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Adopt PHEP(s) on core projects or project levels #30

Open namurphy opened 1 week ago

namurphy commented 1 week ago

Back in 2019, the PyHC projects list was modified so that "core projects" were organized separately (https://github.com/heliophysicsPy/heliophysicsPy.github.io/pull/61). Since then we've added a few core PyHC projects, though the process has been somewhat ad hoc. It would be helpful to have a PHEP that addresses the following questions:

If we do have explicit requirements, we should make them relatively timeless so that it's less likely we'll need to submit a replacement PHEP. (For example, we should avoid specifying specific packaging tools, but it's probably safe to mention pip and perhaps conda-forge as well.) We'd probably also want a grace period of perhaps six months for current core projects to meet any requirements.

All of the above is a brainstorm at this point, and we'd probably want to have a discussion at an upcoming PyHC meeting to dive into this a bit more.

jameswilburlewis commented 1 week ago

I would propose an additional core project requirement: A succession plan to permit someone else to step in and take over maintenance of project assets (github, readthedocs, pypi, etc), in the event that a "sole proprietor" package maintainer is suddenly unable or unwilling to continue in that role.

namurphy commented 1 week ago

A succession plan to permit someone else to step in and take over maintenance of project assets

Thank you for bringing this up! I wonder if we should have a larger discussion about this, and software sustainability more generally, at a PyHC meeting in the future. Along those lines, it seems a good practice for a core project to have a few core maintainers if at all possible.

This reminds me also about successors for GitHub accounts.

rebeccaringuette commented 1 week ago

The term 'core projects' is not a permanent one. It is about to be replaced by the different levels coming in a PHEP Julie mentioned today in the telecon. I would rather see this discussion happen in that context so that it can have a longer lasting effect. For instance, "What is the process if a package stops meeting the requirements of the package level it currently has?" Other important things that are missing here are:

namurphy commented 1 week ago

The term 'core projects' is not a permanent one. It is about to be replaced by the different levels coming in a PHEP Julie mentioned today in the telecon.

That sounds cool! I updated the title to reflect the idea of levels. Thank you for bringing this up!