milestone: HeuristicLab 4.x Backlog | component: Problems.DataAnalysis | priority: medium
2021-12-13 08:52:45: @gkronber created the issue
HeuristicLab provides several features for Genetic Programming / Symbolic Regression that are either not implemented very well, seldomly used, or unsupported. In this ticket we collect which things should be removed for HeuristicLab 4.0
Definitely remove:
Automatically defined functions (ADF), ArchitectureAlteringOperators
Integral and derivative symbol
ILEmitting interpreter
ExpressionCompiled interpreter
Managed parameter optimizer (replaced by native code)
VariableCondition symbol
Special functions (airy, erf, erfc, ...)
Formatters: Smalltalk, ...
Tree grammars
TimeSeries & Symbols
Evaluators: LogResiduals, ....
LM-BFGS as HL algorithm
Combination of covariance functions for Gaussian processes
ResponseFunctionView, 'GradientView'
GPR covariance optimization problem
GBM (alternativ: für alle regression algs öffnen)
NN, NN ensemble (alglib)
Interpreter: check solution with interval arithmetic (can be accomplished via shape-constrained SymReg)
SymRegProblem: Apply linear scaling (do it via grammar)
Issue migrated from trac ticket # 3142
milestone: HeuristicLab 4.x Backlog | component: Problems.DataAnalysis | priority: medium
2021-12-13 08:52:45: @gkronber created the issue