Open HeuristicLab-Trac-Bot opened 7 years ago
- Improved speed of GenerateNewExtremePointsForNewItem
- GenerateNewExtremePointsForNewItem previously generated too many extreme points and the points were generated for each item anew each time an item was packed.
- Some bugs are still present (generation of unnecessary extreme points, e.g. with a residual space that is a sub-space of the residual space of another extreme point)
- Avoided generating unnecessary extreme points
- Added vector calculation code for line/plane intersection
- Drawing extreme points in the visualization (will add a checkbox to the view to enable/disable this)
- Fixing some bugs:
- Updating residual space of extreme points before generating new extreme points
- Fixed calculation of residual space for new extreme points by calculating intersections
- Fixed bug in UpdateResidualSpace regarding > and >=
- Added checkbox to control showing extreme points in visualization
- Automatically determine size of extreme point cubes
- Fixed some bugs in extreme point generation
- New RandomInstanceProvider added for testing the EP-algorithm with the same instances as Silvano Martello, David Pisinger, Daniele Vigo in their paper.
- Added some Unit Tests for the BinPacking-3D EP-algorithm
- Now the new RandomInstanceProvider creates the same instances as in the specification given by Martello, Pisinger and Vigo.
- Now the unit tests are testing the new RandomInstanceProvider.
- Added some comments and regions to the source code
- Added reference instance files created by the test algoritm of S. Martello, D. Pisinger, D. Vigo
- Extreme point bin packing does not need the occupation layer anymore
- Changes at the fitting algorithm. Now they are packing the items as in the paper of S. Martello, D. Pisinger, D. Vigo described
- Added line projection based bin packing
- Added residual spaces to the view
- Changed the calculation algorithm for creating extreme points by using line based projection
- Changed the calculation of the residual spaces for line based projection
- Unittests
- Bugfixes on the line projection based extreme point creation method.
- Bugfixes for the line projection based extreme point creation
- Bugfixes for the tests
- The items can be rotated and tilted now.
- Added pruning of extreme points in packed bins.
- Added new packer which packs items by positioning them on the point with the minimum of wasted space. He uses rotating and tilting of items.
- Added classes for sorting given items.
- The items can be rotated and tilted now.
- Added pruning of extreme points in packed bins.
- Added new packer which packs items by positioning them on the point with the minimum of wasted space. It uses rotating and tilting of items.
- Added classes for sorting given items.
- Dealing with stackable items
- Enhanced the Evaluator
- Added parameters some paramters to the packing items
- Former material is now the layer.
- Added material enumeration
- Modification at the minimum residual space left bin packer
- Added a new packer.
- Enhanced the material types.
- Added extreme point pruning for layer support in the extrem point creators.
- BinPacking3D: Added a graph for calculating weigth distribution of the items.
- Added a graph to the BinPacking3D for calculating the weight distribution.
- Added some materials.
- Added the property SequenceGroup to the PackingItem
- Fixed a bug related to the sequence group
- Fixed a bug at creating the extreme points with the point projection based method.
- Refactoring BinPackerFormClosure.cs -> BinPackerWidthBestFit.cs
- Changes on the unit tests
- Adjusted the unit tests
- Refactoring of the sorter
- Bugfix on the BinPackerResidualSpaceBestFit packer
Issue migrated from trac ticket # 2817
milestone: HeuristicLab 3.3.17 | component: Problems.BinPacking | priority: medium
2017-08-02 16:50:14: @abeham created the issue