haya14busa / vim-easymotion

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Feature request: easymotion for spell mode? #11

Open jchain opened 10 years ago

jchain commented 10 years ago

Can you implement the jump for the highlighted misspelled words? Sometimes Vim spell checker just gives many false-positive warnings on the spell, it would be nice if I can just jump directly to the ones I really care instead of one-by-one.

I don't know how hard it is but I still thanks for your hard work!

joshtch commented 10 years ago

That seems like a very specific task that might be better making a separate plugin for. Have you seen the zg command?

jchain commented 10 years ago

I know about zg. After a second thought, I think I can first enter spell-checking mode and then use <Plug>easy-motion-s or <Plug>easy-motion-bd-w to jump. It is easy and quick enough. So please close this request if you wish. Thanks.

haya14busa commented 10 years ago

Well, I think it's possible but not easy to implement.

I also considered to implement jump-to-syntax-highlighted motion (but I haven't come up with how to implement it and doubt it's really useful), so if I made it come true, then I could provide spell-check motion too.

Another solution is gathering target position by [s and ]s, but it needs more refactoring before implementing like this way.

Well, I also think it should be as a separate plugin depending on easymotion. Actually I want to separate some motion(such as selectline, selectphrase) as a enhancement plugin. (e.g. https://github.com/haya14busa/vim-lazy-lines)

So please close this request if you wish. Thanks.

It's OK I'll leave it open.