haubna / PhysicsMod

Physics Mod for Minecraft
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[BUG] Water layer reflections from shaders applied to dynamic plants that are over 1 block in length. #839

Open Barerock opened 6 months ago

Barerock commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug (https://github.com/rre36/ShaderpackIssueTracker/issues/96)

Happens occasionally on ferns, I can't reproduce right now. It also happens on non-3D model sugarcane and vines. I am using the Vanilla Tweaks 3D texture for sugar cane and vines, if that helps you pinpoint a solution/problem.

Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Physics Mod Version: 167d Oculus: 1.6.15a

This isn't a huge deal, fortunately.

haubna commented 6 months ago

As far as I can remember this is caused by enabling PBR resource packs, right? Dynamic blocks sadly don't support PBR due to the hacky way I have to use to make it look half decent with grass (due to the implementation of grass in many shaderpacks being very customized with subsurface scattering and so on, which I can't access with the type of shader I use for physics rendering).

Barerock commented 6 months ago

Ah, that's interesting. Fortunately, nothing else seems affected by PBR being enabled and this is quickly fixed by using a 3D resource of choice. It's also mostly visible at night, during which I am inside hiding from the hordes.