highcharts / node-export-server

Highcharts Node.js export server
354 stars 260 forks source link

Unicode Special characters #254

Closed wkungu closed 4 years ago

wkungu commented 4 years ago

Expected behaviour


Actual behaviour


Reproduction steps

I have web app producing the expected behaviour on the currency symbols. However this doesn't seem to work on the export-server. I have installed the fonts on my server (Im using Open sans) which I thought would solve this issue. The font seems to apply on the labels so Im curious why it wont work on the currency symbols.

Here is what i'm using to get chart;

const symbol = '¥';

const options = {
    type: 'png',
    scale: 2,
    options: {
      chart: {
        type: 'column',
        options3d: {
          enabled: true,
          alpha: 10,
          beta: 25,
          depth: 70,
          viewDistance: 25,
          frame: {
            bottom: {
              size: 1,
              color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)',
        height: 350,
        style: {
          fontFamily: 'Open Sans',
      legend: {
        itemStyle: {
          fontSize: '9px',
      title: {
        text: 'COACHING ROI',
        style: {
          fontFamily: 'Open Sans',
          fontSize: '11px',
          fontWeight: 600,
          textTransform: 'uppercase',
      subtitle: {
        text: null,
      xAxis: {
        categories: ['Current Profit', 'New 1-Year Profit', 'Cost of Coaching'],
        crosshair: true,
        labels: {
          skew3d: true,
          style: {
            fontSize: '13px',
            textOverflow: 'none',
        title: {
          text: null,
      yAxis: {
        min: 0,
        crosshair: true,
        labels: {
          overflow: 'justify',
        title: {
          text: null,
      exporting: { enabled: false },
      tooltip: {
        formatter() {
          return `${this.x} is ${symbol}${this.y}`;
      plotOptions: {
        series: {
          pointWidth: 80,
        column: {
          pointPadding: 0.2,
          borderWidth: 0,
          groupPadding: 0,
          shadow: true,
          depth: 25,
          dataLabels: {
            enabled: true,
            skew3d: true,
            crop: false,
            overflow: 'none',
            style: {
              fontFamily: 'Open Sans',
              fontSize: '10px',
              fontWeight: 'normal',
            formatter() { return `${symbol}${this.y}`; },
      credits: {
        enabled: false,
      series: [{
        showInLegend: false,
        data: [
            { y: 200000, color: '#019247' },
            { y: 532500, color: '#019247' },
            { y: 36000, color: '#14143f' },
        dataLabels: {
          enabled: true,
          skew3d: true,
PaulDalek commented 4 years ago

Hi @wkungu

Setting the dataLabel.formatter such a way won't work. Instead, you can either:

wkungu commented 4 years ago

Thank you. Worked like a charm!