hbz / qa-catalogue

QA catalogue – a metadata quality assessment tool for library catalogue records (MARC, PICA)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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QA catalogue
a metadata quality assessment tool for library catalogue records (MARC, PICA)

Java CI with Maven Coverage Status

QA catalogue is a set of software packages for bibliographical record quality assessment. It reads MARC or PICA files (in different formats), analyses some quality dimensions, and saves the results into CSV files. These CSV files could be used in different context, we provide a lightweight, web-based user interface for that. Some of the functionalities are available as a web service, so the validation could be built into a cataloguing/quality assessment workflow.

Output sample Screenshot from the web UI of the QA catalogue

Table of Contents

Quick start guide


See INSTALL.md for dependencies.

  1. wget https://github.com/pkiraly/metadata-qa-marc/releases/download/v0.6.0/metadata-qa-marc-0.6.0-release.zip
  2. unzip metadata-qa-marc-0.6.0-release.zip
  3. cd metadata-qa-marc-0.6.0/


Either use the script qa-catalogue or create configuration files:

  1. cp setdir.sh.template setdir.sh

Change the input and output base directories in setdir.sh. Local directories input/ and output/ will be used by default. Files of each catalogue are in a subdirectory of theses base directories:

  1. Create configuration based on some existing config files:
    • cp catalogues/loc.sh catalogues/[abbreviation-of-your-library].sh
    • edit catalogues/[abbreviation-of-your-library].sh according to configuration guide

With Docker

A more detailed instruction how to use qa-catalogue with Docker can be found in the wiki

A Docker image bundling qa-catalogue with all of its dependencies and the web interface qa-catalogue-web is made available:

To download, configure and start an image in a new container the file docker-compose.yml is needed in the current directory. It can be configured with the following environment variables:

Environment variables can be set on command line or be put in local file .env, e.g.:

WEBPORT=9000 docker compose up -d


docker compose --env-file config.env up -d

When the application has been started this way, run analyses with script ./docker/qa-catalogue the same ways as script ./qa-catalogue is called when not using Docker (see usage for details). The following example uses parameters for Gent university library catalogue:

./docker/qa-catalogue \
  --params "--marcVersion GENT --alephseq" \
  --mask "rug01.export" \
  --catalogue gent \

Now you can reach the web interface (qa-catalogue-web) at http://localhost:80/ (or at another port as configured with environment variable WEBPORT). To further modify appearance of the interface, create templates in your WEBCONFIG directory and/or create a file configuration.cnf in this directory to extend UI configuration without having to restart the Docker container.

This example works under Linux. Windows users should consult the Docker on Windows wiki page. Other useful Docker commands at QA catalogue's wiki.

Everything else should work the same way as in other environments, so follow the next sections.


catalogues/[abbreviation-of-your-library].sh all-analyses
catalogues/[abbreviation-of-your-library].sh all-solr

For a catalogue with around 1 million record the first command will take 5-10 minutes, the later 1-2 hours.


Prerequisites: Java 11 (I use OpenJDK), and Maven 3

  1. Optional step: clone and build the parent library, metadata-qa-api project:
git clone https://github.com/pkiraly/metadata-qa-api.git
cd metadata-qa-api
mvn clean install
cd ..
  1. Mandatory step: clone and build the current metadata-qa-marc project
git clone https://github.com/pkiraly/metadata-qa-marc.git
cd metadata-qa-marc
mvn clean install

... or download

The released versions of the software is available from Maven Central repository. The stable releases (currently 0.6.0) is available from all Maven repos, while the developer version (*-SNAPSHOT) is available only from the [Sonatype Maven repository] (https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/de/gwdg/metadataqa/metadata-qa-marc/0.5.0/). What you need to select is the file metadata-qa-marc-0.6.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar.

Be aware that no automation exists for creating a current developer version as nightly build, so there is a chance that the latest features are not available in this version. If you want to use the latest version, do build it.

Since the jar file doesn't contain the helper scripts, you might also consider downloading them from this GitHub repository:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pkiraly/metadata-qa-marc/master/common-script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pkiraly/metadata-qa-marc/master/validator
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pkiraly/metadata-qa-marc/master/formatter
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pkiraly/metadata-qa-marc/master/tt-completeness

You should adjust common-script to point to the jar file you just downloaded.


Helper scripts

The tool comes with some bash helper scripts to run all these with default values. The generic scripts locate in the root directory and library specific configuration like scripts exist in the catalogues directory. You can find predefined scripts for several library catalogues (if you want to run it, first you have to configure it). All these scrips mainly contain configuration, and then it calls the central common-script which contains the functions.

If you do not want to


catalogues/[your script] [command(s)]


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" [command(s)]

The following commands are supported:

You can find information about these functionalities below this document.


  1. create the configuration file (setdir.sh)

    cp setdir.sh.template setdir.sh
  2. edit the file configuration file. Two lines are important here

  1. edit the library specific file

Here is an example file for analysing Library of Congress' MARC records

#!/usr/bin/env bash

. ./setdir.sh


. ./common-script

Three variables are important here:

  1. NAME is a name for the output directory. The analysis result will land under $BASE_OUTPUT_DIR/$NAME directory
  2. MARC_DIR is the location of MARC files. All the files should be in the same directory
  3. MASK is a file mask, such as *.mrc, *.marc or *.dat.gz. Files ending with .gz are uncompressed automatically.

You can add here any other parameters this document mentioned at the description of individual command, wrapped in TYPE_PARAMS variable e.g. for the Deutche Nationalbibliothek's config file, one can find this

TYPE_PARAMS="--marcVersion DNB --marcxml"

This line sets the DNB's MARC version (to cover fields defined within DNB's MARC version), and XML as input format.

The following table summarizes the configuration variables. The script qa-catalogue can be used to set variables and execute analysis without a library specific configuration file:

variable qa-catalogue description default
ANALYSES -a/--analyses which tasks to run with all-analyses validate, validate_sqlite, completeness, completeness_sqlite, classifications, authorities, tt_completeness, shelf_ready_completeness, serial_score, functional_analysis, pareto, marc_history
-c/--catalogue display name of the catalogue $NAME
NAME -n/--name name of the catalogue qa-catalogue
BASE_INPUT_DIR -d/--input parent directory of input file directories ./input
INPUT_DIR -d/--input-dir subdirectory of input directory to read files from
BASE_OUTPUT_DIR -o/--output parent output directory ./output
MASK -m/--mask a file mask which input files to process, e.g. *.mrc *
TYPE_PARAMS -p/--params parameters to pass to individual tasks (see below)
SCHEMA -s/--schema record schema MARC21
UPDATE -u/--update optional date of input files
VERSION -v/--version optional version number/date of the catalogue to compare changes
WEB_CONFIG -w/--web-config update the specified configuration file of qa-catalogue-web
-f/--env-file configuration file to load environment variables from (default: .env)

Detailed instructions

We will use the same jar file in every command, so we save its path into a variable.

export JAR=target/metadata-qa-marc-0.7.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

General parameters

Most of the analyses uses the following general parameters

The last argument of the commands are a list of files. It might contain any wildcard the operating system supports ('*', '?', etc.).

