heetch / neovim-config

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Neovim configuration files

This repository hosts an organized and commented neovim configuration, targetting both beginners and seasoned vim users.


Pairing over Screenhero or Google hangout is annoying as blur, lags and input are obstacles to a seamless experience. Tmate is much more comfortable but requires to run an editor in a terminal. Vim is a strong choice as a terminal editor and while not easy to get started with, can still be friendly if appropriately configured.

This configuration attempts to be battery included and maintain proper documentation to keep onboarding easy.


Only thing left to do is to configure your theme. Just fireup neovim and press SPC 0 which will then display a list of pre-installed theme that can be selected from.

Once an enjoyable one is found:


Press SPC ? to display this cheatsheet.

Inserting and selecting

Function Hotkey Description
Enter insert mode i
Enter insert mode I At the beginning of the line
Enter insert mode a After current character
Enter insert mode A At the end of the line
Enter insert mode o After current line
Enter insert mode O Before current line
Enter visual mode v Select characters
Enter visual mode V Select lines by lines
Enter visual mode ^v Select a block

Moving around

Function Hotkey Description
Move to next word w Target word first char
Move to next word e Target word last char
Move to previous word b Target word last char
Move to next word $ Target end of the line
Move to next word ^ Target end of the line

Moving windows

Function Hotkey Description
Focus window to the right SPC l alternative to traditonal ^w l, arrow flavor is available
Focus window to the left SPC h alternative to traditonal ^w h, arrow flavor is available
Focus window to the up SPC k alternative to traditonal ^w k, arrow flavor is available
Focus window to the down SPC j alternative to traditonal ^w j, arrow flavor is available

Finding files

Function Hotkey Description
Show project drawer SPC - Toggle project drawer
Open a file relatively to current buffer SPC e
Fuzzy find a file in current project SPC f When ag is installed on your machine, only lists files not ignored by .gitignore, .hgignore and .agignore
Find in project SPC F Find occurences of query in every files
Find tags in project SPC t

Finding Buffers

Function Hotkey Description
Alternate file SPC TAB Alternate with previously opened buffer in that pane (similar to CTRL ^
Fuzzy find buffers SPC ENTER Fuzzy find through opened buffers
Kill current buffer SPC x equivalent to :bd


Function Hotkey Description
Indent buffer SPC = equivalent to ggVG=
Enable spell checking SPC c Fuzzy find through opened buffers

Pair Programming

Function Hotkey Description
Show intent to type F11 Show a red notification in status bar telling that the first coder wants to type
Show intent to type F12 Show a red notification in status bar telling that the second coder wants to type


Function Hotkey Description
Show available Snippets Autocompleted automatically
Trigger Snippet expansion Ctrl k
Next expansion step Ctrl k

Language specifics


Function Hotkey Description
Show project drawer SPC _ Toggle tags bar
Run buffer SPC SPC r
Compile SPC SPC c
Run test SPC SPC t
Show coverage SPC SPC o
Run linters SPC SPC l
Go to definition SPC SPC d# Where # can be s for a split, v for a vertical split, t for a tab
Go to doc SPC SPC gd SPC SPC gs and SPC SPC gv for split or vertical split
Go to doc in browser SPC SPC gb
Show interface implementations SPC SPC s of word under the curor
Show signature SPC SPC i of word under the curor