helhum / upload_example

File Upload using Extbase and FAL
101 stars 49 forks source link

Fatal Error if file size too large #30

Open SvenJuergens opened 7 years ago

SvenJuergens commented 7 years ago

Hi Helmut,

i used this example extension in a Project and it's worked fine, many thanks for your effort :)

is there a way to catch this error? #1298012500: Required argument "newExample" is not set for Helhum\UploadExample\Controller\ExampleController->create

For example i have a file mit 50MB it's too large for php and TYPO3. In such a situation I would like to give the user a corresponding message.
(I do not want to set the limits higher)

helhum commented 7 years ago

There might be a solution for this. But without seeing the exact code you use in your project it is hard to say what is best.

Can you provide a link to a public repo with your code?

SvenJuergens commented 7 years ago

Hi Helmut,

sorry, my question was totally misleading. i used this in a project but the error comes already in your upload_example extension.

I have a local MAMP Installation with TYPO3 8.7.4 and made a test with some high resolution Images from this webseite _http://effigis.com/solutions/satellite-images/satellite-image-samples/