hashicorp / terraform

Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.
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Terraform Test: add JUNIT output #34264

Open rvdouderaa opened 7 months ago

rvdouderaa commented 7 months ago

Terraform Version

terraform version
Terraform v1.6.3
on darwin_arm64

Your version of Terraform is out of date! The latest version
is 1.6.4. You can update by downloading from https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html

Use Cases

Tools like tfsec and tflint can output their test results as junit xml, which can then eg. be published and shown in the tests tab of azure devops pipeline runs.

Attempted Solutions

n/a it's not in the documentation


Add the functionality to export test results (or at least on test failure) as JUNIT XML files, so this can be used in eg. Azure Devops to show result in the tests tab, like tfsec / tflint.


No response

apparentlymart commented 7 months ago

Thanks for this feedback, @rvdouderaa!

Earlier iterations of the terraform test experiment did have some JUnit XML support, but we found two challenges along the way:

  1. The JUnit XML format was originally tailored for JUnit itself, and it's close enough to be useful for various other test frameworks in other programming languages that us similar programming paradigms (object-oriented / imperative), but it's not so clear how best to map Terraform's quite different concepts onto its model.
  2. JUnit XML is not actually formally specified anywhere and so supporting it seems to be a matter of just finding and studying all implementations of it to learn what subset of the format is reasonable to use, how to use that subset so that the test result output is actually useful, and working around bugs and quirks in the implementations.

We also got very, very little feedback on that part of the experiment and so we didn't feel confident enough in our guesses at problem 1 to warrant spending all the time working through problem 2.

However, now that you're here with a request specifically for this, we can potentially make some progress on problem 1!

To help with that, I wonder if you'd be willing to create and share a practical example of a JUnit XML file reporting the results of a realistic terraform test run you've done where there were some interesting failures to report, and/or where the success case produces something useful for you in the Azure DevOps UI.

That would help by illustrating one possible mapping from Terraform's concepts to the JUnit concepts that is at least useful for Azure DevOps in particular, and hopefully also useful in some other similar test orchestrators that support JUnit XML. The idea here would be to figure out a mapping that is useful in practice with JUnit XML parser implementations that are in real use, as opposed to a mapping which is theoretically plausible but causes the result to be less useful in real existing test reporting software.

Thanks again!

rvdouderaa commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the response @apparentlymart

I found the following page, which describes the format https://github.com/testmoapp/junitxml / https://windyroad.com.au/dl/Open%20Source/JUnit.xsd

Maybe no official documentation, however the Apache Ant implementations seems to be the defacto standard.

As for use cases. We want to add Terraform Test to our CI/CD pipelines as we are using tfsec and tflint. Results should be exported to a readable format by Azure Devops, so test results can be published and pipeline then failed. This would need a feature to continue when he step fails, so the error can be handled by the nexts step.

It doesn't really matter on which test it would fail, the tests are there for a reason.

For example:

run "input_validation" {
    command = plan

    variables {
        name = "asdfaslkdjfkasjdflkasjdf!@$@$"
        resource_group_name = "core-services-rg"

    expect_failures = [

This name should not be accepted by the module (only a-z and 0-9) so the input should fail. If not, something is wrong with the modules validation check and we should not be able to publish the module. And we would it to be displayed like this tfsec error


Hope this makes our usecase(s) clear.

rvdouderaa commented 7 months ago


This are the test formats supported by Azure Devops: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/reference/publish-test-results-v2?view=azure-pipelines&tabs=trx%2Ctrxattachments%2Cyaml

Junit scheme: https://github.com/windyroad/JUnit-Schema/blob/master/JUnit.xsd

apparentlymart commented 7 months ago

Thanks for that extra context, @rvdouderaa!

If you're able to do so, it would help to see an example of exactly what JUnit XML tfsec and tflint are creating for you, since presumably in your case mimicking how those tools use JUnit XML would give a result that fits well with how you're already using it with those other tools.

Of course if you can't share it then we ought to be able to test with those tools ourselves at some point to find out, but seeing an example from your already-running system will make it easier to quickly see if mimicking how those tools use the format is likely to be a viable strategy for terraform test.

