helm / helm-classic

⚠️(OBSOLETE) Helm Classic v1
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Make --group mandatory #80

Closed slack closed 8 years ago

slack commented 8 years ago

We need to make sure folks who deploy more than one instance of a helm chart into a single namespace don't end up getting very confusing results.

For example, if I have two instances of redis-standalone in the default namespace and I use a simple label selector of provider=redis my application will be automatically load balanced between all redis instances.

We should probably make group=... parameter required.

sgoings commented 8 years ago

I think adding a required parameter reduces a bit of the magic that a helm install gives users. If at all possible, we should have default commands (with no parameters) that "just work."

bgrant0607 commented 8 years ago

Why not just use separate namespaces?

Related: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/1698

gabrtv commented 8 years ago

Why not just use separate namespaces?

We do offer namespace parameterization. However, we also want to allow for multiple instances of a chart (Redis) to live in the same namespace. The group label convention allows for multiple providers to co-exist in the same namespace -- analogous to a tier label.

technosophos commented 8 years ago

I am not totally convinced that we need to make group mandatory for Helm to work. This imposes an unnecessary burden on the simple-case user. It also enforces a part of "our model" that not all users will find they want to participate in.

I'd rather develop more of a use case than rush to implement this as described here.

bgrant0607 commented 8 years ago

I'm supportive of adding some automatic label management to Kubernetes.


mboersma commented 8 years ago

The future of Helm is at kubernetes/helm. Helm Classic is in maintenance mode, so I'm closing this enhancement request.