SqfEntity ORM for Flutter/Dart lets you build and execute SQL commands on SQLite database easily and quickly with the help of fluent methods similar to .Net Entity Framework. SqfEntity also generates add/edit forms with validations and special controls (DropDown List, DateTime pickers, Checkboxes.. etc) for your table.
source link
Multiple requests of creating/updading database/table #292
Error Stack:
Restarted application in 2,414ms.
I/flutter (10267): init() -> tableName:category
I/flutter (10267): init() -> tableName:profile
I/flutter (10267): Inside init state
I/flutter (10267): SQFENTITIY: Table named [category] was initialized successfully (No added new columns)
I/flutter (10267): SQFENTITIY: Table named [category] was initialized successfully (No added new columns)
I/flutter (10267): SQFENTITIY: Table named [profile] was initialized successfully (No added new columns)
I/flutter (10267): SQFENTITIY: The database is ready for use
I/flutter (10267): SQFENTITIY: Table named [profile] was initialized successfully (No added new columns)
I/flutter (10267): SQFENTITIY: The database is ready for use
On hard loading the application or running first time, it tries to create database/table multiple times. Below is my modal.dart file code
import 'package:sqfentity_gen/sqfentity_gen.dart';
part 'database_modal.g.dart';
const SqfEntityTable tableCategory = SqfEntityTable(
tableName: 'category',
primaryKeyName: 'id',
primaryKeyType: PrimaryKeyType.integer_auto_incremental,
useSoftDeleting: true,
modelName: null,
fields: [
SqfEntityField('name', DbType.text),
const SqfEntityTable tableProfile = SqfEntityTable(
tableName: 'profile',
primaryKeyName: 'id',
primaryKeyType: PrimaryKeyType.integer_auto_incremental,
useSoftDeleting: true,
modelName: null,
fields: [
SqfEntityField('name', DbType.text)
const SqfEntitySequence seqIdentity = SqfEntitySequence(
sequenceName: 'identity',
// maxValue: 10000, /* optional. default is max int (9.223.372.036.854.775.807) */
//modelName: 'SQEidentity',
/* optional. SqfEntity will set it to sequenceName automatically when the modelName is null*/
//cycle : false, /* optional. default is false; */
//minValue = 0; /* optional. default is 0 */
//incrementBy = 1; /* optional. default is 1 */
// startWith = 0; /* optional. default is 0 */
const SqfEntityModel myDbModel = SqfEntityModel(
modelName: 'MyAppDatabaseModel',
databaseName: 'doc_vault_with_orm2.db',
sequences: [seqIdentity],
databaseTables: [tableCategory, tableProfile],
// formTables: [tableCategory],
// put defined sequences into the sequences list.
// bundledDatabasePath: null // 'assets/sample.db' // This value is optional. When bundledDatabasePath is empty then EntityBase creats a new database when initializing the database
Error Stack: Restarted application in 2,414ms. I/flutter (10267): init() -> tableName:category I/flutter (10267): init() -> tableName:profile I/flutter (10267): Inside init state I/flutter (10267): SQFENTITIY: Table named [category] was initialized successfully (No added new columns) I/flutter (10267): SQFENTITIY: Table named [category] was initialized successfully (No added new columns) I/flutter (10267): SQFENTITIY: Table named [profile] was initialized successfully (No added new columns) I/flutter (10267): SQFENTITIY: The database is ready for use I/flutter (10267): SQFENTITIY: Table named [profile] was initialized successfully (No added new columns) I/flutter (10267): SQFENTITIY: The database is ready for use
On hard loading the application or running first time, it tries to create database/table multiple times. Below is my modal.dart file code