hauntsaninja / mypy_primer

Run mypy and pyright over millions of lines of code
MIT License
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add more projects that use pyright #43

Open hauntsaninja opened 2 years ago

hauntsaninja commented 2 years ago

The couple ones we already have have been disproportionately useful for implementing new typing features in mypy

https://github.com/awslabs/gluon-ts ~https://github.com/canonical/operator~ ~https://github.com/astropenguin/xarray-dataclasses~ https://github.com/Rapptz/RoboDanny https://github.com/DisnakeDev/disnake https://github.com/GraiaProject/Avilla

https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler https://github.com/jodal/pykka https://github.com/python-validators/validators https://github.com/hikari-py/hikari https://github.com/RobertCraigie/prisma-client-py https://github.com/yutto-dev/yutto https://github.com/lighttpd/lighttpd2

A5rocks commented 1 year ago

Given mypy_primer now is used as a pyright primer (ish) too, I suspect this issue could probably be closed? Or maybe pushed off to, like, pyright's maintainer at least! They know best!