Description of fix:
The Normandy Marine and Virmire Salarian soldier BioPawns have weapons holstered and attached incorrectly; the weapons are expanded and attached to the wrong socket.
The AttachToActor Kismets BoneName property names the wrong socket and needs to be changed to "Socket_04".
Collapsing the weapons requires a new Interp and Interp track with the WPN_Collapsed AnimSequence assigned to the SkeletalMeshActors.
Thanks for the fix! Looks like the links to the files are broken for me, would you be able to DM these files to me on Discord or upload them to another file platform?
File: BIOA_NOR10_03_DS1.pcc, BIOA_JUG20_08_DSG.pcc
Needs fixed in localized file? Is this a LOC_INT file, but the fix is not specific to english? No
Export ID/TLK Str Ref: NOR10_03_DS1: 8489, 8491, 8493, 8495 JUG20_08_DSG: 13583
Description of fix: The Normandy Marine and Virmire Salarian soldier BioPawns have weapons holstered and attached incorrectly; the weapons are expanded and attached to the wrong socket.
The AttachToActor Kismets BoneName property names the wrong socket and needs to be changed to "Socket_04".
Collapsing the weapons requires a new Interp and Interp track with the WPN_Collapsed AnimSequence assigned to the SkeletalMeshActors.
Fixed: BIOA_NOR10_03_DS1.pcc, BIOA_JUG20_08_DSG.pcc