Closed HeuristicLab-Trac-Bot closed 9 years ago
r12173 fixed bug in HistogramControl when the interval is zero
The histogram page now is just empty. The legend is displayed, but no chart is actually drawn. Please put a message on the view that displays the reason for the missing chart...
Take a look at the bubble chart for example. A similar message is displayed there when you first open it.
r12458 show label when no data is displayed and don't show the legend
Tested the functionality, it works. I think we may run into a merge conflict with ticket #2270. They should be released together.
Issue migrated from trac ticket # 2354
milestone: HeuristicLab 3.3.12 | component: Analysis.Statistics.Views | priority: medium | resolution: done
2015-03-08 17:59:27: @abeham created the issue