havenousername / static-environment-issues-report

A typescript based website renderer with emulation of multiple pages
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link
firebase parcel typescript vanilla

Static Environmetal issues report page

Main structure of pages

How to run?

Important! You need to have nodejs to run these project

For that please download it and install from official webpage

Warning Most of the commands described here are not available on Windows. The ones which are not working on Windows are marked with NO-W. Do not worry such commands are based on simpler commands which should work everywhere. More of commands you can find in package.json file under scripts key

First Launch Installation

  1. Download nodejs( if you do not have it)
  2. use npm i or npm install for Mac and Linux, npm run install:windows for Windows,
  3. open new window and run cd ./api and npm i for json backend
  4. use npm run build:local
  5. use npm run dev:local
  6. switch to new terminal tab and use npm run host:local

Local server and parcel server

For first static server run

npm run build:local

For development version on localhost

npm run dev:local

For backend server run be aware that json-server and firebase server do not share same data! NO-W

npm run host:local

Use instead
  1. open new terminal/command prompt window
  2. cd ./api or dir .\api
  3. npm run start
    Build and run both backend and front-end NO-W

    npm run start:local

Local server with firebase (need to install firebase globally first)

Create local firebase based server
For frontend

npm run firebase-frontend:local

For backend

npm run firebase-backend:local

Altogether NO-W

npm run firebase:local

For firebase deploy (use it only if you have a stable version of application)

npm run firebase:deploy


Could be found in package.json file (backend-deps are found in /api/package.json for json.server and in /functions/package.json for firebase).

How to work with git

clone repo

git clone git@clone.git

check git status (will show which files are untracked by commit)

git status

check last commits

git log

checkout to a branch

git checkout branchname

create new branch

git checkout -b branchname

check current branch

git branch

For adding to current git state (all files)

git add .

For adding to current git state (single file)

git add filepath/filename

For Recording changes to the current repository

git commit -m "message_type: message content"

Download objects and refs from another repository

git fetch

Merging another repository to current one

git merge repository_name

For more info about git type

git --help or git -h


In current implementation files should be checked before commiting them.

Run npm run lint for common linting, npm run lint:css for css linting, and npm run lint:html for html linting

Important! To see linting errors in your IDE(pref. Visual Stiduo Code), download plugins for linters.

For more information how to do it go to page Visual Code Tutorial