Validating MARC records

It validates each records against the MARC21 standard, including those local defined field, which are selected by the MARC version parameter.

The issues are classified into the following categories: record, control field, data field, indicator, subfield and their subtypes.

There is an uncertainty in the issue detection. Almost all library catalogues have fields, which are not part of the MARC standard, neither that of their documentation about the locally defined fields (these documents are rarely available publicly, and even if they are available sometimes they do not cover all fields). So if the tool meets a field which are undefined, it is impossible to decide whether it is valid or invalid in a particular context. So in some places the tool reflects this uncertainty and provides two calculations, one which handles these fields as error, and another which handles these as valid fields.

The tool detects the following issues:

machine name explanation
record level issues
undetectableType the document type is not detectable
invalidLinkage the linkage in field 880 is invalid
ambiguousLinkage the linkage in field 880 is ambiguous
control field position issues
obsoleteControlPosition the code in the position is obsolete (it was valid in a previous version of MARC, but it is not valid now)
controlValueContainsInvalidCode the code in the position is invalid
invalidValue the position value is invalid
data field issues
missingSubfield missing reference subfield (880$6)
nonrepeatableField repetition of a non-repeatable field
undefinedField the field is not defined in the specified MARC version(s)
indicator issues
obsoleteIndicator the indicator value is obsolete (it was valid in a previous version of MARC, but not in the current version)
nonEmptyIndicator indicator that should be empty is non-empty
invalidValue the indicator value is invalid
subfield issues
undefinedSubfield the subfield is undefined in the specified MARC version(s)
invalidLength the length of the value is invalid
invalidReference the reference to the classification vocabulary is invalid
patternMismatch content does not match the patterns specified by the standard
nonrepeatableSubfield repetition of a non-repeatable subfield
invalidISBN invalid ISBN value
invalidISSN invalid ISSN value
unparsableContent the value of the subfield is not well-formed according to its specification
nullCode null subfield code
invalidValue invalid subfield value


java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.Validator [options] <file>

or with a bash script

./validator [options] <file>


catalogues/<catalogue>.sh validate


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" validate



2,control field,994241,313960
3,data field,12,12
5,2,control field,"invalid code",951,541
6,2,control field,"invalid value",993290,313733
8,3,data field,"repetition of non-repeatable field",12,12
10,4,indicator,"obsolete value",1,1
11,4,indicator,"non-empty indicator",33,32
12,4,indicator,"invalid value",5956,5018
13,5,subfield,"undefined subfield",48,48
14,5,subfield,"invalid length",2,2
15,5,subfield,"invalid classification reference",2,2
16,5,subfield,"content does not match any patterns",286,275
17,5,subfield,"repetition of non-repeatable subfield",123,120
18,5,subfield,"invalid ISBN",5,3
19,5,subfield,"invalid ISSN",105,105
53,008/33-34 (008map33),2,5,invalid code,'b' in 'b ',https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd008p.html,1,1
70,008/00-05 (008all00),2,5,invalid code,Invalid content: '2023  '. Text '2023  ' could not be parsed at index 4,https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd008a.html,1,1
28,008/22-23 (008map22),2,6,invalid value,| ,https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd008p.html,12,12
19,008/31 (008book31),2,6,invalid value, ,https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd008b.html,1,1
17,008/29 (008book29),2,6,invalid value, ,https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd008b.html,1,1

1:2;2:1;3:1 means that 3 different types of issues are occurred in the record, the firs issue which has issue ID 1 occurred twice, issue ID 2 which occurred once and issue ID 3, which occurred once. The issue IDs can be resolved from the issue-summary.csv file's firs column.


where types are


An example with parameters used for analysing a PICA dataset. When the input is a complex expression it is displayed here in a parsed format. It also contains some metadata such as the versions of MQFA API and QA catalogue.


Currently, validation detects the following errors:

Leader specific errors:

Control field specific errors:

Data field specific errors

Errors of specific fields:

An example:

Error in '   00000034 ': 
  110$ind1 has invalid code: '2'
Error in '   00000056 ': 
  110$ind1 has invalid code: '2'
Error in '   00000057 ': 
  082$ind1 has invalid code: ' '
Error in '   00000086 ': 
  110$ind1 has invalid code: '2'
Error in '   00000119 ': 
  700$ind1 has invalid code: '2'
Error in '   00000234 ': 
  082$ind1 has invalid code: ' '
Errors in '   00000294 ': 
  050$ind2 has invalid code: ' '
  260$ind1 has invalid code: '0'
  710$ind2 has invalid code: '0'
  710$ind2 has invalid code: '0'
  710$ind2 has invalid code: '0'
  740$ind2 has invalid code: '1'
Error in '   00000322 ': 
  110$ind1 has invalid code: '2'
Error in '   00000328 ': 
  082$ind1 has invalid code: ' '
Error in '   00000374 ': 
  082$ind1 has invalid code: ' '
Error in '   00000395 ': 
  082$ind1 has invalid code: ' '
Error in '   00000514 ': 
  082$ind1 has invalid code: ' '
Errors in '   00000547 ': 
  100$ind2 should be empty, it has '0'
  260$ind1 has invalid code: '0'
Errors in '   00000571 ': 
  050$ind2 has invalid code: ' '
  100$ind2 should be empty, it has '0'
  260$ind1 has invalid code: '0'

post processing validation result (validate-sqlite)


catalogues/<catalogue>.sh validate-sqlite


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" validate-sqlite


./common-script [options] validate-sqlite

[options] are the same as for validation

Catalogue for a single library

If the data is not grouped by libraries (no --groupBy <path> parameter), it creates the following SQLite3 database structure and import some of the CSV files into it:

issue_summary table for the issue-summary.csv:

It represents a particular type of error

id         INTEGER,  -- identifier of the error
MarcPath   TEXT,     -- the location of the error in the bibliographic record
categoryId INTEGER,  -- the identifier of the category of the error
typeId     INTEGER,  -- the identifier of the type of the error
type       TEXT,     -- the description of the type
message    TEXT,     -- extra contextual information 
url        TEXT,     -- the url of the definition of the data element
instances  INTEGER,  -- the number of instances this error occured
records    INTEGER   -- the number of records this error occured in

issue_details table for the issue-details.csv:

Each row represents how many instances of an error occur in a particular bibliographic record

id         TEXT,    -- the record identifier
errorId    INTEGER, -- the error identifier (-> issue_summary.id)
instances  INTEGER  -- the number of instances of an error in the record
Union catalogue for multiple libraries

If the dataset is a union catalogue, and the record contains a subfield for the libraries holding the item (there is --groupBy <path> parameter), it creates the following SQLite3 database structure and import some of the CSV files into it:

issue_summary table for the issue-summary.csv (it is similar to the other issue_summary table, but it has an extra groupId column)

groupId    INTEGER,
id         INTEGER,
MarcPath   TEXT,
categoryId INTEGER,
typeId     INTEGER,
type       TEXT,
message    TEXT,
url        TEXT,
instances  INTEGER,
records    INTEGER

issue_details table (same as the other issue_details table)

id         TEXT,
errorId    INTEGER,
instances  INTEGER

id_groupid table for id-groupid.csv:

id         TEXT,
groupId    INTEGER

issue_group_types table contains statistics for the error types per groups.

groupId    INTEGER,
typeId     INTEGER,
records    INTEGER,
instances  INTEGER

issue_group_categories table contains statistics for the error categories per groups

groupId    INTEGER,
categoryId INTEGER,
records    INTEGER,
instances  INTEGER

issue_group_paths table contains statistics for the error types per paths per groups

groupId    INTEGER,
typeId     INTEGER,
path       TEXT,
records    INTEGER,
instances  INTEGER

For union catalogues it also creates an extra Solr index with the suffix _validation. It contains one Solr document for each bibliographic record with three fields: the record identifier, the list of group identifiers and the list of error identifiers (if any). This Solr index is needed for populating the issue_group_types, issue_group_categories and issue_group_paths tables. This index will be ingested into the main Solr index.

