hex007 / freej2me

A free J2ME emulator with libretro, awt and sdl2 frontends.
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Saves support in Darkest Fear. #204

Open PaXLiCh opened 8 months ago

PaXLiCh commented 8 months ago

For example Darkest Fear by Rovio does not emulated properly. You can find various jar files here http://seclub.org/dn.php?d=4&r=3&c=33&fd=990 Missing text, bad font rendering, midi stops randomly, emulator freezes (cpu usage 90%!!!) and crashes, and biggest problem is no saves. But KEmulator emulates normally. Unfortunatelly this emulator abandoned and have a lot of problems on modern systems.

AShiningRay commented 8 months ago

First of all: Which version are you using?

From my testing on a 240x320 Nokia 6280 version (MD5 f69e639aff2dfa46a068355b23ca34cf) and a 240x320 SE W995i version (MD5 5de628a776c14e1ba36561257ee4e04e), none of these issues seem to happen, though i've only gone up to stage three.

MIDI playback is fine and didn't stop randomly, all it does is restart tracks when entering and leaving a menu or reach the end then start stage tracks from the beginning. FreeJ2ME also didn't freeze at all, and the "bad font rendering" could be simply due to the font family that FreeJ2ME uses by default, not an actual rendering bug... but it's still worth investigating, even if just to improve FreeJ2ME's default font family.

As for CPU usage being rather high, FreeJ2ME does that in some apps if you don't cap the framerate... locking to 60 helps a lot on this one, as it does on Asphalt 4 and a few others.

Personally i'd rename that issue, since it's a bit too vague with "Bad emulation of certain games" being something that almost every emulator in existence suffers from, no way around that in the short term. Centering the issue around Darkest Fear alongside your comment would help document things a bit better, while also pointing to things that can be fixed on this game that could very well help many others, like my recent PRs about audio playback... despite being centered on specific games, i'm sure some of those changes will help a TON of other games as well.

PaXLiCh commented 8 months ago

I'm used published releases, that seem outdated to me, from sourceforge or bundled with kahvibreak. No releases here? Going to build it myself. But this project looks abandoned, old issues, many pull requests with usefull changes. Lack of gradle support. Need to dig it deeper.

AShiningRay commented 8 months ago

I'm used published releases, that seem outdated to me, from sourceforge or bundled with kahvibreak. No releases here? Going to build it myself. But this project looks abandoned, old issues, many pull requests with usefull changes. Lack of gradle support. Need to dig it deeper.

Those on Sourceforge are from 2018 and older, VERY outdated considering the improvements made since then. And no, there's no releases on this official repo, although i released some on my fork of it (and pointed to them on the beta website for FreeJ2ME), though they're also not bleeding edge.

As for it looking abandoned, it isn't really... recompile's just really short on time, and so am i. Besides it just isn't a very popular project on github due to J2ME emulation being kind of a small niche, so it doesn't attract many contributors (i for one only caught wind of it thanks to it having a barely functional libretro core for linux, been fixing things around ever since).

recompileorg commented 8 months ago

Indeed, the project is far from abandoned, thanks in no small part to @AShiningRay and @Nokia64. The Sourceforge release is hopelessly outdated, which is entirely my fault. We're just all really short on time. I have some larger updates in the works myself, though they're unfortunately a low priority. I've got quite the backlog of PRs to get through when I can get some time scheduled for it.

As for why there are no releases here, I guess no one has really thought about it. I'll ask @Hex007 about it. It's not a bad idea.

Contributions are always welcome, though turn-around time for reviews is frustratingly slow. That doesn't mean they're not wanted or appreciated.

As for Gradle support, I honestly don't see the point. What specific problem do you have that you think it would solve? Ant is very simple and seems to be more than adequate.

As for the game, someone will look into it eventually. We're here, we're just really busy.