Closed KrishnaChaitanyaVedantam closed 5 months ago
That's cuz you haven't configured your application in the correct way. Refer to Flutter's doc or this Stackoverflow
Hi @hey24sheep
Thanks for your reply. I tried in both ways.
This is what I declared in pubspec.yaml version: 2.0.3+85
In this case also I'm getting v1.0.0(85) from the iPA.
And, I tried to pass the buildName and buildNumber directly in the FlutterBuild Task like below. But still getting the same version v1.0.0(85)
- task: FlutterBuild@0
displayName: "Build IOS"
target: ios
projectDirectory: "my_app"
buildName: '2.0.3'
buildNumber: '85'
iosCodesign: false
extraArgs: '--release --dart-define=ENVIRONMENT=QA --build-name=myapp-qa'
buildFlavour: 'qa'
Have you set the variables correctly in your IOS configuration plist file?
I tried even by changing the info.plist values as well. But still it is having the same issue.
Regards, Chaitanya
Can you post your ".plist" file here, hide your keys or any other special values. It's a configuration issue from your side. I can't help you much here. I would recommend you ask this on Stackoverflow and maybe someone can help you there.
In the Build task, when I provide buildName as 2.0.3 and buildNumber as 85, the ipa is getting generated with v1.0.0(85) instead v2.0.3(85)