hermanho / MMM-GooglePhotos

Display your photos on MagicMirror from Google Photos.
MIT License
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creating the albums #44

Closed kflick418 closed 4 years ago

kflick418 commented 4 years ago

I realize this may be a stupid question but I am very inexperienced. Where do I create the albums?

eouia commented 4 years ago

in Google Photos. You should be a user of that service. https://www.google.com/photos/about/

kflick418 commented 4 years ago

I have an album created there. In your description it says that the album name should be along the lines of this here:

: travel to paris : AGj1epU5VMNoBGK9GDX3k_zDQaPT16Fe56o0N93eN6aXn-f21M98 Where is the "AGj1..." digits coming from? The last line of my install after I put the code in says auth_and_test started. Do I need to wait for that to run to get those digits?
kflick418 commented 4 years ago

Is that supposed to be the code that i pasted?

eouia commented 4 years ago

What is shown on your terminal when you execute auth_and_test.js ?

kflick418 commented 4 years ago

You'll have to excuse my inexperience, but how do I do that? This is my first project and all of this is new to me.

kflick418 commented 4 years ago

I ran node auth_and_test.js and I got back the name of the album i have plus the long list of random digits. When i copied and pasted that into the module, nothing is coming up.

eouia commented 4 years ago

So is it something similar with this?


If so, done. do next step of installation.

eouia commented 4 years ago

If you just made the album, photos exist in that album?

kflick418 commented 4 years ago

Ya, I created the album and moved a bunch of photos to it. On the config.js where it lists albumId: ["YOUR_GOOGLE_PHOTOS_ALBUM_ID","NEXT_GOOGLE_PHOTOS_ALBUM_ID"]

Should it look like


eouia commented 4 years ago

no, just

albumId: ["AGj1epU5VMNo ... o0N93eN6aXn-f21M98"], // <- Yours
kflick418 commented 4 years ago

I got it! Thank you so much for your help and patience, and for creating this module. I really appreciate it!