Display one MARC record, or extract data elements from MARC records

java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.Formatter [options] <file>

or with a bash script

./formatter [options] <file>


The output of displaying a single MARC record is something like this one:

LEADER 01697pam a2200433 c 4500
001 1023012219
003 DE-101
005 20160912065830.0
007 tu
008 120604s2012    gw ||||| |||| 00||||ger  
015   $a14,B04$z12,N24$2dnb
016 7 $2DE-101$a1023012219
020   $a9783860124352$cPp. : EUR 19.50 (DE), EUR 20.10 (AT)$9978-3-86012-435-2
024 3 $a9783860124352
035   $a(DE-599)DNB1023012219
035   $a(OCoLC)864553265
035   $a(OCoLC)864553328
040   $a1145$bger$cDE-101$d1140
041   $ager
044   $cXA-DE-SN
082 04$81\u$a622.0943216$qDE-101$222/ger
083 7 $a620$a660$qDE-101$222sdnb
084   $a620$a660$qDE-101$2sdnb
085   $81\u$b622
085   $81\u$z2$s43216
090   $ab
110 1 $0(DE-588)4665669-8$0http://d-nb.info/gnd/4665669-8$0(DE-101)963486896$aHalsbrücke$4aut
245 00$aHalsbrücke$bzur Geschichte von Gemeinde, Bergbau und Hütten$chrsg. von der Gemeinde Halsbrücke anlässlich des Jubliäums "400 Jahre Hüttenstandort Halsbrücke". [Hrsg.: Ulrich Thiel]
264  1$a[Freiberg]$b[Techn. Univ. Bergakad.]$c2012
300   $a151 S.$bIll., Kt.$c31 cm, 1000 g
653   $a(Produktform)Hardback
653   $aGemeinde Halsbrücke
653   $aHüttengeschichte
653   $aFreiberger Bergbau
653   $a(VLB-WN)1943: Hardcover, Softcover / Sachbücher/Geschichte/Regionalgeschichte, Ländergeschichte
700 1 $0(DE-588)1113208554$0http://d-nb.info/gnd/1113208554$0(DE-101)1113208554$aThiel, Ulrich$d1955-$4edt$eHrsg.
850   $aDE-101a$aDE-101b
856 42$mB:DE-101$qapplication/pdf$uhttp://d-nb.info/1023012219/04$3Inhaltsverzeichnis
925 r $arb

An example for extracting values:

./formatter --selector "008~7-10;008~0-5" \
            --defaultRecordType BOOKS \
            --separator "," \
            --outputDir ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
            --fileName marc-history.csv \

It will put the output into ${OUTPUT_DIR}/marc-history.csv.

Calculating data element completeness

Counts basic statistics about the data elements available in the catalogue.


java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.Completeness [options] <file>

or with a bash script

./completeness [options] <file>


catalogues/<catalogue>.sh completeness


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" completeness


Output files:

documenttype path packageid package tag subfield number-of-record number-of-instances min max mean stddev histogram
all leader23 0 Control Fields Leader Undefined 1099 1099 1 1 1.0 0.0 1=1099
all leader22 0 Control Fields Leader Length of the implementation-defined portion 1099 1099 1 1 1.0 0.0 1=1099
all leader21 0 Control Fields Leader Length of the starting-character-position portion 1099 1099 1 1 1.0 0.0 1=1099
all 110$a 2 Main Entry Main Entry - Corporate Name Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element 4 4 1 1 1.0 0.0 1=4
all 340$b 5 Physical Description Physical Medium Dimensions 2 3 1 2 1.5 0.3535533905932738 1=1; 2=1
all 363$a 5 Physical Description Normalized Date and Sequential Designation First level of enumeration 1 1 1 1 1.0 0.0 1=1
all 340$a 5 Physical Description Physical Medium Material base and configuration 2 3 1 2 1.5 0.3535533905932738 1=1; 2=1
documenttype packageid name label iscoretag count
all 1 01X-09X Numbers and Code true 1099
all 2 1XX Main Entry true 816
all 6 4XX Series Statement true 358
all 5 3XX Physical Description true 715
all 8 6XX Subject Access true 514
all 4 25X-28X Edition, Imprint true 1096
all 7 5XX Note true 354
all 0 00X Control Fields true 1099
all 99 unknown unknown origin false 778
library count
"00Mf" 713
"British Library" 525
"Inserted article about the fires from the Courant after the title page." 1
"National Library of Scotland" 310
"StEdNL" 1
"UkOxU" 33
library count
"103861" 1
"BA-SaUP" 143
"BoCbLA" 25
"CStRLIN" 110
"DLC" 3

An example with parameters used for analysing a MARC dataset. When the input is a complex expression it is displayed here in a parsed format. It also contains some metadata such as the versions of MQFA API and QA catalogue.


For union catalogues the marc-elements.csv and packages.csv have a special version:

groupId documenttype path packageid package tag subfield number-of-record number-of-instances min max mean stddev histogram
350 all 044K$9 50 PICA+ bibliographic description "Schlagwortfolgen (GBV, SWB, K10plus)" PPN 1 1 1 1 1.0 0.0 1=1
350 all 044K$7 50 PICA+ bibliographic description "Schlagwortfolgen (GBV, SWB, K10plus)" Vorläufiger Link 1 1 1 1 1.0 0.0 1=1
group documenttype packageid name label iscoretag count
0 Druckschriften (einschließlich Bildbänden) 50 0... PICA+ bibliographic description false 987
0 Druckschriften (einschließlich Bildbänden) 99 unknown unknown origin false 3
0 Medienkombination 50 0... PICA+ bibliographic description false 1
0 Mikroform 50 0... PICA+ bibliographic description false 11
0 Tonträger, Videodatenträger, Bildliche Darstellungen 50 0... PICA+ bibliographic description false 1
0 all 50 0... PICA+ bibliographic description false 1000
0 all 99 unknown unknown origin false 3
100 Druckschriften (einschließlich Bildbänden) 50 0... PICA+ bibliographic description false 20
100 Medienkombination 50 0... PICA+ bibliographic description false 1
id group count
0 all 1000
100 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Universitätsbibliothek Magdeburg [DE-Ma9] 21
1003 Kreisarchäologie Rotenburg [DE-MUS-125322...] 1
101 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Universitätsbibliothek, Medizinische Zentralbibliothek (MZB), Magdeburg [DE-Ma14...] 6
1012 Mariengymnasium Jever [DE-Je1] 19

post processing completeness result (completeness-sqlite)

