What is the problem you are trying to solve with this feature?
A search for an asset id or a uuid yields nothing. I would expect it to yield at least the locations or items corresponding to the assed it or uuid.
What is the solution you are proposing?
Include asset id and (probably also?) uuid in search.
What alternatives have you considered?
I could theoretically add a custom field and search specifically for that, but that would not be very logical at all.
Additional context
Existing non-homebox asset tags would be a use case. These would not have hardcoded homebox uuid urls in them. That would mean no search results by default.
[X] I have searched through existing issues and feature requests to see if my idea has already been proposed.
[ ] If this feature is accepted, I would be willing to help implement and maintain this feature.
[ ] If this feature is accepted, I'm willing to sponsor the development of this feature.
What is the problem you are trying to solve with this feature?
A search for an asset id or a uuid yields nothing. I would expect it to yield at least the locations or items corresponding to the assed it or uuid.
What is the solution you are proposing?
Include asset id and (probably also?) uuid in search.
What alternatives have you considered?
I could theoretically add a custom field and search specifically for that, but that would not be very logical at all.
Additional context
Existing non-homebox asset tags would be a use case. These would not have hardcoded homebox uuid urls in them. That would mean no search results by default.
P.S. Thank you for your work on homebox!