If you would like to share those files, I'd suggest creating a GitHub Gist with the two (or more) files inside it and linking to it here, just because GitHub comments don't work very well for sharing longer code examples.


rvdouderaa commented 7 months ago

@apparentlymart I created a gist with a tfsec and a tflint xml output https://gist.github.com/rvdouderaa/40821f63aa1407279a3e29292f34ce0c

apparentlymart commented 7 months ago

Thanks for sharing those, @rvdouderaa.

It seems that both of these tools have made the decision that the file containing the problem should be treated as the "test class name" in JUnit terms. However, it also seems from your screenshot of Azure DevOps that it doesn't actually pay attention to that at all; I don't see the filenames appearing anywhere in the UI.

It also seems that tfsec elected to use "tfsec" as the name of the entire suite, while tflint did not name the test suite at all.

For naming the test cases themselves, tflint used some sort of identifier terraform_typed_variables -- I guess that's the machine-readable name for one of its lint rules? -- while tfsec seems to have just chosen a human-readable description of the problem itself (duplicating the text from the failure message inside) rather than of what was being tested.

For terraform test we have some additional concepts that would need to be mapped onto the JUnit XML model:

Given that, I suppose one possible way to map it would be:

Does that seem plausible to you as a way to populate the JUnit XML format based on a terraform test outcome?

rvdouderaa commented 7 months ago

@apparentlymart you can see the testsuite name in the Azure Devops screenshot (first line with a cross, tfsec (1/1) That's the only reference. In the screenshot above, there were no tflint findings.

The proposed solutions seems plausible. However I tried this with multiple findings in tflint, and it creates 2 seperate testcase entries... I updated the gist with an example.

mefarazahmad commented 6 months ago

looking forward for this functionality to be enabled. When can we expect this to be live?

crw commented 6 months ago

@mefarazahmad There is no commitment. I would recommend following the PR: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/pull/34291

apparentlymart commented 5 months ago

Hi all,

Today's alpha release of Terraform CLI includes an early experimental option to generate JUnit XML output.

For those who are interested in seeing this move forward, it would be much appreciated if you could share feedback in the community forum topic about the experiment.

I must forewarn that I'm currently focused primarily on a different project and so this JUnit XML experiment is a bit of a "background task" for me and so I might be slow to respond, but I do intend to collect up all the feedback and act on it later.


(We use the community forum for this sort of early feedback, rather than discussion here in GitHub, because the Discourse forum does at least have some support for tracking which comments are in reply to which other comments, whereas unstructured GitHub issue discussions tend to just become a confusing pile! We'll transition back to discussing in GitHub once it seems clearer what design we're going to move forward with and we become more concerned with the details of getting it implemented "for real".)

apparentlymart commented 4 months ago

Hi again!

After some discussion in the community forum topic I linked earlier, there were some conclusions I wanted to bring back in here to inform subsequent rounds of experiment:

Thanks to everyone for sharing their feedback and screenshots!

I'm going to be away from this issue for at least a little while since my attention is needed elsewhere, but hopefully the above will be useful for either future-me or someone else working on a second round of experiment soon.

apparentlymart commented 2 months ago

Some subsequent discussion in the community forum topic led to an additional idea:

apparentlymart commented 1 month ago

Hi all,

(Sorry for accidentally closing this before. I accidentally triggered GitHub's automatic closing of this issue due to the wording I used in a pull request. :man_facepalming: )

The latest alpha release includes some updates responding to the two items of feedback I described two comments above this one. There's more information in the community forum topic requesting feedback, and I'd appreciate any efforts to re-test this (or to test it for the first time!) with your chosen JUnit XML-supporting software.

This doesn't include any changes for the third item I described in the comment directly above this one, because that seems to require more invasive changes. Although I hope to do it eventually, my focus for the moment is on figuring out the best way to map Terraform's testing model onto the JUnit XML format, and it already seems clear where the improved failure messages would be placed (in the message attribute of the failure element), so there's no strong need to immediately experiment further with that part.
