hearsayit / HearsayRequireJSBundle

RequireJS integration for Symfony2.
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Almond integration #51

Closed sfblaauw closed 10 years ago

sfblaauw commented 10 years ago

Hi, like @jrburke says:

Some developers like to use the AMD API to code modular JavaScript, but after doing an optimized build, they do not want to include a full AMD loader like RequireJS, since they do not need all that functionality...

This is the reason why I believe that it will be nice to have the possibility to use Almond for production environment.

I sent a PR with an approach and you can download and test it in HearsayRequireJSWithAlmond.

There is no test but If you think that can be integrated in HearsayRequireJSBundle I can do it.

Sorry for my english. Thanks.