hbl917070 / Tiefsee4

An open-source image viewer for Windows with powerful features and ease of use
MIT License
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An open-source image viewer for Windows with powerful features and ease of use



System requirements: 64-bit Windows 10 or Windows 11

Current version:Tiefsee 4.2.6



1、What is the difference between the Store and Portable versions?

If there are no special requirements, it is recommended to use the Store version

2、Why is the Store version larger than the Portable version?

The Store version packages the entire .NET runtime environment into the program during compilation, and Microsoft has not yet proposed an effective solution

3、Program displays WebView2 must be installed to run this application when starting

Possible reasons are:

Project Description


The Tiefsee4 project is open source under the MIT license.
However, the extensions that are installed separately are not part of the Tiefsee4 project.
They all have their own licenses!