hgeorgsch / armchar-swish

ArM character server implementation using Haskell and Swish
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Validate URL/URI and data upon putAdvancement #42

Open hgeorgsch opened 2 years ago

hgeorgsch commented 2 years ago

The first prototype will be implemented without input validation. This has to be checked later. Most importantly, the URI has to be derived from character name and season/year.

hgeorgsch commented 2 years ago

It is not clear how we want to do this. At the moment, the season/year of an advancement cannot be changed. On putAdvancement, the ID in the JSON object is used to replace data in the existing advancement with the same ID, ignoring any season/data in the input. The request URL is also ignored.

We may allow the user to change the season/year of an advancement, but then we need to handle collisions with existing advancements in the same season. We have to allow for new advancements. We need means to check for missing advancements.

hgeorgsch commented 2 years ago

Do we want to identify resources by URL? Or is it better to use POST?