The completeness-sqlite step (which is launched by the completeness step, but could be launched independently as well) imports marc-elements.csv or completeness-grouped-marc-elements.csv file into marc_elements table. For the catalogues without the --groupBy parameter the groupId column will be filled by 0.

groupId             INTEGER,
documenttype        TEXT,
path                TEXT,
packageid           INTEGER,
package             TEXT,
tag                 TEXT,
subfield            TEXT,
number-of-record    INTEGER,
number-of-instances INTEGER,
min                 INTEGER,
max                 INTEGER,
mean                REAL,
stddev              REAL,
histogram           TEXT

Calculating Thompson-Traill completeness

Kelly Thompson and Stacie Traill recently published their approach to calculate the quality of ebook records coming from different data sources. Their article is Implementation of the scoring algorithm described in Leveraging Python to improve ebook metadata selection, ingest, and management. In Code4Lib Journal, Issue 38, 2017-10-18. http://journal.code4lib.org/articles/12828

java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.ThompsonTraillCompleteness [options] <file>

or with a bash script

./tt-completeness [options] <file>


catalogues/[catalogue].sh tt-completeness


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" tt-completeness


It produces a CSV file like this:

id,ISBN,Authors,Alternative Titles,Edition,Contributors,Series,TOC,Date 008,Date 26X,LC/NLM, \
LoC,Mesh,Fast,GND,Other,Online,Language of Resource,Country of Publication,noLanguageOrEnglish, \

Shelf-ready completeness analysis

This analysis is the implementation of the following paper:

Emma Booth (2020) Quality of Shelf-Ready Metadata. Analysis of survey responses and recommendations for suppliers Pontefract (UK): National Acquisitions Group, 2020. p 31. https://nag.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/NAG-Quality-of-Shelf-Ready-Metadata-Survey-Analysis-and-Recommendations_FINAL_June2020.pdf

The main purpose of the report is to highlight which fields of the printed and electronic book records are important when the records are coming from different suppliers. 50 libraries participated in the survey, each selected which fields are important to them. The report listed those fields which gets the highest scores.

The current calculation based on this list of essential fields. If all data elements specified are available in the record it gets the full score, if only some of them, it gets a proportional score. E.g. under 250 (edition statement) there are two subfields. If both are available, it gets score 44. If only one of them, it gets the half of it, 22, and if none, it gets 0. For 1XX, 6XX, 7XX and 8XX the record gets the full scores if at least one of those fields (with subfield $a) is available. The total score became the average. The theoretical maximum score would be 28.44, which could be accessed if all the data elements are available in the record.

java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.ShelfReadyCompleteness [options] <file>

with a bash script

./shelf-ready-completeness [options] <file>


catalogues/[catalogue].sh shelf-ready-completeness


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" shelf-ready-completeness


Serial score analysis

These scores are calculated for each continuing resources (type of record (LDR/6) is language material ('a') and bibliographic level (LDR/7) is serial component part ('b'), integrating resource ('i') or serial ('s')).

The calculation is based on a slightly modified version of the method published by Jamie Carlstone in the following paper:

Jamie Carlstone (2017) Scoring the Quality of E-Serials MARC Records Using Java, Serials Review, 43:3-4, pp. 271-277, DOI: 10.1080/00987913.2017.1350525 URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00987913.2017.1350525

java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.SerialScore [options] <file>

with a bash script

./serial-score [options] <file>


catalogues/[catalogue].sh serial-score


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" serial-score


FRBR functional requirement analysis

The Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) document's main part defines the primary and secondary entities which became famous as FRBR models. Years later Tom Delsey created a mapping between the 12 functions and the individual MARC elements.

Tom Delsey (2002) Functional analysis of the MARC 21 bibliographic and holdings formats. Tech. report. Library of Congress, 2002. Prepared for the Network Development and MARC Standards Office Library of Congress. Second Revision: September 17, 2003. https://www.loc.gov/marc/marc-functional-analysis/original_source/analysis.pdf.

This analysis shows how these functions are supported by the records. Low support means that only small portion of the fields support a function are available in the records, strong support on the contrary means lots of fields are available. The analyses calculate the support of 12 functions for each record, and returns summary statistics.

It is an experimental feature because it turned out, that the mapping covers about 2000 elements (fields, subfields, indicators etc.), however on an average record there are max several hundred elements, which results that even in the best record has about 10-15% of the totality of the elements supporting a given function. So the tool doesn't show you exact numbers, and the scale is not 0-100 but 0-[best score] which is different for every catalogue.

The 12 functions: Discovery functions

Usage functions

Management functions

java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.FunctionalAnalysis [options] <file>

with a bash script

./functional-analysis [options] <file>


catalogues/<catalogue>.sh functional-analysis


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" functional-analysis


Output files:

Classification analysis

It analyses the coverage of subject indexing/classification in the catalogue. It checks specific fields, which might have subject indexing information, and provides details about how and which subject indexing schemes have been applied.

java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.ClassificationAnalysis [options] <file>
Rscript scripts/classifications/classifications-type.R <output directory>

with a bash script

./classifications [options] <file>
Rscript scripts/classifications/classifications-type.R <output directory>


catalogues/[catalogue].sh classifications


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" classifications


The output is a set of files:

Authority name analysis

It analyses the coverage of authority names (persons, organisations, events, uniform titles) in the catalogue. It checks specific fields, which might have authority names, and provides details about how and which schemes have been applied.

java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.AuthorityAnalysis [options] <file>

with a bash script

./authorities [options] <file>


catalogues/<catalogue>.sh authorities


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" authorities


The output is a set of files:

Field frequency distribution

This analysis reveals the relative importance of some fields. Pareto's distribution is a kind of power law distribution, and Pareto-rule of 80-20 rules states that 80% of outcomes are due to 20% of causes. In catalogue outcome is the total occurrences of the data element, causes are individual data elements. In catalogues some data elements occurs much more frequently then others. This analyses highlights the distribution of the data elements: whether it is similar to Pareto's distribution or not.

It produces charts for each document type and one for the whole catalogue showing the field frequency patterns. Each chart shows a line which is the function of field frequency: on the X-axis you can see the subfields ordered by the frequency (how many times a given subfield occurred in the whole catalogue). They are ordered by frequency from the most frequent top 1% to the least frequent 1% subfields. The Y-axis represents the cumulative occurrence (from 0% to 100%).

Before running it you should first run the completeness calculation.

With a bash script

catalogues/[catalogue].sh pareto


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" pareto


Generating cataloguing history chart

This analysis is based on Benjamin Schmidt's blog post A brief visual history of MARC cataloging at the Library of Congress. (Tuesday, May 16, 2017).

It produces a chart where the Y-axis is based on the "date entered on file" data element that indicates the date the MARC record was created (008/00-05), the X-axis is based on "Date 1" element (008/07-10).


catalogues/[catalogue].sh marc-history


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" marc-history


Import tables to SQLite

This is just a helper function which imports the results of validation into SQLite3 database.

