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:02 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:02 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:02 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:07 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:07 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:07 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:07 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:30:07 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:07 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:07 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:07 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:30:07 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:07 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:30:07 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:07 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:07 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:07 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:13 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:13 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:30:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:13 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:13 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:30:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:13 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:30:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:13 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:13 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:13 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:18 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:18 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:30:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:18 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:18 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:30:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:18 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:30:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:18 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:18 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:18 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:23 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:23 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:23 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:23 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:30:23 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:23 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:23 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:23 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:30:23 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:23 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:30:23 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:23 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:23 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:23 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:28 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:28 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:28 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:28 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:30:28 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:28 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:28 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:28 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:30:28 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:28 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:30:28 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:28 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:28 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:28 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:33 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:33 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:33 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:33 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:30:33 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:33 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:33 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:33 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:30:33 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:33 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:30:33 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:33 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:33 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:33 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:39 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:39 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:39 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:39 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:30:39 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:39 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:39 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:39 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:30:39 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:39 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:30:39 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:39 [ERROR] connection error: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:39 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:39 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http response error: 401 - invalid content type
2018/12/31 04:30:44 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:44 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:44 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:44 Found lease: for MAC: 001C4288008B, expiring at 1546253843, leased for 1800 s.
2018/12/31 04:30:44 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:44 Found IP lease: for MAC address 001C4288008B
2018/12/31 04:30:44 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:44 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2018/12/31 04:30:44 packer: 2018/12/31 04:30:44 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2018/12/31 04:32:25 ui:     parallels-iso: #< CLIXML
2018/12/31 04:32:25 ui:     parallels-iso: WinRM connected.
2018/12/31 04:32:25 ui:     parallels-iso: <Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"><Obj S="progress" RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T><T>System.Object</T></TN><MS><I64 N="SourceId">1</I64><PR N="Record"><AV>Preparing modules for first use.</AV><AI>0</AI><Nil /><PI>-1</PI><PC>-1</PC><T>Completed</T><SR>-1</SR><SD> </SD></PR></MS></Obj><Obj S="progress" RefId="1"><TNRef RefId="0" /><MS><I64 N="SourceId">1</I64><PR N="Record"><AV>Preparing modules for first use.</AV><AI>0</AI><Nil /><PI>-1</PI><PC>-1</PC><T>Completed</T><SR>-1</SR><SD> </SD></PR></MS></Obj></Objs>
2018/12/31 04:32:25 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Connected to WinRM!
2018/12/31 04:32:25 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:25 Connected to machine
2018/12/31 04:32:26 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Uploading Parallels version info (14.1.0)
2018/12/31 04:32:26 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:26 Uploading file to '.prlctl_version'
2018/12/31 04:32:28 packer: #< CLIXML
2018/12/31 04:32:30 packer: <Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"><Obj S="progress" RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T><T>System.Object</T></TN><MS><I64 N="SourceId">1</I64><PR N="Record"><AV>Preparing modules for first use.</AV><AI>0</AI><Nil /><PI>-1</PI><PC>-1</PC><T>Completed</T><SR>-1</SR><SD> </SD></PR></MS></Obj></Objs>#< CLIXML
2018/12/31 04:32:30 packer: <Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"><Obj S="progress" RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T><T>System.Object</T></TN><MS><I64 N="SourceId">1</I64><PR N="Record"><AV>Preparing modules for first use.</AV><AI>0</AI><Nil /><PI>-1</PI><PC>-1</PC><T>Completed</T><SR>-1</SR><SD> </SD></PR></MS></Obj></Objs>2018/12/31 04:32:30 Not uploading Parallels Tools since mode is not upload
2018/12/31 04:32:30 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:30 Running the provision hook
2018/12/31 04:32:31 [INFO] (telemetry) Starting provisioner powershell
2018/12/31 04:32:31 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Provisioning with Powershell...
2018/12/31 04:32:31 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:31 Found command: A:\install-guestadditions.ps1
2018/12/31 04:32:31 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Provisioning with powershell script: /var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer-powershell-provisioner349776714
2018/12/31 04:32:31 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:31 Opening /var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer-powershell-provisioner349776714 for reading
2018/12/31 04:32:31 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:31 Uploading env vars to c:/Windows/Temp/packer-ps-env-vars-5c29ee03-5673-e487-0102-7929649b8c3f.ps1
2018/12/31 04:32:31 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:31 [INFO] 114 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/12/31 04:32:31 [INFO] 114 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/12/31 04:32:31 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:31 Uploading file to 'c:/Windows/Temp/packer-ps-env-vars-5c29ee03-5673-e487-0102-7929649b8c3f.ps1'
2018/12/31 04:32:33 packer: #< CLIXML
2018/12/31 04:32:35 packer: <Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"><Obj S="progress" RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T><T>System.Object</T></TN><MS><I64 N="SourceId">1</I64><PR N="Record"><AV>Preparing modules for first use.</AV><AI>0</AI><Nil /><PI>-1</PI><PC>-1</PC><T>Completed</T><SR>-1</SR><SD> </SD></PR></MS></Obj></Objs>#< CLIXML
2018/12/31 04:32:35 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:35 Building elevated command wrapper for: powershell -executionpolicy bypass "& { if (Test-Path variable:global:ProgressPreference){set-variable -name variable:global:ProgressPreference -value 'SilentlyContinue'};. c:/Windows/Temp/packer-ps-env-vars-5c29ee03-5673-e487-0102-7929649b8c3f.ps1; &'c:/Windows/Temp/script-5c29ee03-e778-7c4e-ed90-cc1fed1b3b38.ps1'; exit $LastExitCode }"
2018/12/31 04:32:35 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:35 Command [powershell -executionpolicy bypass "& { if (Test-Path variable:global:ProgressPreference){set-variable -name variable:global:ProgressPreference -value 'SilentlyContinue'};. c:/Windows/Temp/packer-ps-env-vars-5c29ee03-5673-e487-0102-7929649b8c3f.ps1; &'c:/Windows/Temp/script-5c29ee03-e778-7c4e-ed90-cc1fed1b3b38.ps1'; exit $LastExitCode }" > %SYSTEMROOT%/Temp/packer-5c29f043-38d1-9c3a-1086-77283764bab0.out 2>&1] converted to [powershell -executionpolicy bypass &#34;&amp; { if (Test-Path variable:global:ProgressPreference){set-variable -name variable:global:ProgressPreference -value &#39;SilentlyContinue&#39;};. c:/Windows/Temp/packer-ps-env-vars-5c29ee03-5673-e487-0102-7929649b8c3f.ps1; &amp;&#39;c:/Windows/Temp/script-5c29ee03-e778-7c4e-ed90-cc1fed1b3b38.ps1&#39;; exit $LastExitCode }&#34; &gt; %SYSTEMROOT%/Temp/packer-5c29f043-38d1-9c3a-1086-77283764bab0.out 2&gt;&amp;1] for use in XML string
