GHC 8.10.6 and GHC 8.10.7 include Win32- However, there is no Win32- listed on Hackage (only Win32-
This causes a problem with stack. LTS-18.7 and -18.8 (GHC 8.10.6) specify an incorrect verison of Win32 but that can't be solved with extra-deps because Could not find Win32- on Hackage.
GHC 8.10.6 and GHC 8.10.7 include
. However, there is noWin32-
listed on Hackage (only Win32- causes a problem with
. LTS-18.7 and -18.8 (GHC 8.10.6) specify an incorrect verison of Win32 but that can't be solved withextra-deps
becauseCould not find Win32- on Hackage