The prerequisite of this step is to run validation first, since it uses the files produced there. If you run validation with catalogues/<catalogue>.sh or ./qa-catalogue scripts, this importing step is already covered there.


catalogues/[catalogue].sh sqlite


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" sqlite



Indexing bibliographic records with Solr

Run indexer:

java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.MarcToSolr [options] [file]

With script:

catalogues/[catalogue].sh all-solr


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" all-solr


The ./index file (which is used by catalogues/[catalogue].sh and ./qa-catalogue scripts) has additional parameters:

Solr field names

QA catalogue builds a Solr index which contains a) a set of fixed Solr fields that are the same for all bibliographic input, and b) Solr fields that depend on the field names of the metadata schema (MARC, PICA, UNIMARC etc.) - these fields should be mapped from metadata schema to dynamic Solr fields by an algorithm.

Fixed fields
Mapped fields

The mapped fields are Solr fields that depend on the field names of the metadata schema. The final Solr field follows the pattern:

Field prefix: With `--fieldPrefix` parameter you can set a prefix that is applied to the variable fields. This might be needed because Solr has a limitation: field names start with a number can not be used in some Solr parameter, such as `fl` (field list selected to be retrieved from the index). Unfortunately bibliographic schemas use field names start with numbers. You can change a mapping parameter that produces a mapped value that resembles the BIBFRAME mapping of the MARC21 field, but not all field has such a human readable association. Field suffixes: * `*_sni`: not indexed, stored string fields -- good for storing fields used for displaying information * `*_ss`: not parsed, stored, indexed string fields -- good for display and facets * `*_tt`: parsed, not stored, indexed string fields -- good for term searches (these fields will be availabe if `--indexWithTokenizedField` parameter is applied) * `*_is`: parsed, not stored, indexed integer fields -- good for searching for numbers, such as error or group identifiers (these fields will be availabe if `--indexFieldCounts` parameter is applied) The mapped value With `--solrFieldType` you can select the algorithm that generates the mapped value. Right now there are three formats: * `marc-tags` - the field names are MARC codes (`245$a` → `245a`) * `human-readable` - the field names are [Self Descriptive MARC code](http://pkiraly.github.io/2017/09/24/mapping/) (`245$a` → `Title_mainTitle`) * `mixed` - the field names are mixed of the above (e.g. `245a_Title_mainTitle`) ###### "marc-tags" format ``` "100a_ss":["Jung-Baek, Myong Ja"], "100ind1_ss":["Surname"], "245c_ss":["Vorgelegt von Myong Ja Jung-Baek."], "245ind2_ss":["No nonfiling characters"], "245a_ss":["S. Tret'jakov und China /"], "245ind1_ss":["Added entry"], "260c_ss":["1987."], "260b_ss":["Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,"], "260a_ss":["Göttingen :"], "260ind1_ss":["Not applicable/No information provided/Earliest available publisher"], "300a_ss":["141 p."], ``` ###### "human-readable" format ``` "MainPersonalName_type_ss":["Surname"], "MainPersonalName_personalName_ss":["Jung-Baek, Myong Ja"], "Title_responsibilityStatement_ss":["Vorgelegt von Myong Ja Jung-Baek."], "Title_mainTitle_ss":["S. Tret'jakov und China /"], "Title_titleAddedEntry_ss":["Added entry"], "Title_nonfilingCharacters_ss":["No nonfiling characters"], "Publication_sequenceOfPublishingStatements_ss":["Not applicable/No information provided/Earliest available publisher"], "Publication_agent_ss":["Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,"], "Publication_place_ss":["Göttingen :"], "Publication_date_ss":["1987."], "PhysicalDescription_extent_ss":["141 p."], ``` ###### "mixed" format ``` "100a_MainPersonalName_personalName_ss":["Jung-Baek, Myong Ja"], "100ind1_MainPersonalName_type_ss":["Surname"], "245a_Title_mainTitle_ss":["S. Tret'jakov und China /"], "245ind1_Title_titleAddedEntry_ss":["Added entry"], "245ind2_Title_nonfilingCharacters_ss":["No nonfiling characters"], "245c_Title_responsibilityStatement_ss":["Vorgelegt von Myong Ja Jung-Baek."], "260b_Publication_agent_ss":["Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,"], "260a_Publication_place_ss":["Göttingen :"], "260ind1_Publication_sequenceOfPublishingStatements_ss":["Not applicable/No information provided/Earliest available publisher"], "260c_Publication_date_ss":["1987."], "300a_PhysicalDescription_extent_ss":["141 p."], ``` A distinct project [metadata-qa-marc-web](https://github.com/pkiraly/qa-catalogue-web), provides a web application that utilizes to build this type of Solr index in number of ways (a facetted search interface, term lists, search for validation errors etc.) #### Index preparation The tool uses different Solr indices (aka cores) to store information. In the following example we use `loc` as the name of our catalogue. There are two main indices: `loc` and `loc_dev`. `loc_dev` is the target of the index process, it will create it from scratch. During the proess `loc` is available and searchable. When the indexing has been successfully finished these two indices will be swaped, so the previous `loc` will become `loc_dev`, and the new index will be `loc`. The web user interface will always use the latest version (not the dev). Besides these two indices there is a third index that contains different kind of results of the analyses. At the time of writing it contains only the results of validation, but later it will cover other information as well. It can be set by the following parameter: * `-4`, `--solrForScoresUrl `: the URL of the Solr server used to store scores (it is populated in the `validate-sqlite` process which runs after validation) During the indexing process the content of this index is meged into the `_dev` index, so after a successfull end of the process this index is not needed anymore. In order to make the automation easier and still flexible there are some an auxilary commands: * `./qa-catalogue prepare-solr`: created these two indices, makes sure that their schemas contain the necessary fields * `./qa-catalogue index`: runs the indexing process * `./qa-catalogue postprocess-solr`: swap the two Solr cores ( and _dev) * `./qa-catalogue all-solr`: runs all the three steps If you would like to maintain the Solr index yourself (e.g. because the Solr instance wuns in a cloud environment), you should skip `prepare-solr` and `postprocess-solr`, and run only `index`. For maintaining the schema you can find a minimal viable schema among the [test resources](https://github.com/pkiraly/qa-catalogue/blob/main/src/test/resources/solr-test/configset/defaultConfigSet/conf/schema.xml) You can set autocommit the following way in `solrconfig.xml` (inside Solr): ```XML ${solr.autoCommit.maxTime:15000} 5000 true ... ${solr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime:-1} ``` It needs if you choose to disable QA catalogue to issue commit messages (see `--commitAt` parameter), which makes indexing faster. In schema.xml (or in Solr web interface) you should be sure that you have the following dynamic fields: ```XML ``` or use Solr API: ```bash NAME=dnb SOLR=http://localhost:8983/solr/$NAME/schema // add copy field curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' --data-binary '{ "add-dynamic-field":{ "name":"*_sni", "type":"string", "indexed":false, "stored":true} }' $SOLR curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' --data-binary '{ "add-copy-field":{ "source":"*_ss", "dest":["_text_"]} }' $SOLR ... ``` See the [solr-functions](https://github.com/pkiraly/qa-catalogue/blob/main/solr-functions) file for full code. QA catalogue has a helper scipt to get information about the status of Solr index (Solr URL, location, the list of cores, number of documents, size in the disk, and last modification): ```bash $ ./index --status Solr index status at http://localhost:8983 Solr directory: /opt/solr-9.3.0/server/solr core | location | nr of docs | size | last modified .................... | ............... | .......... | .......... | ................... nls | nls_1 | 403946 | 1002.22 MB | 2023-11-25 21:59:39 nls_dev | nls_2 | 403943 | 987.22 MB | 2023-11-11 15:59:49 nls_validation | nls_validation | 403946 | 17.89 MB | 2023-11-25 21:35:44 yale | yale_2 | 2346976 | 9.51 GB | 2023-11-11 13:12:35 yale_dev | yale_1 | 2346976 | 9.27 GB | 2023-11-11 10:58:08 ``` ### Indexing MARC JSON records with Solr ```bash java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.utils.MarcJsonToSolr ``` The MARC JSON file is a JSON serialization of binary MARC file. See more the [MARC Pipeline](https://github.com/pkiraly/marc-pipeline/) project. ## Export mapping table ### to Avram JSON Some background info: [MARC21 structure in JSON](http://pkiraly.github.io/2018/01/28/marc21-in-json/). Usage: ```bash java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.utils.MappingToJson [options] > avram-schema.json ``` or ```bash ./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" export-schema-files ``` options: * [general parameters](#general-parameters) * `-c`, `--withSubfieldCodelists`: with subfield codelists * `-s`, `--withSelfDescriptiveCode`: with self-descriptive codes * `-t `, `--solrFieldType `: type of Solr fields, could be one of `marc-tags`, `human-readable`, or `mixed` * `-f`, `--withFrbrFunctions`: with FRBR functions (see Tom Delsey: [Functional analysis of the MARC 21 bibliographic and holdings formats.](https://www.loc.gov/marc/marc-functional-analysis/original_source/analysis.pdf) Tech. report, 2nd revision. Library of Congress, 2003.) * `-l`, `--withComplianceLevel`: with compliance levels (national, minimal) (see [National Level Full and Minimal Requirements.](https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/nlr/nlr.html) Library of Congress, 1999.) An example output: ```json ... "010":{ "tag":"010", "label":"Library of Congress Control Number", "url":"https:\/\/www.loc.gov\/marc\/bibliographic\/bd010.html", "repeatable":false, "compilance-level":{ "national":"Mandatory if applicable", "minimal":"Mandatory if applicable" }, "indicator1":null, "indicator2":null, "subfields":{ "a":{ "label":"LC control number", "repeatable":false, "frbr-functions":[ "Data Management\/Identify", "Data Management\/Process" ], "compilance-level":{ "national":"Mandatory if applicable", "minimal":"Mandatory if applicable" } }, ... } }, "013":{ "tag":"013", "label":"Patent Control Information", "url":"https:\/\/www.loc.gov\/marc\/bibliographic\/bd013.html", "repeatable":true, "compilance-level":{"national":"Optional"}, "indicator1":null, "indicator2":null, "subfields":{ ... "b":{ "label":"Country", "repeatable":false, "codelist":{ "name":"MARC Code List for Countries", "url":"http:\/\/www.loc.gov\/marc\/countries\/countries_code.html", "codes":{ "aa":{"label":"Albania"}, "abc":{"label":"Alberta"}, "-ac":{"label":"Ashmore and Cartier Islands"}, "aca":{"label":"Australian Capital Territory"}, ... }, ... }, }, ... } }, ... ``` The script version generates 3 files, with different details: * `avram-schemas/marc-schema.json` * `avram-schemas/marc-schema-with-solr.json` * `avram-schemas/marc-schema-with-solr-and-extensions.json` To validate these files install the Avram reference implementation in Node with `npm ci` and run: ./avram-schemas/validate-schemas ### to HTML To export the HTML table described at [Self Descriptive MARC code](http://pkiraly.github.io/2017/09/24/mapping/) ```bash java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.utils.MappingToHtml > mapping.html ``` ### Shacl4Bib since v0.7.0. Note: This is an experimental feature. The Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) is a formal language for validating Resource Description Framework (RDF) graphs against a set of conditions (expressed also in RDF). Following this idea and implementing a subset of the language, the Metadata Quality Assessment Framework provides a mechanism to define SHACL-like rules for data sources in non-RDF based formats, such as XML, CSV and JSON (SHACL validates only RDF graphs). Shacl4Bib is the extension enabling the validation of bibliographic records. The rules can be defined either with YAML or JSON configuration files or with Java code. SCHACL uses RDF notation to specify or "address" the data element about which the constraints are set. Shacl4Bib supports Carsten Klee's MARCspec for MARC records, and PICApath for PICA. You can find more information and full definition of the implemented subset of SHACL here: https://github.com/pkiraly/metadata-qa-api#defining-schema-with-a-configuration-file Parameters: * `-C `, `--shaclConfigurationFile `: specify the SHACL like configuration file * `-O `, `--shaclOutputFile `: output file (default: `shacl4bib.csv`) * `-P `, `--shaclOutputType `: specify what the output files should contain. Possible values: * `STATUS`: status only, where the following values appear: * `1` the criteria met, * `0` the criteria have not met, * `NA`: the data element is not available in the record), * `SCORE`: score only. Its value is calculated the following way: * if the criteria met it returns the value of `successScore` property (or 0 if no such property) * if the criteria have not met, it returns the value of `failureScore` property (or 0 if no such property) * `BOTH`: both status and score Here is a simple example for setting up rules against a MARC subfield: ```yaml format: MARC fields: - name: 040$a path: 040$a rules: - id: 040$a.minCount minCount: 1 - id: 040$a.pattern pattern: ^BE-KBR00 ``` * `format` represents the format of the input data. It can be either `MARC` or `PICA` * `fields`: the list of fields we would like to investigate. Since it is a YAMPL example, the `-` and indentation denotes child elements. Here there is only one child, so we analyse here a single subfield. * `name` is how the data element is called within the rule set. It could be a machine or a human readable string. * `path` is the "address" of the metadata element. It should be expressed in an addressing language such as MARCSpec or PICAPath (040$a contains the original cataloging agency) * `rules`: the parent element of the set of rules. Here we have two rules. * `id`: the identifier of the rule. This will be the header of the column in CSV, and it could be references elsewhere in the SHACL configuration file. * `mintCount`: this specify the minimum number of instances of the data element in the record * `pattern`: a regular expression which should match the values of all instances of the data element The output contains an extra column, the record identifier, so it looks like something like this: ```csv id,040$a.minCount,040$a.pattern 17529680,1,1 18212975,1,1 18216050,1,1 18184955,1,1 18184431,1,1 9550740,NA,NA 19551181,NA,NA 118592844,1,1 18592704,1,1 18592557,1,1 ``` ## Extending the functionalities The project is available from Maven Central, the central repository of open source Java projects as jar files. If you want to use it in your Java or Scala application, put this code snippet into the list of dependencies: `pom.xml` ```XML de.gwdg.metadataqa metadata-qa-marc 0.6.0 ``` `build.sbt` ```bash libraryDependencies += "de.gwdg.metadataqa" % "metadata-qa-marc" % "0.6.0" ``` or you can directly download the jars from [http://repo1.maven.org](http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/de/gwdg/metadataqa/metadata-qa-marc/0.6.0/) ## User interface There is a web application for displaying and navigation through the output of the tool (written in PHP): https://github.com/pkiraly/metadata-qa-marc-web/ ## Appendices ### Appendix I: Where can I get MARC records? Here is a list of data sources I am aware of so far: #### United States of America * Library of Congress — https://www.loc.gov/cds/products/marcDist.php. MARC21 (UTF-8 and MARC8 encoding), MARCXML formats, open access. Alternative access point: https://www.loc.gov/collections/selected-datasets/?fa=contributor:library+of+congress.