hhtokpinar / sqfEntity

SqfEntity ORM for Flutter/Dart lets you build and execute SQL commands on SQLite database easily and quickly with the help of fluent methods similar to .Net Entity Framework. SqfEntity also generates add/edit forms with validations and special controls (DropDown List, DateTime pickers, Checkboxes.. etc) for your table.
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Apparent infinite loop with many to many relationship and preload: true #283

Open JWambaugh opened 2 years ago

JWambaugh commented 2 years ago

If I query a table with a many-to-many relationship and use .toList(preload: true), the query never returns if retrieving a record with related records. It looks like it gets stuck in an infinite loop.

A simplified version of my model for example:

const tableImage = SqfEntityTable(
    tableName: 'image',
    primaryKeyName: 'id',
    primaryKeyType: PrimaryKeyType.integer_auto_incremental,
    useSoftDeleting: false,
    modelName: null,
    fields: [
      SqfEntityField('fileName', DbType.text),

const tableAlbums = SqfEntityTable(
    tableName: 'album',
    primaryKeyName: 'id',
    primaryKeyType: PrimaryKeyType.integer_auto_incremental,
    useSoftDeleting: false,
    modelName: null,
    fields: [
      SqfEntityField('name', DbType.text),

        parentTable: tableImage,
        relationType: RelationType.MANY_TO_MANY,
        manyToManyTableName: "albumImage",
        deleteRule: DeleteRule.CASCADE,

then for example if I run:

return await Image().select().toList(preload: true); // <- never returns