All your articles in one place. Beautiful.
Working on the new version completely re-written. This version of Raven Reader would no longer be maintained. Stay tuned for more announcements and new repo.
To download, please visit
To use Homebrew-Cask you just need to have Homebrew installed.
brew install --cask raven-reader
choco install raven
Please feel free to suggest more ideas to improve this app.
Language | Contributor |
English | |
French | |
Catalan | alexhoma |
Turkish | ahmetcadirci25 |
Chinese | @LinWhite2333 |
Dutch | @Vistause |
Russian | @vanja-san |
Polish | @konhi |
Brazilian Portuguese | @gabrielgomeso |
Italian | @luverolla |
German | @nebulon42 |
We're excited that you're wanting to help us make Raven Reader even better! Contributions of all sizes are welcome, if you'd like to work on something take a look through the current GitHub issues. If it's a new feature or potential bugs, please make a new issue ticket for it and populate it accordingly.
Note: It may take up to 24h for the plugin to update because it's refreshed once a day.
For setup instructions and configuration follow
# install dependencies
yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
yarn electron:serve
# build electron application for production
yarn electron:build
# lint all JS/Vue component files in `src/`
yarn run lint