2018/12/31 04:32:35 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:35 Uploading elevated shell wrapper for command [powershell -executionpolicy bypass "& { if (Test-Path variable:global:ProgressPreference){set-variable -name variable:global:ProgressPreference -value 'SilentlyContinue'};. c:/Windows/Temp/packer-ps-env-vars-5c29ee03-5673-e487-0102-7929649b8c3f.ps1; &'c:/Windows/Temp/script-5c29ee03-e778-7c4e-ed90-cc1fed1b3b38.ps1'; exit $LastExitCode }" > %SYSTEMROOT%/Temp/packer-5c29f043-38d1-9c3a-1086-77283764bab0.out 2>&1] to [C:/Windows/Temp/packer-elevated-shell-5c29f043-abed-8ea7-c089-edccda09ed18.ps1]
2018/12/31 04:32:35 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:35 [INFO] 3207 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/12/31 04:32:35 [INFO] 3207 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/12/31 04:32:35 packer: <Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"><Obj S="progress" RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T><T>System.Object</T></TN><MS><I64 N="SourceId">1</I64><PR N="Record"><AV>Preparing modules for first use.</AV><AI>0</AI><Nil /><PI>-1</PI><PC>-1</PC><T>Completed</T><SR>-1</SR><SD> </SD></PR></MS></Obj></Objs>2018/12/31 04:32:35 Uploading file to 'C:/Windows/Temp/packer-elevated-shell-5c29f043-abed-8ea7-c089-edccda09ed18.ps1'
2018/12/31 04:32:38 packer: #< CLIXML
2018/12/31 04:32:41 packer: <Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"><Obj S="progress" RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T><T>System.Object</T></TN><MS><I64 N="SourceId">1</I64><PR N="Record"><AV>Preparing modules for first use.</AV><AI>0</AI><Nil /><PI>-1</PI><PC>-1</PC><T>Completed</T><SR>-1</SR><SD> </SD></PR></MS></Obj></Objs>#< CLIXML
2018/12/31 04:32:41 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:41 [INFO] 30 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/12/31 04:32:41 packer: <Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"><Obj S="progress" RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T><T>System.Object</T></TN><MS><I64 N="SourceId">1</I64><PR N="Record"><AV>Preparing modules for first use.</AV><AI>0</AI><Nil /><PI>-1</PI><PC>-1</PC><T>Completed</T><SR>-1</SR><SD> </SD></PR></MS></Obj></Objs>2018/12/31 04:32:41 Uploading file to 'c:/Windows/Temp/script-5c29ee03-e778-7c4e-ed90-cc1fed1b3b38.ps1'
2018/12/31 04:32:41 [INFO] 30 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/12/31 04:32:45 packer: #< CLIXML
2018/12/31 04:32:48 packer: <Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"><Obj S="progress" RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T><T>System.Object</T></TN><MS><I64 N="SourceId">1</I64><PR N="Record"><AV>Preparing modules for first use.</AV><AI>0</AI><Nil /><PI>-1</PI><PC>-1</PC><T>Completed</T><SR>-1</SR><SD> </SD></PR></MS></Obj></Objs>#< CLIXML
2018/12/31 04:32:48 packer: <Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"><Obj S="progress" RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T><T>System.Object</T></TN><MS><I64 N="SourceId">1</I64><PR N="Record"><AV>Preparing modules for first use.</AV><AI>0</AI><Nil /><PI>-1</PI><PC>-1</PC><T>Completed</T><SR>-1</SR><SD> </SD></PR></MS></Obj></Objs>2018/12/31 04:32:48 [INFO] starting remote command: powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file "C:/Windows/Temp/packer-elevated-shell-5c29f043-abed-8ea7-c089-edccda09ed18.ps1"
2018/12/31 04:32:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:54 [INFO] command 'powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file "C:/Windows/Temp/packer-elevated-shell-5c29f043-abed-8ea7-c089-edccda09ed18.ps1"' exited with code: 0
2018/12/31 04:32:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:54 [INFO] RPC endpoint: Communicator ended with: 0
2018/12/31 04:32:54 [INFO] 0 bytes written for 'stdout'
2018/12/31 04:32:54 [INFO] 0 bytes written for 'stderr'
2018/12/31 04:32:54 [INFO] RPC client: Communicator ended with: 0
2018/12/31 04:32:54 [INFO] RPC endpoint: Communicator ended with: 0
2018/12/31 04:32:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:54 [INFO] 0 bytes written for 'stdout'
2018/12/31 04:32:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:54 [INFO] 0 bytes written for 'stderr'
2018/12/31 04:32:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:54 [INFO] RPC client: Communicator ended with: 0
2018/12/31 04:32:54 [INFO] (telemetry) ending powershell
2018/12/31 04:32:54 [INFO] (telemetry) Starting provisioner powershell
2018/12/31 04:32:54 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Provisioning with Powershell...
2018/12/31 04:32:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:54 Found command: A:\install-puppetagent.ps1
2018/12/31 04:32:54 ui: ==> parallels-iso: Provisioning with powershell script: /var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer-powershell-provisioner934553670
2018/12/31 04:32:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:54 Opening /var/folders/23/fq3lqd416hdbgpj3zbyss7x80000gp/T/packer-powershell-provisioner934553670 for reading
2018/12/31 04:32:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:54 Uploading env vars to c:/Windows/Temp/packer-ps-env-vars-5c29ee03-f872-e794-0ad5-2d95794af745.ps1
2018/12/31 04:32:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:54 [INFO] 82 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/12/31 04:32:54 [INFO] 82 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/12/31 04:32:54 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:54 Uploading file to 'c:/Windows/Temp/packer-ps-env-vars-5c29ee03-f872-e794-0ad5-2d95794af745.ps1'
2018/12/31 04:32:57 packer: #< CLIXML
2018/12/31 04:32:59 packer: <Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"><Obj S="progress" RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T><T>System.Object</T></TN><MS><I64 N="SourceId">1</I64><PR N="Record"><AV>Preparing modules for first use.</AV><AI>0</AI><Nil /><PI>-1</PI><PC>-1</PC><T>Completed</T><SR>-1</SR><SD> </SD></PR></MS></Obj></Objs>#< CLIXML