+cataloging+distribution+service. * Harvard University Library — https://library.harvard.edu/open-metadata. MARC21 format, [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/). Institution specific features are documented [here](http://library.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/news_uploaded/Harvard_Library_Bibliographic_Dataset_Documentation.pdf) * Columbia University Library — https://library.columbia.edu/bts/clio-data.html. 10M records, MARC21 and MARCXML format, [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/). * University of Michigan Library — https://www.lib.umich.edu/open-access-bibliographic-records. 1,3M records, MARC21 and MARCXML formats, [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/). * University of Pennsylvania Libraries — https://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/digital-projects/open-data-penn-libraries. Two datasets are available: 1. [Catalog records created by Penn Libraries](http://ered.library.upenn.edu/data/opendata/pau.zip) 572K records, MARCXML format, [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/), 2. [Catalog records derived from other sources](http://ered.library.upenn.edu/data/opendata/npau.zip), 6.5M records, MARCXML format, Open Data Commons [ODC-BY](https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/by/), use in accordance with the OCLC [community norms](https://www.oclc.org/worldcat/community/record-use/policy/community-norms.en.html). * Yale University — https://guides.library.yale.edu/c.php?g=923429. Three datasets are available: 1. Yale-originated records: 1.47M records, MARC21 format, [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) 2. WorldCat-derived records: 6.16M records, MARC21 format, [ODC-BY](https://www.opendatacommons.org/licenses/by/1.0/) 3. Other records (MARC21), independent of Yale and WorldCat, where sharing is permitted. 404K records, MARC21 format. * National Library of Medicine (NLM) catalogue records — https://www.nlm.nih.gov/databases/download/catalog.html. 4.2 million records, NLMXML, MARCXML and MARC21 formats. [NLM Terms and Conditions](https://www.nlm.nih.gov/databases/download/terms_and_conditions.html) #### Germany * Deutsche Nationalbibliothek — https://www.dnb.de/DE/Professionell/Metadatendienste/Datenbezug/Gesamtabzuege/gesamtabzuege_node.html (note: the records are provided in utf-8 decomposed). 23.9M records, MARC21 and MARCXML format, [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/). * Bibliotheksverbundes Bayern — https://www.bib-bvb.de/web/b3kat/open-data. 27M records, MARCXML format, [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/). * Leibniz-Informationszentrum Technik und Naturwissenschaften Universitätsbibliothek (TIB) — https://www.tib.eu/de/forschung-entwicklung/entwicklung/open-data. (no download link, use OAI-PMH instead) Dublin Core, MARC21, MARCXML, [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/). * K10plus-Verbunddatenbank (K10plus union catalogue of Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden Würtemberg (BSZ) and Gemensamer Bibliotheksverbund (GBV)) — https://swblod.bsz-bw.de/od/. 87M records, MARCXML format, [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/). #### Others * Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent — https://lib.ugent.be/info/exports. Weekly data dump in Aleph Sequential format. It contains some Aleph fields above the standard MARC21 fields. [ODC ODbL](https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/). * Toronto Public Library — https://opendata.tplcs.ca/. 2.5 million MARC21 records, [Open Data Policy](http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/terms-of-use/library-policies/open-data.jsp) * Répertoire International des Sources Musicales — https://opac.rism.info/index.php?id=8&id=8&L=1. 800K records, MARCXML, RDF/XML, [CC-BY](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). * ETH-Bibliothek (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich) — http://www.library.ethz.ch/ms/Open-Data-an-der-ETH-Bibliothek/Downloads. 2.5M records, MARCXML format. * British library — http://www.bl.uk/bibliographic/datafree.html#m21z3950 (no download link, use z39.50 instead after asking for permission). MARC21, usage will be strictly for non-commercial purposes. * Talis — https://archive.org/details/talis_openlibrary_contribution. 5.5 million MARC21 records contributed by Talis to Open Library under the [ODC PDDL](https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/). * Oxford Medicine Online (the catalogue of medicine books published by Oxford University Press) — https://oxfordmedicine.com/page/67/. 1790 MARC21 records. * Fennica — the Finnish National Bibliography provided by the Finnish National Library — http://data.nationallibrary.fi/download/. 1 million records, MARCXML, [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/). * Biblioteka Narodawa (Polish National Library) — https://data.bn.org.pl/databases. 6.5 million MARC21 records. * Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum (Hungarian National Library) — https://mnm.hu/hu/kozponti-konyvtar/nyilt-bibliografiai-adatok, 67K records, MARC21, HUNMARC, BIBFRAME, [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/) * University of Amsterdam Library — https://uba.uva.nl/en/support/open-data/data-sets-and-publication-channels/data-sets-and-publication-channels.html 2.7 million records, MARCXML, [PDDL](https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/)/[ODC-BY](https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/by/). Note: the record for books are not downloadable, only other document types. One should request them via the website. * Portugal National Library — https://opendata.bnportugal.gov.pt/downloads.htm. 1.13 million UNIMARC records in MARCXML, RDF XML, JSON, TURTLE and CSV formats. [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/) * National Library of Latvia National bibliography (2017–2020) — https://dati.lnb.lv/. 11K MARCXML records. Thanks, [Johann Rolschewski](https://github.com/jorol/), [Phú](https://twitter.com/herr_tu), and [Hugh Paterson III] (https://twitter.com/thejourneyler) for their help in collecting this list! Do you know some more data sources? Please let me know. There are two more datasource worth mention, however they do not provide MARC records, but derivatives: * [Linked Open British National Bibliography](https://data.bl.uk/lodbnb/) 3.2M book records in N-Triplets and RDF/XML format, CC0 license * [Linked data of Bibliothèque nationale de France](http://data.bnf.fr/semanticweb). N3, NT and RDF/XML formats, [Licence Ouverte/Open Licence](http://data.bnf.fr/docs/Licence-Ouverte-Open-Licence-ENG.pdf) ### Appendix II: handling MARC versions The tool provides two levels of customization: * project specific tags can be defined in their own Java package, such as these classes for Gent data: https://github.com/pkiraly/metadata-qa-marc/tree/master/src/main/java/de/gwdg/metadataqa/marc/definition/tags/genttags * for existing tags one can use the API described below The different MARC versions has an identifier. This is defined in the code as an enumeration: ```Java public enum MarcVersion { MARC21("MARC21", "MARC21"), DNB("DNB", "Deutsche Nationalbibliothek"), OCLC("OCLC", "OCLC"), GENT("GENT", "Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent"), SZTE("SZTE", "Szegedi Tudományegyetem"), FENNICA("FENNICA", "National Library of Finland") ; ... } ``` When you add version specific modification, you have to use one of these values. 