Closed yogat3ch closed 2 years ago
It's a dirty game of event handling. Here is one example, not with series, but with series' lines. Two lines are chosen and their indexes are saved in a JS array. Then, thru events, once the mouse hits any chart line, both pre-highlighted lines will be downplayed.
p <- ec.init( js= 'window.idxs = [3,10];',
parallelAxis= ec.paxis(mtcars, cols=c('gear','cyl','hp','carb')),
series= list(list(
type= 'parallel', smooth=TRUE, colorBy= 'data',
emphasis= list(lineStyle= list(width=4, opacity= 1)),
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
p$x$on <- list(
list(event= 'finished', handler= htmlwidgets::JS("function (event) {
if (window.idxs.length>0)
this.dispatchAction({ type: 'highlight', dataIndex: window.idxs });
list(event='mousemove', handler=htmlwidgets::JS("function (event) {
if (window.idxs.length>0)
this.dispatchAction({ type: 'downplay', dataIndex: window.idxs });
window.idxs= []; }")
@helgasoft Ahhh, thanks for the reprex! I didn't realize it could only be enabled by the dispatchAction event. The p$x$on
feature is super useful to know about for performing an action once it's loaded.
Thank you so much 🙏
Hi @helgasoft, I've been scouring the echarts options to find an option that can be set on a parallel chart that will style a particular series line as bold, similar to how the
dispatchAction({type:'highlight', seriesName: 'Series1'})
method does. Do you know of a way to make a particular seriesName highlighted upon instantiation that can later be unhighlighted by thedownplay