2018/12/31 04:32:59 packer: 2018/12/31 04:32:59 [INFO] 27 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/12/31 04:32:59 [INFO] 27 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/12/31 04:32:59 packer: <Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"><Obj S="progress" RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T><T>System.Object</T></TN><MS><I64 N="SourceId">1</I64><PR N="Record"><AV>Preparing modules for first use.</AV><AI>0</AI><Nil /><PI>-1</PI><PC>-1</PC><T>Completed</T><SR>-1</SR><SD> </SD></PR></MS></Obj></Objs>2018/12/31 04:32:59 Uploading file to 'c:/Windows/Temp/script-5c29ee03-265e-4e0b-6a45-878173668af5.ps1'
2018/12/31 04:33:01 packer: #< CLIXML
2018/12/31 04:33:03 packer: <Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"><Obj S="progress" RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T><T>System.Object</T></TN><MS><I64 N="SourceId">1</I64><PR N="Record"><AV>Preparing modules for first use.</AV><AI>0</AI><Nil /><PI>-1</PI><PC>-1</PC><T>Completed</T><SR>-1</SR><SD> </SD></PR></MS></Obj></Objs>#< CLIXML
2018/12/31 04:33:03 packer: <Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"><Obj S="progress" RefId="0"><TN RefId="0"><T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T><T>System.Object</T></TN><MS><I64 N="SourceId">1</I64><PR N="Record"><AV>Preparing modules for first use.</AV><AI>0</AI><Nil /><PI>-1</PI><PC>-1</PC><T>Completed</T><SR>-1</SR><SD> </SD></PR></MS></Obj></Objs>2018/12/31 04:33:03 [INFO] starting remote command: powershell -executionpolicy bypass "& { if (Test-Path variable:global:ProgressPreference){set-variable -name variable:global:ProgressPreference -value 'SilentlyContinue'};. c:/Windows/Temp/packer-ps-env-vars-5c29ee03-f872-e794-0ad5-2d95794af745.ps1; &'c:/Windows/Temp/script-5c29ee03-265e-4e0b-6a45-878173668af5.ps1'; exit $LastExitCode }"
2018/12/31 04:33:09 ui:     parallels-iso: Puppet is not installed, continuing...
2018/12/31 04:33:09 ui:     parallels-iso: Installing Puppet. Running msiexec.exe /qn /norestart /i https://downloads.puppetlabs.com/windows/puppet/puppet-agent-x64-latest.msi PUPPET_AGENT_STARTUP_MODE=Disabled PUPPET_MASTER_SERVER=puppetmaster.tragiccode.com
2018/12/31 04:34:00 Closing stdin because interrupt received.
2018/12/31 04:34:00 Stopping build: parallels-iso
2018/12/31 04:34:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:00 Received interrupt signal (count: 1). Ignoring.
2018/12/31 04:34:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:00 Received interrupt signal (count: 1). Ignoring.
2018/12/31 04:34:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:00 Received interrupt signal (count: 1). Ignoring.
2018/12/31 04:34:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:00 Received interrupt signal (count: 1). Ignoring.
2018/12/31 04:34:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:00 Received interrupt signal (count: 1). Ignoring.
2018/12/31 04:34:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:00 Received interrupt signal (count: 1). Ignoring.
2018/12/31 04:34:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:00 Received interrupt signal (count: 1). Ignoring.
2018/12/31 04:34:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:00 Received interrupt signal (count: 1). Ignoring.
2018/12/31 04:34:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:00 Cancelling the step runner...
2018/12/31 04:34:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:00 Cancelling provisioning due to interrupt...
2018/12/31 04:34:00 [INFO] (telemetry) ending powershell
2018/12/31 04:34:00 Provisioner.Cancel err: unexpected EOF
2018/12/31 04:34:00 /usr/local/bin/packer: plugin process exited
2018/12/31 04:34:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:00 Checking VM state: running
2018/12/31 04:34:00 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:00 Executing prlctl: []string{"stop", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--kill"}
2018/12/31 04:34:01 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:01 stdout: Stopping the VM...
2018/12/31 04:34:01 packer: The VM has been forcibly stopped
2018/12/31 04:34:01 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:01 stderr:
2018/12/31 04:34:03 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:03 Detaching floppy disk...
2018/12/31 04:34:03 packer: 2018/12/31 04:34:03 Executing prlctl: []string{"set", "windows-2016-standard-base", "--device-del", "fdd0"}
rickard-von-essen commented 5 years ago

This seems to be the problem:

  cdrom0 (+) sata:1 image='/Users/michaelf/source/github/tragiccode/packer-windows-playground/packer_cache/ed98f073622eaa21b0c47ad01dcd0afa25ba2406fbbbd1058046e65f7be9a495.iso'
  cdrom1 (+) sata:2 image='/Applications/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/Tools/prl-tools-win.iso' state=disconnected

The prl-tools-win.iso is disconnected.

rickard-von-essen commented 5 years ago

A workaround is probably just to add:

 "prlctl": [
      [ "set", "{{.Name}}", "--device-set", "cdrom1", "--enable", "--connect"]
rickard-von-essen commented 5 years ago

@SwampDragons @azr since I don't have any PD license anymore I leave this up to you to verify/merge.

TraGicCode commented 5 years ago

@rickard-von-essen ,

Attempting the workaround right now to see if it works.

TraGicCode commented 5 years ago

Hey @rickard-von-essen ,

I confirmed the work around worked and attaches the tools to another DVD drive.


ghost commented 4 years ago

I'm going to lock this issue because it has been closed for 30 days ⏳. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues.

If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue and complete the issue template so we can capture all the details necessary to investigate further.