hashicorp / terraform-provider-awscc

Terraform AWS Cloud Control provider
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Deploying `inspectorv2_filter` resource fails due to inconsistent key #1364

Open nadove-ucsc opened 9 months ago

nadove-ucsc commented 9 months ago

Community Note

Terraform CLI and Terraform AWS Cloud Control Provider Version

Terraform v1.3.10 on linux_amd64


    "terraform": {
        "required_version": "1.3.10",
        "required_providers": {
            "external": {
                "source": "hashicorp/external",
                "version": "2.2.0"
            "null": {
                "source": "hashicorp/null",
                "version": "3.2.0"
            "google": {
                "source": "hashicorp/google",
                "version": "4.58.0"
            "aws": {
                "source": "hashicorp/aws",
                "version": "5.11.0"
            "awscc": {
                "source": "hashicorp/awscc",
                "version": "0.66.0"
    "provider": [
            "aws": {}
            "aws": {
                "region": "us-east-1",
                "alias": "us-east-1"
            "aws": {
                "region": "us-west-2",
                "alias": "us-west-2"
            "google": {
                "billing_project": "platform-hca-dev",
                "user_project_override": true

Affected Resource(s)

Terraform Configuration Files

Please include all Terraform configurations required to reproduce the bug. Bug reports without a functional reproduction may be closed without investigation.

    "resource": [
            "awscc_inspectorv2_filter": [
                    "signing_proxy": {
                        "filter_action": "SUPPRESS",
                        "name": "exclude_image_signing_proxy",
                        "filter_criteria": {
                            "repository_name": {
                                "comparison": "Equals",
                                "value": "docker.io/cllunsford/aws-signing-proxy"

Debug Output

Panic Output

Expected Behavior

We expect a filter to be created, using the filter criteria as is documented. Note that filter_criteria (snake case) is documented as a required attribute

Actual Behavior

The deployment fails because the filter_criteria key is not recognized. Terraform claims that it should be spelled "FilterCriteria".

Success! The configuration is valid.
Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # awscc_inspectorv2_filter.signing_proxy will be created
  + resource "awscc_inspectorv2_filter" "signing_proxy" {

Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
│ Error: AWS SDK Go Service Operation Unsuccessful
│   with awscc_inspectorv2_filter.signing_proxy,
│   on gitlab.tf.json line 1839, in resource[31].awscc_inspectorv2_filter[0].signing_proxy:
│ 1839:                     }
│ Calling Cloud Control API service CreateResource operation returned: operation error CloudControl: CreateResource, https response error StatusCode: 400, RequestID: c7aea817-47a3-4795-8f06-b1684125f10a, api error
│ ValidationException: Model validation failed (#: required key [FilterCriteria] not found)

Using FilterCriteria in the resource config instead of filter_criteria results in a validation error that points back to filter_criteria being the correct spelling:

│ Error: Extraneous JSON object property
│   on gitlab.tf.json line 1833, in resource[31].awscc_inspectorv2_filter[0].signing_proxy:
│ 1833:                         "FilterCriteria": {
│ No argument or block type is named "FilterCriteria".
│ Error: Missing required argument
│   on gitlab.tf.json line 1839, in resource[31].awscc_inspectorv2_filter[0].signing_proxy:
│ 1839:                     }
│ The argument "filter_criteria" is required, but no definition was found.

Thus, it is impossible to actually deploy an Inspectorv2 Filter using the AWSCC provider, because it either fails during validation or deployment, depending on how the key is spelled.

### Steps to Reproduce

1. Copy the resource config and 

2. `terraform apply`

### Important Factoids

<!--- Are there anything atypical about your accounts that we should know? For example: Running in EC2 Classic? --->

### References

Information about referencing Github Issues: https://help.github.com/articles/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax/#referencing-issues-and-pull-requests

Are there any other GitHub issues (open or closed) or pull requests that should be linked here? Vendor documentation? For example:

* #0000
quixoticmonk commented 3 days ago

@nadove-ucsc The input for the filter_criteria based on your example should be ecr_image_repository_name instead of repository_name. You should be able to deploy it via the below configuration, if you were still having the issues.

resource "awscc_inspectorv2_filter" "name" {
  filter_action = "SUPPRESS"
  filter_criteria = {
      comparison = "EQUALS"
      value = "docker.io/cllunsford/aws-signing-proxy"
  name = "example-filter"