I am running synthetic-monitoring on my Vault server and time to time I got the following issue, which I think could be a timeout of sts server.
In my test I added 2 retries, the error is less frequent but sitll happen once an hour (test run every minute)
service account 'projects/-/serviceAccounts/PROJECT_ID': Get "https://iam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/-/serviceAccounts/PROJECT_ID'?alt=json&prettyPrint=false": oauth2/google: unable to generate access token: Post "https://iamcredentials.googleapis.com/v1/projects/-/serviceAccounts/vt-ga-synthetic-test-prd@PROJECT_ID'.iam.gserviceaccount.com:generateAccessToken": oauth2/google: invalid response from Secure Token Server: Post "https://sts.googleapis.com/v1/token": context canceled
I am using WIF across GCP project, this work 9X% of the time, but still failed time to time, I was wondering is Google know about those type of issue or not.
I am running synthetic-monitoring on my Vault server and time to time I got the following issue, which I think could be a timeout of sts server.
In my test I added 2 retries, the error is less frequent but sitll happen once an hour (test run every minute)
I am using WIF across GCP project, this work 9X% of the time, but still failed time to time, I was wondering is Google know about those type of issue or not.