hexojs / hexo

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hexo generates empty files #4268

Closed honkiko closed 4 years ago

honkiko commented 4 years ago

Check List

Please check followings before submitting a new issue.

Expected behavior

generates site like before

Actual behavior

generates emtpy files

How to reproduce?

I have gh pages repo https://github.com/TencentCloudContainerTeam/TencentCloudContainerTeam.github.io, and build from develop branch by travis-ci.org. "hexo g" is called from .travis.yml(https://github.com/TencentCloudContainerTeam/TencentCloudContainerTeam.github.io/blob/develop/.travis.yml).

The CI setup works for last 2 years. But yesterday empty files are pushed into master branch. The travis-ci build log: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/679426727/log.txt

I'm not sure the travis online log is accessible by others. So I also uploaded a copy. travis-hexo-generates-empty-files.log

Environment & Settings

Node.js & npm version

node v14.0.0
npm v6.14.4

Your site _config.yml (Optional)


Your theme _config.yml (Optional)


Hexo and Plugin version(npm ls --depth 0)


Your package.json package.json



dumindu commented 4 years ago

@stevenjoezhang Using v 12.5.0 via nvm on mac. But still having same issue while running hexojs/site. Any other settings/ package version I need to change? Thanks

asad-awadia commented 3 years ago

@dumindu I had to downgrade to 10.19.0

dumindu commented 3 years ago

I think this issue is fixed even in current version. Check the implementation of hexo site repo.

asad-awadia commented 3 years ago

@dumindu version of what? Node or hexo?

shawumu commented 2 years ago

is this problem solved? I was encountered the same issue.I've tried hexo version 3.2~3.9,and it does not work. hexo generate every file with empty content.

stevenjoezhang commented 2 years ago

Hexo 3.9 is outdated. Install version 5.4.0

edgexie commented 2 years ago

Hexo 3.9 is outdated. Install version 5.4.0

thanks , it's help me

khiav223577 commented 1 year ago

Update hexo from v3.8.0 to v6.3.0 solved my problem (Note that v3.9.0 doesn't work)

Update command:

npm install hexo@6

My Environment