1. Defining version specific indicator codes: ```Java Indicator::putVersionSpecificCodes(MarcVersion, List); ``` Code is a simple object, it has two property: code and label. example: ```Java public class Tag024 extends DataFieldDefinition { ... ind1 = new Indicator("Type of standard number or code") .setCodes(...) .putVersionSpecificCodes( MarcVersion.SZTE, Arrays.asList( new Code(" ", "Not specified") ) ) ... } ``` 2. Defining version specific subfields: ```Java DataFieldDefinition::putVersionSpecificSubfields(MarcVersion, List) ``` SubfieldDefinition contains a definition of a subfield. You can construct it with three String parameters: a code, a label and a cardinality code which denotes whether the subfield can be repeatable ("R") or not ("NR"). example: ```Java public class Tag024 extends DataFieldDefinition { ... putVersionSpecificSubfields( MarcVersion.DNB, Arrays.asList( new SubfieldDefinition("9", "Standardnummer (mit Bindestrichen)", "NR") ) ); } ``` 3. Marking indicator codes as obsolete: ```Java Indicator::setHistoricalCodes(List) ``` The list should be pairs of code and description. ```Java public class Tag082 extends DataFieldDefinition { ... ind1 = new Indicator("Type of edition") .setCodes(...) .setHistoricalCodes( " ", "No edition information recorded (BK, MU, VM, SE) [OBSOLETE]", "2", "Abridged NST version (BK, MU, VM, SE) [OBSOLETE]" ) ... } ``` 4. Marking subfields as obsolete: ```Java DataFieldDefinition::setHistoricalSubfields(List); ``` The list should be pairs of code and description. ```Java public class Tag020 extends DataFieldDefinition { ... setHistoricalSubfields( "b", "Binding information (BK, MP, MU) [OBSOLETE]" ); } ``` If you create new a package for the new MArc version, you should register it to several places: a. add a case into `src/main/java/de/gwdg/metadataqa/marc/Utils.java`: ```Java case "zbtags": version = MarcVersion.ZB; break; ``` b. add an item into enumeration at `src/main/java/de/gwdg/metadataqa/marc/definition/tags/TagCategory.java`: ```Java ZB(23, "zbtags", "ZB", "Locally defined tags of the Zentralbibliothek Zürich", false), ``` c. modify the expected number of data elements at `src/test/java/de/gwdg/metadataqa/marc/utils/DataElementsStaticticsTest.java`: ```Java assertEquals( 215, statistics.get(DataElementType.localFields)); ``` d. ... and a `src/test/java/de/gwdg/metadataqa/marc/utils/MarcTagListerTest.java`: ```Java assertEquals( 2, (int) versionCounter2.get(MarcVersion.ZB)); assertEquals( 2, (int) versionCounter.get("zbtags")); ``` ### Appendix III: Institutions which reportedly use this tool * [Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent](https://lib.ugent.be/), Gent, Belgium * [Biblioteksentralen](https://www.bibsent.no/), Oslo, Norway * [Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek](https://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/), Frankfurt am Main/Berlin, Germany * [British Library](https://www.bl.uk/), London/Boston Spa, United Kingdom * [Országgyűlési Könyvtár](https://www.ogyk.hu/en), Budapest, Hungary * [Studijní a vědecká knihovna Plzeňského kraje](https://svkpk.cz/), Plzeň, Czech Republic * [Royal Library of Belgium (KBR)](https://kbr.be/), Brussels, Belgium * [Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund (GBV)](https://www.gbv.de/informationen/Verbund/), Göttingen, Germany * [Binghampton University Libraries](https://www.binghamton.edu/libraries/), Binghampton, NY, USA * [Zentralbibliothek Zürich](https://www.zb.uzh.ch/de), Zürich, Switzerland If you use this tool as well, please contact me: pkiraly (at) gwdg (dot) de. I really like to hear about your use case and ideas. ### Appendix IV: Supporters and Sponsors * [Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG)](https://gwdg.de): Hardware, time for research * [Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund (GBV)](https://www.gbv.de/informationen/Verbund/): contracting for feature development * [Royal Library of Belgium (KBR)](https://kbr.be/): contracting for feature development * [JetBrains s.r.o.](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/): [IntelliJ IDEA](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/) development tool community licence ### Appendix V: Special build process "deployment" build (when deploying artifacts to Maven Central) ``` mvn clean deploy -Pdeploy ``` ### Appendix VI: Build Docker image Build and test ```bash # create the Java library mvn clean install # create the docker base image docker compose -f docker/build.yml build app ``` The `docker compose build` command has multiple `--build-arg` arguments to override defaults: - `QA_CATALOGUE_VERSION`: the QA catalogue version (default: `0.7.0`, current development version is `0.8.0-SNAPSHOT`) - `QA_CATALOGUE_WEB_VERSION`: it might be a released version such as `0.7.0`, or `main` (default) to use the main branch, or `develop` to use the develop branch. - `SOLR_VERSION`: the Apache Solr version you would like to use (default: `8.11.1`) - `SOLR_INSTALL_SOURCE`: if its value is `remote` docker will download it from http://archive.apache.org/. If its value is a local path points to a previously downloaded package (named as `solr-${SOLR_VERSION}.zip` up to version 8.x.x or `solr-${SOLR_VERSION}.tgz` from version 9.x.x) the process will copy it from the host to the image file. Depending on the internet connection, download might take a long time, using a previously downloaded package speeds the building process. (Note: it is not possible to specify files outside the current directory, not using symbolic links, but you can create hard links - see an example below.) Using the current developer version: ```bash docker compose -f docker/build.yml build app \ --build-arg QA_CATALOGUE_VERSION=0.8.0-SNAPSHOT \ --build-arg QA_CATALOGUE_WEB_VERSION=develop \ --build-arg SOLR_VERSION=8.11.3 ``` Using a downloaded Solr package: ```bash # create link temporary mkdir download ln ~/Downloads/solr/solr-8.11.3.zip download/solr-8.11.3.zip # run docker docker compose -f docker/build.yml build app \ --build-arg QA_CATALOGUE_VERSION=0.8.0-SNAPSHOT \ --build-arg QA_CATALOGUE_WEB_VERSION=develop \ --build-arg SOLR_VERSION=8.11.3 \ --build-arg SOLR_INSTALL_SOURCE=download/solr-8.11.3.zip # delete the temporary link rm -rf download ``` Then start the container with environment variable `IMAGE` set to `metadata-qa-marc` and run analyses [as described above](#with-docker). For maintainers only: Upload to Docker Hub: ```bash docker tag metadata-qa-marc:latest pkiraly/metadata-qa-marc:latest docker login docker push pkiraly/metadata-qa-marc:latest ``` Cleaning before and after: ```bash # stop running container docker stop $(docker ps --filter name=metadata-qa-marc -q) # remove container docker rm $(docker ps -a --filter name=metadata-qa-marc -q) # remove image docker rmi $(docker images metadata-qa-marc -q) # clear build cache docker builder prune -a -f ``` Feedbacks are welcome! 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