heimrichhannot / contao-utils-bundle

This bundle offers various utility functionality for the Contao CMS.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
8 stars 4 forks source link

Error when updating to latest Version 2.104.1 #9

Closed Kahmoon closed 5 years ago

Kahmoon commented 5 years ago

When updating to the latest version (in my case 2.102.0 to 2.104.1) the update aborts and the website is offline (error 500)

Package operations: 0 installs, 9 updates, 0 removals  
- Updating composer/ca-bundle (1.2.2 => 1.2.3): Loading from cache  
- Updating eluceo/ical (0.15.0 => 0.15.1): Loading from cache  
- Updating symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.11.0 => v1.12.0): Loading from cache  
- Updating symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.11.0 => v1.12.0): Loading from cache  
- Updating php-http/message (1.7.2 => 1.8.0): Loading from cache  
- Updating symfony/polyfill-php72 (v1.11.0 => v1.12.0): Loading from cache  
- Updating symfony/polyfill-intl-idn (v1.11.0 => v1.12.0): Loading from cache  
- Updating symfony/polyfill-iconv (v1.11.0 => v1.12.0): Loading from cache  
- Updating heimrichhannot/contao-utils-bundle (2.102.0 => 2.104.1): Loading from cache

Package phpoffice/phpexcel is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use phpoffice/phpspreadsheet instead.
Generating optimized autoload filesocramius/package-versions: Generating version class...ocramius/package-versions: ...done generating version classcontao/manager-plugin: 
Generating plugin class...contao/manager-plugin: ...done generating plugin class> 

Contao\ManagerBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::initializeApplicationIn DefinitionErrorExceptionPass.php line 54:                                                                                 

Cannot autowire service "HeimrichHannot\UtilsBundle\File\FolderUtil": argument "$symlinksCommand" of method "__construct()" references class "Contao\CoreBundle\Command\SymlinksCommand" but no such service exists. You should maybe alias this class to the existing "contao.command.symlinks" service.

Script Contao\ManagerBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::initializeApplication handling the post-install-cmd event terminated with an exceptionIn ScriptHandler.php line 89:  
An error occurred while executing the "contao:install-web-dir" command:        

In DefinitionErrorExceptionPass.php line 54:  Cannot autowire service "HeimrichHannot\UtilsBundle\File\FolderUtil": argument "$symlinksCommand" of method "__construct()" references class "Contao    \CoreBundle\Command\SymlinksCommand" but no such service exists. You should maybe alias this class to the existing "contao.command.symlinks" service. 

install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-autoloader] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-suggest] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [<packages>]...# Process terminated with exit code 1# Result: General error---### The background task has stopped unexpectedly ###


In DefinitionErrorExceptionPass.php line 54: Cannot autowire service "HeimrichHannot\UtilsBundle\File\FolderUtil": argument "$symlinksCommand" of method "__construct()" references class "Contao \CoreBundle\Command\SymlinksCommand" but no such service exists. You should maybe alias this class to the existing "contao.command.symlinks" service.

Afterwards Contao Manager requires a repair which won´t work. You have to restore the previous composer.json and repair with previous extension versions afterwards. So updating is not possible at the moment.


Defcon0 commented 5 years ago

Which Contao Version are you using? In Contao 4.4 the class exists.

Kahmoon commented 5 years ago

Ahh wtf sorry...

Contao 4.7.7

Defcon0 commented 5 years ago

@koertho will check the issue soon

koertho commented 5 years ago

@Kahmoon Could you please report if 2.104.2 fix the issue?

Kahmoon commented 5 years ago

Yepp, no errors on update. Thx!