haskell / actions

Github actions for Haskell CI
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Deprecation warning for setup action #301

Closed andreasabel closed 11 months ago

andreasabel commented 12 months ago


Update: TODO:

andreasabel commented 12 months ago

@mihaimaruseac My last info was that you wanted to take over maintainership of the hlint-setup and hlint-run actions. If you want to step back from this, it is fine with me, we then just advertise them as "maintainer wanted".

I don't known whether hlint-scan is feature complete for the other two actions. If you advice users to migrate to hlint-scan, it would be good to put a migration guide here (and possible also at hlint-scan).

I'd like to go public soon with the migration haskell/actions/setup -> haskell-actions/setup, e.g. on discourse.haskell, so I would like to know your position, in particular whether we should say that the hlint actions are up for grabs.

mihaimaruseac commented 12 months ago

In this case, I'll transfer them to the org and then do a study of the existing one and these ones to compare which is more feature complete.

I should send a PR soon for that. Thank you for clarifying.

mihaimaruseac commented 11 months ago

The repos are now split: hlint-setup and hlint-run. Here's a reference to what I did (so I can remember for later)

To do this, I first cloned this repo, then created 2 copies, hlint-setup and hlint-run (which will become the new repos):

...$ cp -r actions hlint-setup
...$ cp -r actions hlint-run

Then, for each of the repos I used the git-filter-repo tool to split the corresponding directory, as well as .github, .gitattributes and .gitignore:

...$ for d in hlint-*; do pushd $d; git filter-repo --path $d --path .github/ --path .gitattributes --path .gitignore --force; popd; done
/tmp/hs_actions/hlint-run /tmp/hs_actions
Parsed 602 commits
New history written in 0.29 seconds; now repacking/cleaning...
Repacking your repo and cleaning out old unneeded objects
HEAD is now at 5dfdcc3 Add suport for GHC nightlies via GHCup (#279)
Enumerating objects: 665, done.
Counting objects: 100% (665/665), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (338/338), done.
Writing objects: 100% (665/665), done.
Total 665 (delta 262), reused 630 (delta 242), pack-reused 0
Completely finished after 0.60 seconds.
/tmp/hs_actions/hlint-setup /tmp/hs_actions
Parsed 602 commits
New history written in 0.29 seconds; now repacking/cleaning...
Repacking your repo and cleaning out old unneeded objects
HEAD is now at 7c6e455 Add suport for GHC nightlies via GHCup (#279)
Enumerating objects: 622, done.
Counting objects: 100% (622/622), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (298/298), done.
Writing objects: 100% (622/622), done.
Total 622 (delta 254), reused 607 (delta 242), pack-reused 0
Completely finished after 0.58 seconds.

I didn't use git subtree split as suggested on Stack Overflow because that command would not copy the tags over to the new repo. It has a benefit that it creates the place for the new repo in a new dir so I wouldn't need to manually create the initial copies, but the missing of tags is a bigger issue than just running 2 cp commands.

Next step is to move files from hlint-setup (hlint-run) to the root directory of the corresponding repo, making sure to also move the .gitignore and similar files. For hlint-run this also involves merging the local .github/ with the root one. This is done in cd55b0 and bd93c1.

Now I only need to make sure actions work in both repos, readme's are updated, etc. This should be doable quickly.

liskin commented 11 months ago

@mihaimaruseac Can you please update the latest, v2 and v2.4 tags in https://github.com/haskell-actions/hlint-setup to point to the same commit as v2.4.8. Users of the actions are quite likely to use the v2 tag as that's what the README says, but that wouldn't work with the new repo because the v2 tag still points to a commit before the action was moved out of its subdirectory.

(Likewise for hlint-run)

mihaimaruseac commented 11 months ago

@mihaimaruseac Can you please update the latest, v2 and v2.4 tags in https://github.com/haskell-actions/hlint-setup to point to the same commit as v2.4.8. Users of the actions are quite likely to use the v2 tag as that's what the README says, but that wouldn't work with the new repo because the v2 tag still points to a commit before the action was moved out of its subdirectory.

(Likewise for hlint-run)

Thanks. That's what I was missing (though it's really bad from supply chain security point of view, but that's for another discussion)

liskin commented 11 months ago

Thanks. That's what I was missing

Works now. 👍 I think all that's left is to s|haskell/actions|haskell-actions| in the README.

(though it's really bad from supply chain security point of view, but that's for another discussion)

(yeah, but there isn't currently a good alternative; you can't specify a major version and pin the specific sha1 at the same time, and even if you could, the noise would be annoying; it'd be great if you could at least say "v2 but fail if it isn't gpg signed" … anyway, yeah, off-topic, sorry)