hickford / git-credential-oauth

A Git credential helper that securely authenticates to GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket using OAuth.
Apache License 2.0
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OAuth authorization server comparison #17

Open hickford opened 1 year ago

hickford commented 1 year ago

A comparison of features in various OAuth authorization servers

GitHub GitLab BitBucket Gitea Google Azure DevOps SourceHut
Records client type at registration
Supports PKCE
Enforces PKCE for public clients
User consent for every public client authorization
Access token expiry
Refresh tokens
Refresh tokens are single use
Public client authentication without secret
Device authorization grant
Basic auth username Any oauth2 x-token-auth Any Any
Bearer auth


  1. Record client type at registration:

    The client type designation is based on the authorization server's definition of secure authentication and its acceptable exposure levels of client credentials. The authorization server SHOULD NOT make assumptions about the client type.

  2. Supports PKCE

    Authorization servers MUST support PKCE

  3. Enforces PKCE for public clients

    [Authorization server] MUST reject requests without a code_challenge from public clients

  4. User consent for every public client authorization

    the authorization server SHOULD NOT process authorization requests automatically without user consent or interaction, except when the identity of the client can be assured. This includes the case where the user has previously approved an authorization request for a given client id

  5. Access token expiry

    Authorization servers SHOULD issue short-lived bearer tokens, particularly when issuing tokens to clients that run within a web browser or other environments where information leakage may occur. Using short-lived bearer tokens can reduce the impact of them being leaked.

  6. Refresh tokens

    Refresh tokens also add to the security of OAuth, since they allow the authorization server to issue access tokens with a short lifetime and reduced scope, thus reducing the potential impact of access token leakage.

  7. Refresh tokens are single use:

    Refresh tokens for public clients MUST be sender-constrained or use refresh token rotation

  8. Public client authentication without secret

    it is NOT RECOMMENDED for authorization servers to require client authentication of public native apps clients using a shared secret

hickford commented 1 year ago

Records client type at registration

Screenshots of OAuth client registration https://imgur.com/a/GADt0MO

bgavrilMS commented 1 year ago

For Azure DevOps, the identity provide is Azure Active Directory. It supports PKCE.

Refresh tokens are not single use, AAD is going with a more advanced approach here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/conditional-access/concept-token-protection

adam-azarchs commented 1 year ago

GitHub supports refresh tokens. It just doesn't require them.

hickford commented 1 year ago

GitHub supports refresh tokens. It just doesn't require them.

@adam-azarchs Your link appears to relate to a different API called GitHub Apps. The OAuth API that I tested is https://docs.github.com/en/apps/oauth-apps/building-oauth-apps/authorizing-oauth-apps . No refresh tokens are issued.

hickford commented 1 year ago

For Azure DevOps, the identity provide is Azure Active Directory. It supports PKCE.

Refresh tokens are not single use, AAD is going with a more advanced approach here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/conditional-access/concept-token-protection

@bgavrilMS I think we're discussing different APIs. The OAuth API that I tested is Azure DevOps Services https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/integrate/get-started/authentication/oauth?view=azure-devops (PKCE challenge ignored)

Cool feature though 😎 sender-constrained tokens