helgoboss / helgobox

Helgobox: ReaLearn & Playtime
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add more ways of sending color via OSC #509

Closed helgoboss closed 2 years ago

helgoboss commented 2 years ago

TouchOSC doesn't support the native OSC color type (type tag 'r'), which ReaLearn currently uses to send color values. However, they support the following two ways (citation from their reply):

1) Send a string to property 'color': RRGGBBAA / RRGGBB / GG / GGAA same as described here for 'Color.fromHexString' function: https://hexler.net/touchosc/manual/script-objects-color#static-functions

2) map OSC message arguments to color components:


Note that color.r color.g color.b in this example are Arguments; so if a message is received such as /button1 1 1 1, each of the message arguments corresponds to the arguments shown in the message assignment. So as such you could send three values like this as long as the message is mapped properly to the correct address.

helgoboss commented 2 years ago

Approach 1 now supported by using the feedback argument expression style.color.rrggbb.