haumea-lang / haumea-rs

Haumea is an experimental language designed to be simple and easy to learn and program in.
MIT License
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Haumea is an experimental language designed to be easy to learn and use.


First, make sure that you have Rust and Cargo installed. Then, simply clone this repo-

$ git clone https://github.com/BookOwl/haumea.git

-and just use the following to run the Haumea compiler, where hello.hau is your Haumea program. (This will compile the Haumea source, if required, compile hello.hau, use cc to compile the result, and finally run the binary.)

$ make do file=hello.hau

# or if that doesn't work:

$ cargo build
$ ./target/debug/haumea < hello.hau > out.c
$ cc out.c -o out
$ ./out

Example programs

Here is an example program that calculates factorials:

to factorial with (n) do
    if n = 0 then do
        return 1
    else do
        return n * factorial(n - 1)

to main do

Find a bug, or want to request a feature?

Please create an issue with your bug report or pull request.

Haumea reference.

Please check out the wiki for the Haumea reference and a tutorial.


Haumea is released under the MIT license. Please see LICENSE.txt for details.


@BookOwl - Created the langauge

@nanalan - Made an amazing logo

Many other people who have helped with design decisions