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Building AWS Lambda with Python, S3 and serverless #50

Open hellt opened 4 years ago

hellt commented 4 years ago


Cloud-native revolution pointed out the fact that the microservice is the new building block and your best friends now are Containers, AWS, GCE, Openshift, Kubernetes, you-name-it. But suddenly micro became not that granular enough and people started talking about serverless functions!

Brian Christner, Docker & Serverless: https://www.slideshare.net/BrianChristner/docker-serverless

When I decided to step in the serverless property I chose AWS Lambda as my instrument of choice. As for experimental subject, I picked up one of my existing projects - a script that tracks new documentation releases for Nokia IP/SDN products (which I aggregate at nokdoc.github.io).

Given that not so many posts are going deeper than onboarding a simplest function, I decided to write down the key pieces I needed to uncover to push a real code to the Lambda.

Buckle up, our agenda is fascinating:

testing basic Lambda onboarding process powered by Serverless framework accessing files in AWS S3 from within our Lambda with boto3 package and custom AWS IAM role packaging non-standard python modules for our Lambda exploring ways to provision shared code for Lambdas and using path variables to branch out the code in Lambda