I am building a script to include all the necessary steps to get picframe up and running. (Thanks Helge and Paddy!)
The script would reboot where necessary, remembering the next step in the installation sequence.
Everything works.... except I cannot get picframe -i /home/pi/ to run. That means, it runs, doesn't report any errors but doesn't do what it's supposed to do.
This is the header of script to manage the installation sequence.
# Path to store progress and log file
# Function to log messages
log_message() {
echo "$1" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE"
# Function to update progress
update_progress() {
echo "$1" > "$PROGRESS_FILE"
# Function to get the last completed step
get_last_completed_step() {
if [ -f "$PROGRESS_FILE" ]; then
echo "0"
# Function to add a systemd service to resume the script after reboot
add_systemd_service() {
local script_path=$(realpath "$0")
sudo tee "$SERVICE_FILE" > /dev/null <<EOL
Description=Resume install script after reboot
sudo systemctl enable $SERVICE_NAME
log_message "Added systemd service for reboot resume."
# Function to remove the systemd service after completion
remove_systemd_service() {
sudo systemctl disable $SERVICE_NAME
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/$SERVICE_NAME.service
log_message "Removed systemd service after completion."
# Function to reboot and resume
reboot_and_resume() {
update_progress "$1"
log_message "Rebooting to complete the installation. The script will continue after reboot."
sudo reboot
exit 0
Then I have all the various parts like
# Main install script
# Get the last completed step
# Step 1: Update the system (if not already done)
if [ "$LAST_COMPLETED_STEP" -lt 1 ]; then
log_message "Step 1: Updating system..."
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt upgrade -y
reboot_and_resume 1
Samba is Step 2 followed by:
# Step 3: Install additional packages
if [ "$LAST_COMPLETED_STEP" -lt 3 ]; then
log_message "Step 3: Installing additional packages (xwayland, labwc, wlr-randr, etc.)..."
sudo apt-get install git libsdl2-dev xwayland labwc wlr-randr -y
reboot_and_resume 3
# Step 4: Update raspi-config settings and reboot
if [ "$LAST_COMPLETED_STEP" -lt 4 ]; then
log_message "Step 4: Configuring raspi-config settings for boot..."
sudo raspi-config nonint do_boot_behaviour B2
reboot_and_resume 4
# Step 5: Set up virtual environment and install Picframe
if [ "$LAST_COMPLETED_STEP" -lt 5 ]; then
log_message "Step 5: Setting up virtual environment and installing Picframe..."
mkdir venv_picframe
python -m venv /home/pi/venv_picframe
source venv_picframe/bin/activate
pip install picframe
# Initialize Picframe and confirm default directories
if (echo -e "\n\n\n" | picframe -i /home/pi/); then
log_message "Picframe initialized with default directories."
log_message "Error: Failed to initialize Picframe."
exit 1
update_progress 5
log_message "Picframe installation and initialization completed."
I also added the autostart features in Steps 6-8 and all works fine, except for
picframe -i /home/pi/.
I tried so many things but couldn't come up with a solution.
I am building a script to include all the necessary steps to get picframe up and running. (Thanks Helge and Paddy!)
The script would reboot where necessary, remembering the next step in the installation sequence.
Everything works.... except I cannot get picframe -i /home/pi/ to run. That means, it runs, doesn't report any errors but doesn't do what it's supposed to do.
This is the header of script to manage the installation sequence.
Then I have all the various parts like
Samba is Step 2 followed by:
I also added the autostart features in Steps 6-8 and all works fine, except for
picframe -i /home/pi/
.I tried so many things but couldn't come up with a solution.
Surely, there are brighter heads here than me.